From 1ada4b0040c4202ecde61a2b3a1dacaf200c61ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paul Latzelsperger <>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2023 09:21:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] fix: openapi publication

 .github/workflows/publish-swaggerhub.yaml     |  22 +-
 .github/workflows/publish.yaml                |   1 +
 .../edc/api/bpn/  |   2 +-
 .../edc-dataplane-proxy-consumer-api.yaml     |  43 --
 resources/openapi/yaml/edr-api.yaml           | 488 ------------------
 5 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 538 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 resources/openapi/yaml/edc-dataplane-proxy-consumer-api.yaml
 delete mode 100644 resources/openapi/yaml/edr-api.yaml

diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish-swaggerhub.yaml b/.github/workflows/publish-swaggerhub.yaml
index e9e05f048..0ed7d332b 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/publish-swaggerhub.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/publish-swaggerhub.yaml
@@ -31,6 +31,17 @@ on:
         required: false
         type: string
+  workflow_dispatch:
+    inputs:
+      downstream-version:
+        required: false
+        description: "Version of the Tractus-X EDC API to be should be published"
+        type: string
+      upstream-version:
+        required: false
+        description: "Version of upstream EDC which is to be used"
+        type: string
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@@ -50,20 +61,20 @@ jobs:
       - name: Setup node
         uses: actions/setup-node@v3
-      - name: Install tools
+      - name: Install Swagger CLI
         run: |
           npm i -g swaggerhub-cli
       - name: Extract versions
         run: |
           if [ -z ${{ inputs.downstream-version }} ]; then
-            export DOWNSTREAM_VERSION=$(sed -nr "{ :l /^version[ ]*=/ { s/[^=]*=[ ]*//; p; q;}; n; b l;}" ./ | tr -d ' ' | tr -d '"')
+            export DOWNSTREAM_VERSION=$(grep "version"  | awk -F= '{print $2}')
             export DOWNSTREAM_VERSION=${{ inputs.downstream-version }}
           if [ -z ${{ inputs.upstream-version }} ]; then
-            export UPSTREAM_VERSION=$(sed -nr "/^\[versions\]/ { :l /^edc[ ]*=/ { s/[^=]*=[ ]*//; p; q;}; n; b l;}" ./gradle/libs.versions.toml | tr -d ' ' | tr -d '"')-SNAPSHOT
+            export UPSTREAM_VERSION=$(grep "edc = " gradle/libs.versions.toml  | awk -F= '{print $2}' | jq -r)
             export UPSTREAM_VERSION=${{ inputs.upstream-version }}
@@ -71,8 +82,7 @@ jobs:
       - name: Resolve TX EDC API Spec
         shell: bash
         run: |
-          ./gradlew :edc-extensions:dataplane-proxy:edc-dataplane-proxy-provider-api:resolve
-          ./gradlew :edc-extensions:dataplane-proxy:edc-dataplane-proxy-consumer-api:resolve
+          ./gradlew resolve
       - name: Download upstream API specs
         run: |
@@ -81,7 +91,7 @@ jobs:
       - name: Merge API specs
         run: |
-          ./gradlew -PapiTitle="tractusx-edc-api" -PapiDescription="Tractus EDC API Doc" :mergeApiSpec --input=./resources/openapi/yaml --output=./resources/openapi/yaml/tractusx-edc-api.yaml
+          ./gradlew -PapiTitle="Tractus-X EDC REST API" -PapiDescription="Tractus-X EDC API Documentation" :mergeApiSpec --input=./resources/openapi/yaml --output=./resources/openapi/yaml/tractusx-edc-api.yaml
       # create API, will fail if exists
       - name: Create API
diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish.yaml b/.github/workflows/publish.yaml
index 0178b8de6..cfd1aa54e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/publish.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/publish.yaml
@@ -137,3 +137,4 @@ jobs:
     needs: [ secret-presence ]
     if: needs.secret-presence.output.HAS_SWAGGER
     uses: ./.github/workflows/publish-swaggerhub.yaml
+    secrets: inherit
diff --git a/edc-extensions/bpn-validation/bpn-validation-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/edc/api/bpn/ b/edc-extensions/bpn-validation/bpn-validation-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/edc/api/bpn/
index 05038192f..1c57262ca 100644
--- a/edc-extensions/bpn-validation/bpn-validation-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/edc/api/bpn/
