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Releases: draconas1/starborn

6.2.0 Stellaris 3.2 Compat

22 Nov 20:15
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Herbert version compatibility. No major changes required.

This version removes the custom GFX for the orbital city, shrinking the mod size significantly.


19 Nov 15:37
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Fixed industrial districts working with artisans
Removed habitable structure trigger (game is now better about this)

3.1 Release

15 Sep 12:17
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Initial Compatibility with 3.1 (Lem)
Added ability to build advanced habitats and habitat worlds for non starborn players

Big Dick Update

29 Apr 18:28
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Compatible with Stellaris 3.0.x: Phillip K Dick
Some minor funny business trying to make orbital city capital building a hab capital, but the "has upgraded capital" script does not actually check for that, only if the planet is a habitat, so its a bad plan and we are back to cities.

Gene engineering fixes

07 Mar 11:54
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Fix issue where pops that were growing would not pickup super starborn gene traits

This is the last 2.8 Release

Ascension Path Updates

20 Jan 21:56
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Ascension paths now all have a mechanism for dealing with negative starborn trait on planets

2.8.0 - Butler Edition

31 Oct 19:43
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Fixed Worm In Waiting
Removed SI
Fixed Realspace Deposits
Satellite habs locked behind expansion tech

Fix voidborn extra district modifer

04 Jun 14:42
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was being added accidentally during colonisation

2.7.1 Version

13 May 16:54
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2.7.1 compatibility
Made modular nature and enlargement streamline into vanilla
Added Sol system initaliser.

Stellaris Immortal Compatibility

23 Apr 21:35
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Natively works with Stellaris Immortal
Probably a few things to iron out over starting desposits and timing.

Also fix starting for lithoids to be a bit nicer
Habitats now auto-dismantle mining stations
Starting habitat culture matches actual culture.