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File metadata and controls

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Effectra\Http\Extensions is a PHP package that provides extensions and utilities for working with HTTP requests and responses.


You can install this package via Composer. Run the following command in your project directory:

composer require effectra/http-extensions



The RequestExtension class extends the Effectra\Http\Message\ServerRequest class and provides additional methods for working with HTTP requests.

Creating a Request

You can create a new request using the RequestExtension::fromGlobal() method, which creates a request object based on the global variables:

$request = RequestExtension::fromGlobal();

Retrieving Request Information

  • RequestExtension::url(): Returns the URL of the request.
  • RequestExtension::method(): Returns the HTTP method of the request.
  • RequestExtension::path(): Returns the path of the request URI.
  • RequestExtension::inputs(): Returns an object containing all input data from the request.
  • RequestExtension::input(string $input): Returns the value of a specific input parameter.
  • RequestExtension::validateInputs(): Validates the input data using a third-party validation library.
  • RequestExtension::onlyInputs(array $inputs): Returns an object containing only the input data for the specified input keys.
  • RequestExtension::data(bool $associative = false): Returns the input data as an array or object.
  • RequestExtension::getTokenFromBearer(): Extracts the token from the "Authorization" header (Bearer authentication).


The UriExtension class extends the Effectra\Http\Message\Uri class and provides additional methods for working with URIs.

Modifying Queries

  • UriExtension::withQueries(array $queries): Returns a new URI object with the specified query parameters.


The ResponseExtension class extends the Effectra\Http\Message\Response class and provides additional methods for working with HTTP responses.

Creating a JSON Response

  • ResponseExtension::json($data, int $status_code = 200, array $headers = []): Creates a JSON response with the specified data, status code, and additional headers.

Converting Response Body to Array

  • ResponseExtension::jsonToArray(?bool $associative = null, int $depth = 512, int $flags = 0): Converts the response body from JSON to an associative array.

File Attachment

  • ResponseExtension::attachFile(string $filePath, ?string $filename = null, ?string $contentType = null): Creates a response with a file attachment.

Setting Cookies

  • ResponseExtension::withCookie(string $name, string $value, int $expires = 0, string $path = '/', string $domain = '', bool $secure = false, bool $httpOnly = true): Sets a cookie with the given parameters.
  • ResponseExtension::withCookies(array $cookies, int $expires = 0, string $path = '/', string $domain = '', bool $secure = false, bool $httpOnly = true): Sets multiple cookies with the given parameters.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This package is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.


Effectra\Http\Extensions is developed and maintained by Mohammed Taha.