- Merrick Christensen (2020), Lazy Evaluation in JavaScript → https://www.merrickchristensen.com/articles/lazy-evaluation-in-javascript/
- Rami Yushuvaev (2020), ChartsCSS → https://chartscss.org/
- CSS utility classes to style HTML tables as charts, with no JavaScript.
- Flowcharts, FlowChart Fun → https://flowchart.fun/
- Substack (2021), WebGL map label solution → https://substack.net/wip/label1.html
- Iris Lješnjanin (2021), CSS Generators → https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2021/03/css-generators/
- Matthew Phillips (2019), Defining custom elements in HTML → https://matthewphillips.info/programming/posts/decorate-element/
- Andrea Giammarchi (2021), LinkeDOM: A JSDOM Alternative → https://webreflection.medium.com/linkedom-a-jsdom-alternative-53dd8f699311
- Chris Ferdinandi (2021), The difference between attributes and properties in vanilla JS → https://gomakethings.com/the-difference-between-attributes-and-properties-in-vanilla-js/
- Andre Ye (2020), The Programmer’s Short and Practical Guide to Graph Theory → https://betterprogramming.pub/a-short-practical-programmers-guide-to-graph-theory-bfc87bc52581
- Krasimir Tsonev (2021), Using JavaScript module system for state management → https://krasimirtsonev.com/blog/article/javascript-module-system-for-state-management
- Artem Zakharchenko (2021), Thinking In Functions, Part II: Higher-Order Functions → https://redd.one/blog/thinking-in-functions-higher-order-functions
- See the createXHR function.
- Richard Zach (ongoing), Logic Textbooks → https://github.com/OpenLogicProject/OpenLogic/wiki/Other-Logic-Textbooks
- Ron Pressler (2017), TLA+ in Practice and Theory → https://pron.github.io/tlaplus
- Series in four parts, richly detailed and argued (where argument arises).
- Marianne Bellotti (2020), The Subtle Power of Booleans → https://www.codercto.com/a/106027.html
- Original paywall version on medium is here → https://medium.com/software-safety/the-subtle-power-of-booleans-e6d5fa2fcc4a
- Marianne Bellotti (2019), Using TLA+ to model cascading failures → https://medium.com/software-safety/using-tla-to-model-cascading-failures-5d1ebc5e4c4f
- Lenin Kumar Pothabattula (2021), Time, Clocks and the Ordering of Events in Distributed Systems → https://leninkumar31.github.io/2021-02-26/Time-Clocks-And-Ordering-of-Events-in-Distributed-Systems