Name | Description |
Phase 1 | |
.Autocomplete | Complete the location name given a half-word |
.GetLat | Return the latitude of a location |
.GetLon | Return the longtitude of a location |
.GetName | Return the name of a location |
.GetID | Return the unique identification of a location |
.GetNeighborIDs | Return neighbors of a location |
.GetPosition | Return the coordinate of a location |
.CalculateEditDistance | Calculate a the shortest edit distance of two strings |
.FindClosestName | Find out the cloest name matched with the given one |
Phase 2 | |
.CalculateShortestPath_Bellman_Ford | Given two location, return its shortest path using bellman algorithm |
.CalculateShortestPath_Dijkstra | Given two location, return its shortest path using dijkstra algorithm |
.CycleDetection | Check whether there exists a loop edges in a set of nodes and edges |
.DeliveringTrojan | Sort the nodes in the order of topological |
Phase 3 | |
.TravellingTrojan_Brute_force | Given a set of nodes, return the solution for TSP problems |
.TravellingTrojan_Backtracking | Given a set of nodes, return the solution for TSP problems optimized by DP and BT |
.TravellingTrojan_2opt | Return a heuristic solution for TSP problems |
.FindNearby | Given a radius and search the location nearby |
TEST Phase1 | TEST_Phase2 | TEST_Phase3
std::vector<std::string> TrojanMap::Autocomplete(std::string name);
Type the partial name of the location and return a list of possible locations with partial name as prefix. It's also not a case-sensitive function, so we just turn all of the name to the lowercase.
It will take a long time if we just search a name in an unordered dataset. So we decided to sorted the dataset when we load the app. And use binary search to decrease the time comlexity to O(log(n))
We pre-sort the name list of all the nodes in the order of string. When given a name, we add a letter z
and space because the name appear only in this range. Then we use binary search to find out the range between these two.
For the further detail of our binary search function, please see Binary Search.
Time complexity
O(log n)
auto v = tmap.Autocomplete("chi");
************************************************************** Please input a partial location:chi *************************Results****************************** Chick-fil-A Chinese Street Food Chipotle ************************************************************** Time taken by function: 0 ms
double GetLat(const std::string& id);
We already have the mapping from id to its node information. It's easy.
Time Complexity
O(1)~O(log n)
double GetLon(const std::string& id);
Time Complexity
O(1)~O(log n)
| 0ms
std::string GetName(const std::string& id);
Time Complexity
O(1)~O(log n)
std::string GetID(const std::string& name);
Use our binary search model to search a node entire information through its name.
Time Complexity
O(log n)
auto s = GetID("KFC");
std::vector<std::string> GetNeighborIDs(const std::string& id);
Time Complexity
O(1)~O(log n)
std::pair<double, double> TrojanMap::GetPosition(std::string name);
Time Complexity
O(log n)
int TrojanMap::CalculateEditDistance(std::string w1, std::string w2);
It’s similar to the previous function, we sort the dataset firstly and use binary search to compare the name with the input.
Also we need to give the most similar word if we have a typo in our input , so we implement these two functions.
Here is the dynamic programming table:
This table memorize what is the shortest edit distance so far. Since we update each step with its local optimal result. Therefore, we will eventually get the global optimal result which is the element at the right bottom corner.
Time Complexity
m and n is the string length respectively. |0ms
int n = tmap.CalculateEditDistance("USC", "UCLA");
We compare all the possible name with the given one and call the function CalculateEditDistance
to get the minimum edit distance correspond with the nodes and return that name.
Time Complexity
auto s = tmap.FindClosestName("Adem Fuet")
Adams Fuel
We impliment this function by the following flow chart.
We use std::map
as our table data structure with these following properties.
- Good searching method
- Store distance information
- Store node information
We initialize the table by setting all the other nodes to INFINITY
Here we summarize the key point about relaxing a location node.
- Calculate the distance to neighbor
- Add current node distance away from root
- Compare to the neighbor distance, if shorter, update the table
For further detail of relaxing a node, please see rhqwq::relax_
For the data structure of our bellman table, please see rhqwq::Bellman_Info_t
No need to iterate all the node
Stop when no other distance updated
Starting from the node that previously updated
Use queue to store the node that just being updated. When update a node, put it into the queue. When iterate a node, pop one from the queue. The queue always store the data that is updated from the previous iteration. When the queue is empty, we stop. Because no additional node is updated.
