pkiEzsignfolderID |
Int |
The unique ID of the Ezsignfolder |
fkiEzsignfoldertypeID |
Int |
The unique ID of the Ezsignfoldertype. |
[optional] |
objEzsignfoldertype |
CustomEzsignfoldertypeResponse |
[optional] |
fkiTimezoneID |
Int |
The unique ID of the Timezone |
[optional] |
eEzsignfolderCompletion |
FieldEEzsignfolderCompletion |
sEzsignfoldertypeNameX |
String |
[optional] |
fkiBillingentityinternalID |
Int |
The unique ID of the Billingentityinternal. |
[optional] |
sBillingentityinternalDescriptionX |
String |
The description of the Billingentityinternal in the language of the requester |
[optional] |
fkiEzsigntsarequirementID |
Int |
The unique ID of the Ezsigntsarequirement. Determine if a Time Stamping Authority should add a timestamp on each of the signature. Valid values: |
Value |
sEzsigntsarequirementDescriptionX |
String |
The description of the Ezsigntsarequirement in the language of the requester |
[optional] |
sEzsignfolderDescription |
String |
The description of the Ezsignfolder |
tEzsignfolderNote |
String |
Note about the Ezsignfolder |
[optional] |
bEzsignfolderIsdisposable |
Bool |
If the Ezsigndocument can be disposed |
[optional] |
eEzsignfolderSendreminderfrequency |
FieldEEzsignfolderSendreminderfrequency |
[optional] |
iEzsignfolderSendreminderfirstdays |
Int |
The number of days before the the first reminder sending |
[optional] |
iEzsignfolderSendreminderotherdays |
Int |
The number of days after the first reminder sending |
[optional] |
dtEzsignfolderDelayedsenddate |
String |
The date and time at which the Ezsignfolder will be sent in the future. |
[optional] |
dtEzsignfolderDuedate |
String |
The maximum date and time at which the Ezsignfolder can be signed. |
[optional] |
dtEzsignfolderSentdate |
String |
The date and time at which the Ezsignfolder was sent the last time. |
[optional] |
dtEzsignfolderScheduledarchive |
String |
The scheduled date and time at which the Ezsignfolder should be archived. |
[optional] |
dtEzsignfolderScheduleddispose |
String |
The scheduled date at which the Ezsignfolder should be Disposed. |
[optional] |
eEzsignfolderStep |
FieldEEzsignfolderStep |
[optional] |
dtEzsignfolderClose |
String |
The date and time at which the Ezsignfolder was closed. Either by applying the last signature or by completing it prematurely. |
[optional] |
tEzsignfolderMessage |
String |
A custom text message that will be added to the email sent. |
[optional] |
objAudit |
CommonAudit |
[optional] |
sEzsignfolderExternalid |
String |
This field can be used to store an External ID from the client's system. Anything can be stored in this field, it will never be evaluated by the eZmax system and will be returned AS-IS. To store multiple values, consider using a JSON formatted structure, a URL encoded string, a CSV or any other custom format. |
[optional] |