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Binstubs are just scripts that can be executed directly: bin/test as opposed to sh bin/test - @brandondees

⚠️ For internal use only (for the time being)

Imperative convenience scripts Used conjunctively to automate declarative actions. Could potentially be used on "User Land" applications in the near future.

The following script will clone repository and install developer dependencies

$ git clone
$ cd snuggsi && npm i

If you need support for windows file an issue with this link appended to description.

Table of Contents


$ bin/browse [root]

Executes the following step process (in parallel):

  1. serve
  2. Launch BrowserSync
  3. watch

⚠️ See BrowserSync command line options for configuration documentation.


  • root - (optional) path to serve from / (Defaults to . current directory)

Environment Options

  • PORT - Server port (Defaults to 3000)
  • BROWSER_PORT - Browser port (Defaults to next available port after server PORT i.e. 3001 when PORT=3000)
$ bin/bundle

Simple cat script for appending standalone ECMASCript modules into a single file.

$ bin/compile

Compiles distribution into a tiny little file. Executes the following step process (in order of appearance):

⚠️ Process will halt & prevent further execution upon failures.

  1. bundle
  2. transpile
  3. shrink
  4. compress
$ bin/compress

Compression routine used for Content-Encoding negotiation.

Supports brotli (.br), gzip (.gz), & deflate (.zo) Content Encoding tokens

$ bin/cover

Uses nyc

$ bin/crank

Executes the following step process (in order of appearance): ⚠️ Build process will halt & prevent further execution upon failures.

  1. compile
  2. lint
  3. cover
  4. weigh
  5. distribute
  6. deploy
$ bin/deploy

Pushes repository to Δ Vercel hosting service.

$ bin/distribute

Used to mark distributions of library upstream on Github

$ bin/integrate

Hook used for Travis CI continuous integration. This is typically ran after pushes to Github branches.

See .travis.yml for more details.

$ bin/lint [file]

Performs lint check on code in specified file.

Uses JSStandard


  • path - (optional) Specific file to run lint check. (Defaults to dist/
$ bin/package

🚧 This algorithm will be implemented to minify distribution. (i.e. Tree Shaking)

  1. Packaging components
  2. Containerizing components


$ bin/publish

Publishes static assets (i.e. examples, markup, styles, & scripts)

$ bin/serve [root]

Launches web server with root as main entry point.

Environment Options

  • PORT - Server port (Defaults to 80)


  • root - (optional) path to serve from / (Defaults to . current directory)
$ bin/shrink

Run uglify-js and uglify-es along with minification

$ snuggsi [command]

Main entry point for snuggsi CLI (Command Line Interface). The help menu will display if no command is provided.

See list of optional commands above

Environment Options

$ bin/style [component-directory | style-file.{sss,css}]

Please see style#readme for details.

$ test [path]

Run test suite or specify an optional entry point to test.

Uses tape and tap-nyc


  • path - (optional) Specific test directory or file. (Defaults to run entire test suite)
$ bin/transpile [input] [output]

Run Buble for transpilation from ECMAScript to Javascript


  • input - (optional) path (Defaults to dist/
  • output - (optional) path (Defaults to dist/snuggsi.js)
$ bin/watch [directory]

Watch base directory for changes to markup, styles, and scripts.


  • directory - (optional) path to watch for changes (Defaults to current directory .)
$ bin/weigh [library]

Routine to validate overall weight of library. Validate is within one Ethernet frame (1500 OCTETS).


  • library - (optional) path to watch for changes (Defaults to dist/


$ bin/version

Used to mark revisions of library upstream on Github and npm.

NOTE: A chronological CalVer strategy is used instead of SemVer.


Manual Pre-Release Development

# Tools
npm edit <pkg>[/<subpkg>...]
npm explore some-dependency
npm test

# Pull Request version
npm version prerelease

Daily Patch Release

# Automated Daily
# sign-git-tag to prevent infinite recursion
# ignore-scripts to prevent infinite recursion
npm version patch --tag=dev --sign-git-tag --ignore-scripts \
    -m "⏰  %s CalVer Daily Patch Dev Release"

npm publish --tag=dev

Monthly Minor Release

# Automated Monthly
npm ls
npm outdated
npm update --also=dev
npm prune
npm dedupe
npm rebuild
npm update
npm pack
npm issues # Github issues
npm version minor --tag=latest -m "⏰  %s CalVer Monthly Minor Release"
npm publish --tag=latest

Annual Major Release

# Automated Yearly
npm whoami
npm owner
npm org devpunks ls
npm token
npm config
npm doctor
npm audit  # Cleanup npm packages
npm ci
npm version major --tag=stable -m "⏰  %s CalVer Annual Major Release"
npm shrinkwrap #
npm deprecate <pkg>[@<previous-year-version>] <message>
npm publish --tag=stable


Github Actions