Time Complexity
V and E are the numbers of vertices and edges. |800ms
auto v = tmap.CalculateShortestPath_Bellman_Ford("Los Angeles & Olympic", "Vermont Elementary School");
or using MapUI
$ 3 $ Los Angeles & Olympic $ Vermont Elementary School
5002237122 2820043671 3659488053 2871010078 ... 6818427893 6818427894 6818427895 6807909277 358794109 The distance of the path is:2.96658 miles ************************************************************** Time taken by function: 861 ms
We impliment this function by the following flow chart.
Use std::priority_queue
to find out the unvisited node with shortest distance.
We create a boolean flag to mark visited node.
Time Complexity
O( (V+E)log(V+E) )
auto v = tmap.CalculateShortestPath_Dijkstra("Los Angeles & Olympic", "Vermont Elementary School");
5002237122 2820043671 3659488053 2871010078 ... 6818427893 6818427894 6818427895 6807909277 358794109 The distance of the path is:2.96658 miles ************************************************************** Time taken by function: 109 ms
Here is the comparison for 10 rounds for searching a shortest path between
algorithm.Here is the comparison for 10 routes for searching a shortest path between
is almost 8 times slower then Dijkstra
Check the existence for a cycle path in a subgraph. Use DFS to traverse all the nodes and return true if a neighbour has been visited twice (except parents).
Time Complexity
$ -118.290 $ -118.289 $ 34.030 $ 34.020
*************************Results****************************** there exist no cycle in the subgraph ************************************************************** Time taken by function: 15 ms
$ -118.291 $ -118.289 $ 34.030 $ 34.020
*************************Results****************************** there exists a cycle in the subgraph ************************************************************** Time taken by function: 19 ms
There is a cycle appearing at the bottom.
We impliment this function by the following flow chart.
Use Breath First Search to iterate the graph nodes.
Push the node into queue while doing the process
Reduce neighbor’s income is the only fact cause it to zero.
std::pair<double, std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>> TravellingTrojan_Brute_force(
std::vector<std::string> location_ids);
We impliment this function by the following flow chart.
This algorithm mainly is to permutate all the nodes and calculate the shortest distance. We use std::next_permutation
to help as generate a permutation sequence.
Time Complexity
|40ms(8 nodes)
Please input the number of the places:8 "7864610982","6512300966","1855145665","7424270456","6818427895","4276259789","6814769287","1614922706"
*************************Results****************************** TravellingTrojan_Brute_force "7864610982","6814769287","6818427895","4276259789","6512300966","1855145665","7424270456","1614922706","7864610982", The distance of the path is:7.28524 miles ************************************************************** You could find your animation at src/lib/output0.avi. Time taken by function: 30 ms
This is a optimized version of Bruteforce
by using dynamic programming memorizing.
Optimization 1
We use distance table instead of calculate all the time.
It takes a lot of time doing float number computation. Here is the idea that we calculate the distance, cross symbol is the element we will assign directly(because distance from A->B is equal to B->A, only need to calculate once).
Optimization 2
We store the distance from the previous path, so we don't need to calculate from the vary beginning.
All you need to do is to add on current distance and see whether it exceeds the minimum one stored in our result table.
If not, continue the proceed, else abort the process and continue for the next permutation.
For backtracking, we make some optimizations on it, we create our permutation template, here is the instruction:
When not reach the end, move the pivot (aka. cs ) to the next.
Swap the element you choose with the pivot one.
