In this project, there are 4 data sources that will be used:
List of districts in Jakarta
- This page contains list of neigbourhoods (districts) from each borough in Jakarta, with total of 44 neigbourhoods from 5 boroughs.
Geographical coordinates for every district in Jakarta
- This github account provides us information details about country code, postal code, and geo location (latitude & longitude) for every province, borough and neighbourhood in Indonesia.
- This site is one of the official websites of the Indonesian government specifically in the Jakarta area which provides population data for each district in the form of CSV files but the latest data is provided only in 2014 while this project begins in 2020 so that there should be many changes, especially in the size of the number residents of each district within a period of 6 years.
List of all food & beverage services
- Foursquare API
- Foursquare has one of the largest database of 105+ million places and is used by over 125,000 developers.