+++ b/edc-extensions/bpn-validation/bpn-validation-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/edc/api/bpn/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 import static org.eclipse.edc.jsonld.spi.JsonLdKeywords.ID;
 @OpenAPIDefinition(info = @Info(description = "With this API clients can create, read, update and delete BusinessPartnerNumber groups. It allows the assigning of BPNs to groups.", title = "Business Partner Group API"))
-@Tag(name = "BusinessPartnerGroup")
+@Tag(name = "Business Partner Group")
 public interface BusinessPartnerGroupApi {
diff --git a/resources/openapi/yaml/edc-dataplane-proxy-consumer-api.yaml b/resources/openapi/yaml/edc-dataplane-proxy-consumer-api.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index edf1712cd..000000000
--- a/resources/openapi/yaml/edc-dataplane-proxy-consumer-api.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-openapi: 3.0.1
-  /aas/request:
-    post:
-      operationId: requestAsset
-      requestBody:
-        content:
-          '*/*':
-            schema:
-              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetRequest'
-      responses:
-        default:
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetRequest'
-          description: Requests asset data
-      tags:
-      - Data Plane Proxy API
-  schemas:
-    AssetRequest:
-      type: object
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        assetId:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        endpointUrl:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        pathSegments:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        providerId:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        queryParams:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        transferProcessId:
-          type: string
-          example: null
diff --git a/resources/openapi/yaml/edr-api.yaml b/resources/openapi/yaml/edr-api.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 28518d5d5..000000000
--- a/resources/openapi/yaml/edr-api.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
-openapi: 3.0.1
-  /edrs:
-    get:
-      description: Returns all EndpointDataReference entry according to a query
-      operationId: queryEdrs
-      parameters:
-      - in: query
-        name: assetId
-        schema:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-      - in: query
-        name: agreementId
-        schema:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-      - in: query
-        name: providerId
-        schema:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-      responses:
-        "200":
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                type: array
-                example: null
-                items:
-                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/EndpointDataReferenceEntry'
-        "400":
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                type: array
-                example: null
-                items:
-                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiErrorDetail'
-          description: Request was malformed
-      tags:
-      - Control Plane EDR Api
-    post:
-      description: Initiates an EDR negotiation by handling a contract negotiation
-        first and then a transfer process for a given offer and with the given counter
-        part. Please note that successfully invoking this endpoint only means that
-        the negotiation was initiated.
-      operationId: initiateEdrNegotiation
-      requestBody:
-        content:
-          application/json:
-            schema:
-              type: object
-              additionalProperties:
-                $ref: '#/components/schemas/NegotiateEdrRequestDto'
-              example: null
-              properties:
-                empty:
-                  type: boolean
-                  example: null
-                valueType:
-                  type: string
-                  enum:
-                  - ARRAY
-                  - OBJECT
-                  - STRING
-                  - NUMBER
-                  - "TRUE"
-                  - "FALSE"
-                  - "NULL"
-                  example: null
-      responses:
-        "200":
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdResponse'
-          description: The negotiation was successfully initiated.