When reach the end, do something
[Demo Code]
void helper( vector<int> &v, size_t cs, size_t ce, vector<vector<int>> &res){ if( cs==ce ){ // 首尾一致 res.push_back(v); // 计录结果 return; } for( size_t i=cs; i<=ce; ++i ){ // 将 v[cs:ce]看成子数组,首项cs作为选中项 std::swap( v[cs], v[i] ); // 挨个交换, 轮流做首项(选中项) helper( v, cs+1, ce, res ); // 排除首项, 余下递归 std::swap( v[cs], v[i] ); // 恢复进数组 } } vector<vector<int>> permutate( vector<int> &v ){ vector<vector<int>> res; helper( v, 0, v.size()-1, res ); return res; }
Time Complexity
- worst casesO(n^2*2^n)
- general cases0ms(8 nodes)
Please input the number of the places:8 "7864610982","6512300966","1855145665","7424270456","6818427895","4276259789","6814769287","1614922706"
*************************Results****************************** TravellingTrojan_Backtracking "7864610982","1614922706","7424270456","1855145665","6512300966","4276259789","6818427895","6814769287","7864610982", The distance of the path is:7.28524 miles **************************************************************
The result of this function might not be the optimal one, but reduce the chance to get the worest answer. We use two for loops to obtain sub part in a location and reverse 2 edges between 2 nodes if the distance is smaller than the previous one.
2-OPT is similar to the Brute force, however there is no permutation in this algorithm.
Time Complexity
O(n^2 + MAX_COUNT)
Please input the number of the places:8 "7864610982","6512300966","1855145665","7424270456","6818427895","4276259789","6814769287","1614922706"
*************************Results****************************** TravellingTrojan_2opt "7864610982","6814769287","6818427895","4276259789","6512300966","1855145665","7424270456","1614922706","7864610982", The distance of the path is:7.28524 miles ************************************************************** You could find your animation at src/lib/output0_2opt.avi. Time taken by function: 0 ms
Method/Nodes 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 Brute Force 17ms 281ms 2700ms 35706ms 85734ms $\infin$ $\infin$ $\infin$ $\infin$ Back Tracking + DP 0ms 2ms 10ms 102ms 272ms 9724ms 23723ms 73688ms $\infin$ 2-Opt 1ms 0ms 1ms 2ms 2ms 8ms 9ms 12ms 42ms Method\Distance 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 Brute Force 9.35036 10.9525 8.36814 11.1948 11.8797 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Backtracking 9.35036 10.9525 8.36814 11.1948 11.8797 11.4554 9.67194 12.0943 Unknown 2-OPT 9.36361 10.9525 8.36814 11.2853 12.4787 11.4454 9.67564 12.5366 15.0258 As you can see
may not give the correct answer but it is super fast then the others.We plot the time diagram for 9 rounds and for the increasing number of nodes
The second graph was compressed by the log function.
We impliment this function by the following flow chart.
We don't use any data structure, instead we use a vector that can grow up quickly by sorted order. Suppose we found a node that meets the requirement, we insert it into the vector using binary search to find out the correct position.
Time Complexity
- Assume the hashmap count asO(1)
Please input the attribute:supermarket Please input the locations:Chevron Please input radius r:5 Please input number k:10
*************************Results****************************** Find Nearby Results: 1 Cal Mart Beer & Wine Food Store 2 Trader Joes 3 Ralphs 4 Food 4 Less Time taken by function: 1 ms
bool relax_( const rhqwq::BellmanInfo_t &info_current, rhqwq::BellmanInfo_t &info_neighbor );
Given a node and its neighbor, if it is necessary to relax its neighbor, return true
, else return false
static std::string tolowercase_(const std::string &str);
Given a string, return its version of lower case.
template<class T, class N>
static std::pair<bool,size_t> binary_search_(const vector<std::pair<T,N> >& list, const T& tar );
Given a list and a target, return a pair. The first element indicates whether it was found. If so, then the second object is the exactly index. Otherwise, it tells you where should be inserted.
Member | Type | Initialization Value | Description |
id |
NodeId_t |
data(id) |
Represent the current node’s id |
prev_id |
NodeId_t |
data(id) |
Represent the previous node’s id |
*node |
Node |
nullptr |
Pointer the content(lat,lon,id) in the class Node |
distance |
double |
To record the distance between the nodes |
Member | Type | Initialization Value | Description |
visited |
bool |
false |
Indicate whether this node is visited |
$Bellman_Info_t$ |
Case 1
$ 2 $ pico $ y
Case 2
$ 2 $ rophs $ y
Case 3
$ 2 $ 11 $ y
Case 4
$ 1 $ Ta
*************************Results***************************** Tap Two Blue Target ************************************************************* Time taken by function: 0 ms
Case 1
$ Ralphs $ Target
*************************Dijkstra***************************** *************************Results****************************** "2578244375","4380040154","4380040158","4380040167","6805802087","8410938469","6813416131","7645318201","6813416130","6813416129","123318563","452688940","6816193777","123408705","6816193774","452688933","452688931","123230412","6816193770","6787470576","4015442011","6816193692","6816193693","6816193694","4015377691","544693739","6816193696","6804883323","6807937309","6807937306","6816193698","4015377690","4015377689","122814447","6813416159","6813405266","4015372488","4015372487","6813405229","122719216","6813405232","4015372486","7071032399","4015372485","6813379479","6813379584","6814769289","5237417650", The distance of the path is:0.927969 miles ************************************************************** Time taken by function: 121 ms *************************Bellman_Ford************************* *************************Results****************************** "2578244375","4380040154","4380040158","4380040167","6805802087","8410938469","6813416131","7645318201","6813416130","6813416129","123318563","452688940","6816193777","123408705","6816193774","452688933","452688931","123230412","6816193770","6787470576","4015442011","6816193692","6816193693","6816193694","4015377691","544693739","6816193696","6804883323","6807937309","6807937306","6816193698","4015377690","4015377689","122814447","6813416159","6813405266","4015372488","4015372487","6813405229","122719216","6813405232","4015372486","7071032399","4015372485","6813379479","6813379584","6814769289","5237417650", The distance of the path is:0.927969 miles ************************************************************** Time taken by function: 745 ms
Case 2
-118.299 -118.264 34.032 34.011
*************************Results****************************** there exists a cycle in the subgraph ************************************************************** Time taken by function: 9 ms
Case 3
-118.290 -118.289 34.032 34.011
*************************Results****************************** there exist no cycle in the subgraph ************************************************************** Time taken by function: 18 ms
Case 4
Please input the locations filename:./input/topologicalsort_locations.csv Please input the dependencies filename:./input/topologicalsort_dependencies.csv *************************Results****************************** There is no topological sort for the given graph. ************************************************************** Time taken by function: 0 ms
Case 1
"6818427931","7507259317","1924840863","4015405552","7646230665","2607729775","7861033573","6807615070", Calculating ... *************************Results****************************** TravellingTrojan_Brute_force "6818427931","7507259317","4015405552","7646230665","7861033573","1924840863","2607729775","6807615070","6818427931", The distance of the path is:9.08711 miles ************************************************************** You could find your animation at src/lib/output0.avi. Time taken by function: 20 ms Calculating ... *************************Results****************************** TravellingTrojan_Backtracking "6818427931","6807615070","2607729775","1924840863","7861033573","7646230665","7507259317","4015405552","6818427931", The distance of the path is:8.6088 miles ************************************************************** You could find your animation at src/lib/output0_backtracking.avi. Time taken by function: 0 ms Calculating ... *************************Results****************************** TravellingTrojan_2opt "6818427931","6807615070","2607729775","1924840863","7861033573","7646230665","7507259317","4015405552","6818427931", The distance of the path is:8.6088 miles ************************************************************** You could find your animation at src/lib/output0_2opt.avi. Time taken by function: 1 ms
Case 2
school Ralphs 5 5
*************************Results****************************** Find Nearby Results: 1 Saint Agnes Elementary School 2 Vermont Elementary School 3 Divine Providence Kindergarten and Day Nursery 4 Washington Boulevard School 5 Twenty-Fourth Street Elementary School ************************************************************** Time taken by function: 7 ms
In this final project, While completing the basic functions, we mainly focus on speeding up the program. Fortunately, during the presentation, we found that our running speed performs better than most of students in this class.
In the improvement of the code, we analyzed the tolerance of users in using the app. We believed that most users were more tolerant of the former in the process of loading and using the app, so we sacrificed the loading time of the program in exchange for the fast running of the function
But we still have some functions that are not implemented due to time constraints ——3-opt and dynamic, animated UI.
This project gave us a good opportunity in writing C++ codes, and give us a deeper understanding of algorithms, which is very helpful for our career.