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reaby edited this page Oct 18, 2016 · 15 revisions

Environment for Windows

This example will use XAMPP as the server component for MySQL and PHP. You can also use WAMPP, Uniform-server or get the official service-packages for PHP and MySQL.

Installation package for XAMPP can be found at:

The recommended place to install XAMPP is at root of any hard drive, i.e. C:\xampp\, D:\xampp and so on. This installation guide will use C:\xampp for default location. After installing and doing the basic security settings open the following directory: c:\xampp\php\

Find file named php.ini and use Notepad++ to edit the file contents. You may also use windows notepad

  1. Search for php_curl it should be somewhere near line 950.
  2. Remove semicolon(the ;) from the start of the line, the text-color changes from green to black this means the option is enabled.
  3. Search for php_mysqli and remove the semicolon before the line.
  4. Write following additional line at the end of the extensions: extension=php_openssl.dll and extension=php_com_dotnet.dll
  5. Save and close the editor for now.
  6. Next follow up to Setup Guide

All required extensions are:
php_curl.dll, php_mbstring.dll, php_mysqli.dll, php_openssl.dll, php_com_dotnet.dll, php_sockets.dll
php_gd2.dll, php_xmlrpc.dll


To set up MySQL databases, please launch your web-browser and type-in following address:

Once logged in: Click Users Click add a new User

If you are setting up multiple servers, a good naming idea might be: exp_server1, exp_server2 or if you have already chosen the login names of the servers then use those to make individual databases.

Below is example of the view you should have

User name: exp_server1
Host: localhost 
Password: ********
Re-type: ********
Database for user: 
{ } none 
{x} create database with same name and grant all privileges. 
{ } Grant all privileges on wildcard name (username\%) 

Click the little Go button at bottom right and we now are set up for MySql part.


Extract the newly downloaded archive on your server.

Once inside the newly created folder you can start configuring expansion.


Configuring eXpansion is extremely simple. It should not take you longer than 10 minutes to get this running at this point.

Goto config directory and make a copy the config.defaut.ini and rename it as config.ini. We are going to edit only 7 lines.

You will configure your dedicated settings in the part of the file that looks like this

; Dedicated Server
;------------------ = ''
server.port = 5001
server.user = 'SuperAdmin'
server.password = 'SuperAdmin'

in 90% of the situations you need only to configure you port number. All the values here except the host can be found in the dedicated configuration file you used to start your dedicated server.

Now we need to configure the database.

; Connection configuration = ''
database.port = 3306
database.username = 'exp_server1'
database.password = '123456'         ;bad exemple
database.database = 'exp_server1'

Here you will only need to change username, password, and database name. If you have followed this tutorial from the begining your username and database name should be exp_server1.

If you're running old php (5.4-series) and you can't connect to database. It's been noticed that you may add this following line to database config, it will enable older mysql support (you need to load the extension too at php.ini).

database.type = 'MySQL'

Finally you need to add 1 master admin to your configuration. You will be able to add more admins in game. The admin added here is the 'Ultimate Admin' he can't be removed ingame.

manialive.admins[] = 'yourloginhere'

just replace the yourloginhere by your login and you are done with the configuration.

You might be wondering, but I haven't set up any plugins or anything? well don't worry, eXpansion will load plugins compatible with your gamemode and title. Some plugins needs to be activated seperately but we are working in an ingame tool to do this and meanwhile we will write a simple tutorial as well.


Before running you need to make a last change. Edit run.ini and fill in full path and php name:


In case the batch file fails, you can always start eXpansion by doing new start.bat file.

c:\xampp\php\php.exe bootstrapper.php %*

Just double click on run.bat and you are set.