Hello! 👋 I'm Eduardo Caro Valverde, a passionate mathematics, statistical, nature and how to use technology for the better benefit of everyone.
[{ ecarov }]
Frontend Architect, Web Developer, Consultant, Open Source Enthusiast from Chihuahua (México).
Academic Degrees : Master's degree in Science and Engineering, [{ M.Sc. Manuel Eduardo Caro Valverde ISC }]
- 👋 Hi, I’m @ecarovdev, my name is Eduardo Caro
- 👀 I am interested in technology, the development of AI, for the benefit of people
- 🌱 I am always studying and applying new knowledge
- 💞️ I am looking to collaborate in companies that develop with AI, it would be excellent in vision.
- 📫 How to reach me for email... ecarov.dev@gmail.com
- 😄 Pronouns: ... #010101
- ⚡
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