Markdown- Markdown Cheatsheet
Source: GitHub Hacknight - Woman Who Code
- a. Markdown: What is markdown?
- b. HEADERS: Which headers exist in markdown style?
- c. EMPHASIS: How to emphasize text in markdown?
- d. LIST: How to create lists in markdown?
- e. IMAGES: How to add images in markdown?
- f. LINKS: How to add links in markdown?
- g. BLOCKQUOTES: How to add blockquotes in markdown?
- h. BACKSLASH ESCAPES: How to add backslash escapes in markdown?
- Markdown = regular text with non-alphabetic characters to style text on the web.
To emphasize a text in markdown, use the following: ITALIC:
- *: This text is italic
- : This text is italic BOLD:
- **: This text is bold
- __: This text is bold (NOTE: Combine them as you like**)
- Create an unordered list
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 2a
- Item 2b
- Create an ordered list
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 3a
- Item 3b
- Format:
- |Github logo
- - automatic!
- |Github
As Steve Jobs said:
Every one should learn to code. It learns you to think!
Markdown allows to use backslash escapes to generate literal characters which would otherwise have special meaning in Markdown´s formatting syntax. It provides backslash escapes for the following characters:
*literal asterisk*
= *\literal askerisk*\
= backslash*
= asterisk_
= underscore{}
= curly braces[]
= square brackets()
= parenthesis#
= hash mark+
= plus sign-
= minus sign (hyphen).
= dot!
= exclamation mark.