issues Search Results · repo:eclipse-qrisp/Qrisp language:Python
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ineclipse-qrisp/Qrisp (press backspace or delete to remove)While implementing LCU, the following Exception was raised/observed:
Exception: jdecoder for type class qrisp.core.quantum_variable.QuantumVariable not implemented
One can replicate this by running the ...
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- Opened yesterday
- #159
from qrisp import *
def state_function(qf):
def quantum_step(qargs, state_function):
def init_function():
qargs_ = [qv.duplicate() for qv in qargs]
return qargs_
def ...
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- Opened 4 days ago
- #157
from qrisp import *
def f(qf):
return qf*qf
def main():
qf = QuantumFloat(2)
res = f(qf)
return measure(res)
This does not terminate.
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- Opened 5 days ago
- #156
from qrisp import *
from qrisp.operators import X,Y,Z
from qrisp.vqe.vqe_problem import *
c = [-0.81054, 0.16614, 0.16892, 0.17218, -0.22573, 0.12091, 0.166145, 0.04523]
H = c[0] \
+ c[1]*Z(0)*Z(2) ...
- Opened 10 days ago
- #153
from qrisp import *
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.lax import fori_loop
def main():
def body_fun(k, state):
qv = QuantumFloat(2)
return ...
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- Opened 25 days ago
- #145
from qrisp import *
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import random
from jax.lax import fori_loop
@jaspify # Works without @jaspify
def main():
params = jnp.array([1.5, -0.5])
rng = random.PRNGKey(4) ...
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- Opened 25 days ago
- #144
from qrisp import *
def AND(a, b):
res = QuantumBool()
mcx([a, b], res)
return res
def main():
a = QuantumBool()
b = QuantumBool()
tar = QuantumBool()
(tar AND)(a,b) ...
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- Opened 27 days ago
- #142
from qrisp import *
def prep(k):
qf = QuantumFloat(k)
return qf
def test():
def cond_fun(state):
index, sum = state
return index 5
def body_fun(state): ...
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- Opened on Feb 21
- #140
from qrisp import *
qv = QuantumVariable(18)
Yields: ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
It works up to 17 Qubits or if the number of shots are specified.
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- Opened on Feb 19
- #139
from pyscf import gto
from qrisp.operators import FermionicOperator
mol = gto.M(atom = Li 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000; H 1.595 0.0000 0.0000 , basis = sto-3g ) # DOES NOT WORK ...
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- Opened on Feb 15
- #138

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