Generates spritesheets that are necessary to display custom icons in the GFW Mapbox GL map, using spritezero
Install dependencies (yarn install
). Use the node version declared in package.json as bindings for Mapnik are not available for every node version, then run:
yarn build
This will generate the PNG spritesheets as well as the JSONs in /out
The resulting files must be accessible with an absolute URL as described here, and then declared with the sprite
root property of the GL JSON file.
You will then be able to use icons in layers, for instance:
"id": "some-points",
"type": "symbol",
"source": "composite",
"source-layer": "some_points",
"layout": {
"icon-image": "port"
This generates the main spritesheet (yarn build:main
) as well as the labeler spritesheet (yarn build:labeler
) thas has SDF sprites (see mapbox/spritezero#66). Demo for labeler icons is available in /icon
. <path>
s, SDF generation will fail with anything else (<polygons>
, etc)
How to generate glyphs: