Releases: draconas1/starborn
6.2.0 Stellaris 3.2 Compat
Herbert version compatibility. No major changes required.
This version removes the custom GFX for the orbital city, shrinking the mod size significantly.
3.1 Release
Initial Compatibility with 3.1 (Lem)
Added ability to build advanced habitats and habitat worlds for non starborn players
Big Dick Update
Compatible with Stellaris 3.0.x: Phillip K Dick
Some minor funny business trying to make orbital city capital building a hab capital, but the "has upgraded capital" script does not actually check for that, only if the planet is a habitat, so its a bad plan and we are back to cities.
Gene engineering fixes
Fix issue where pops that were growing would not pickup super starborn gene traits
This is the last 2.8 Release
Ascension Path Updates
Ascension paths now all have a mechanism for dealing with negative starborn trait on planets
2.8.0 - Butler Edition
Fixed Worm In Waiting
Removed SI
Fixed Realspace Deposits
Satellite habs locked behind expansion tech
Fix voidborn extra district modifer
was being added accidentally during colonisation
2.7.1 Version
2.7.1 compatibility
Made modular nature and enlargement streamline into vanilla
Added Sol system initaliser.
Stellaris Immortal Compatibility
Natively works with Stellaris Immortal
Probably a few things to iron out over starting desposits and timing.
Also fix starting for lithoids to be a bit nicer
Habitats now auto-dismantle mining stations
Starting habitat culture matches actual culture.