-        "400":
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                type: array
-                example: null
-                items:
-                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiErrorDetail'
-          description: Request body was malformed
-      tags:
-      - Control Plane EDR Api
-  /edrs/{id}:
-    delete:
-      description: Delete an EDR  with the given transfer process ID
-      operationId: deleteEdr
-      parameters:
-      - in: path
-        name: id
-        required: true
-        schema:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-      responses:
-        "200":
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                $ref: '#/components/schemas/DataAddress'
-          description: The EDR cached
-        "400":
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                type: array
-                example: null
-                items:
-                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiErrorDetail'
-          description: "Request was malformed, e.g. id was null"
-        "404":
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                type: array
-                example: null
-                items:
-                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiErrorDetail'
-          description: An EDR with the given ID does not exist
-      tags:
-      - Control Plane EDR Api
-    get:
-      description: Gets an EDR  with the given transfer process ID
-      operationId: getEdr
-      parameters:
-      - in: path
-        name: id
-        required: true
-        schema:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-      responses:
-        "200":
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                $ref: '#/components/schemas/DataAddress'
-          description: The EDR cached
-        "400":
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                type: array
-                example: null
-                items:
-                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiErrorDetail'
-          description: "Request was malformed, e.g. id was null"
-        "404":
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                type: array
-                example: null
-                items:
-                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiErrorDetail'
-          description: An EDR with the given ID does not exist
-      tags:
-      - Control Plane EDR Api
-  schemas:
-    Action:
-      type: object
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        constraint:
-          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Constraint'
-        includedIn:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        type:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-    ApiErrorDetail:
-      type: object
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        invalidValue:
-          type: object
-          example: null
-        message:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        path:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        type:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-    CallbackAddress:
-      type: object
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        authCodeId:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        authKey:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        events:
-          type: array
-          example: null
-          items:
-            type: string
-            example: null
-          uniqueItems: true
-        transactional:
-          type: boolean
-          example: null
-        uri:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-    Constraint:
-      type: object
-      discriminator:
-        propertyName: edctype
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        edctype:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-      required:
-      - edctype
-    ContractOfferDescription:
-      type: object
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        assetId:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        offerId:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        policy:
-          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Policy'
-    DataAddress:
-      type: object
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        '@type':
-          type: string
-          example:
-        type:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-    Duty:
-      type: object
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        action:
-          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Action'
-        assignee:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        assigner:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        consequence:
-          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Duty'
-        constraints:
-          type: array
-          example: null
-          items:
-            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Constraint'
-        parentPermission:
-          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Permission'
-        target:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-    EndpointDataReferenceEntry:
-      type: object
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        agreementId:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        assetId:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        createdAt:
-          type: integer
-          format: int64
-          example: null
-        errorDetail:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        expirationTimestamp:
-          type: integer
-          format: int64
-          example: null
-        id:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        providerId:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        state:
-          type: integer
-          format: int32
-          example: null
-        stateCount:
-          type: integer
-          format: int32
-          example: null
-        stateTimestamp:
-          type: integer
-          format: int64
-          example: null
-        traceContext:
-          type: object
-          additionalProperties:
-            type: string
-            example: null
-          example: null
-        transferProcessId:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        updatedAt:
-          type: integer
-          format: int64
-          example: null
-    IdResponse:
-      type: object
-      example:
-        '@context':
-          edc:
-        '@id': id-value
-        createdAt: 1688465655
-      properties:
-        '@id':
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        createdAt:
-          type: integer
-          format: int64
-          example: null
-    JsonObject:
-      type: object
-      additionalProperties:
-        $ref: '#/components/schemas/JsonValue'
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        empty:
-          type: boolean
-          example: null
-        valueType:
-          type: string
-          enum:
-          - ARRAY
-          - OBJECT
-          - STRING
-          - NUMBER
-          - "TRUE"
-          - "FALSE"
-          - "NULL"
-          example: null
-    JsonValue:
-      type: object
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        valueType:
-          type: string
-          enum:
-          - ARRAY
-          - OBJECT
-          - STRING
-          - NUMBER
-          - "TRUE"
-          - "FALSE"
-          - "NULL"
-          example: null
-    NegotiateEdrRequestDto:
-      type: object
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        callbackAddresses:
-          type: array
-          example: null
-          items:
-            $ref: '#/components/schemas/CallbackAddress'
-        connectorAddress:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        connectorId:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        offer:
-          $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractOfferDescription'
-        protocol:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        providerId:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-    Permission:
-      type: object
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        action:
-          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Action'
-        assignee:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        assigner:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        constraints:
-          type: array
-          example: null
-          items:
-            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Constraint'
-        duties:
-          type: array
-          example: null
-          items:
-            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Duty'
-        target:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-    Policy:
-      type: object
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        '@type':
-          type: string
-          enum:
-          - SET
-          - OFFER
-          - CONTRACT
-          example: null
-        assignee:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        assigner:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        extensibleProperties:
-          type: object
-          additionalProperties:
-            type: object
-            example: null
-          example: null
-        inheritsFrom:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        obligations:
-          type: array
-          example: null
-          items:
-            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Duty'
-        permissions:
-          type: array
-          example: null
-          items:
-            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Permission'
-        prohibitions:
-          type: array
-          example: null
-          items:
-            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Prohibition'
-        target:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-    Prohibition:
-      type: object
-      example: null
-      properties:
-        action:
-          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Action'
-        assignee:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        assigner:
-          type: string
-          example: null
-        constraints:
-          type: array
-          example: null
-          items:
-            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Constraint'
-        target:
-          type: string
-          example: null