use super::*; use crate::error::Result; use android_tools::sdk_install_path; use clap::Parser; use crossbundle_tools::{commands::android::*, types::Config}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] const OS_TAG: &str = "win"; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] const OS_TAG: &str = "mac"; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] const OS_TAG: &str = "linux"; const COMMAND_LINE_TOOLS_DOWNLOAD_URL: &str = ""; #[derive(Parser, Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct CommandLineToolsInstallCommand { /// Assign path to install command line tools #[clap(long, short)] pub install_path: Option<PathBuf>, /// Force install command line tools even if found or corrupted. #[clap(long, short)] pub force: bool, } impl CommandLineToolsInstallCommand { /// Download command line tools zip archive and extract it in specified sdk root /// directory pub fn install(&self, config: &Config) -> Result<()> { let cmdline_tools_path = android_tools::sdk_install_path()?.join("cmdline-tools"); if cmdline_tools_path.exists() { return Ok(()); } if self.force { remove(vec![default_file_path(self.file_name())?])?; } let command_line_tools_download_url = COMMAND_LINE_TOOLS_DOWNLOAD_URL .parse::<PathBuf>() .ok() .unwrap() .join(self.file_name()); let file_path = default_file_path(self.file_name())?; config.status_message( format!("Downloading {} into", self.file_name()), &file_path.parent().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), )?; self.download_and_save_file(command_line_tools_download_url, &file_path)?; if let Some(path) = &self.install_path { config.status_message( "Extracting zip archive contents into", path.to_str().unwrap(), )?; extract_archive(&file_path, path)?; } else { let sdk_path = sdk_install_path()?; config.status_message( "Extracting zip archive contents into", &sdk_path.to_str().unwrap(), )?; extract_archive(&file_path, Path::new(&sdk_path))?; } config.status("Deleting zip archive that was left after installation")?; remove(vec![file_path])?; Ok(()) } /// Return command line tools zip archive for defined operating system fn file_name(&self) -> String { format!("commandlinetools-{}", OS_TAG) } /// Check home directory for zip file. If it doesn't exists download zip file and save /// it in the directory pub fn download_and_save_file(&self, download_url: PathBuf, file_path: &Path) -> Result<()> { remove(vec![file_path.to_path_buf()])?; for dir in std::fs::read_dir(file_path.parent().unwrap())? { let zip_path = dir?.path(); if zip_path.ends_with(self.file_name()) { return Ok(()); } } let url = download_url.to_str().unwrap(); download_to_file(url, file_path)?; Ok(()) } }