Properties may corrupt recentf data, prevent this.
It was broken and not needed as we can just add the final “/” to expand.
It is no more using `locate` but `find`, this because locate is not working anymore out of the box without some tweaks (plocate backend). It is still anyway the faster alternative once tweaked, see HFF documentation.
It is now the default, but it can be configured with `helm-ff-show-dot-file-path`.
Use the variable `helm-x-icons-provider`.
Add a description of info file when using `helm-info` or `info-display-manual`.
via the vars `helm-completing-read-command-categories` and `helm-completing-read-extra-metadata`, for example it is now enabled in M-x man.
If CAPFns provide such information via `completion-extra-properties`, display it in a popup-info when helm-popup-tip-mode is enabled. `helm-lisp-completion-at-point` provides this as well.
This is available in `helm-lisp-completion-at-point`.
Previously we were displaying each marked candidate in a tab, now all marked candidates go in same tab. Helm-find-files is now using the same functions as helm-buffers to display its candidates in tab. helm-imenu-all when jumping to a candidate jump to it in its tab if possible.
That’s mean that when copying/renaming etc… you can use bookmarks as target.
It is now possible to match counter (“\#”) inside the replacement string and not only before or after as before.
It is now possible to mark wildcard candidates from unrelated directories.
Now helm-finder fetchs keywords from all packages, not only built-in and allows installing from there.
In addition of the various helm-grep-* now helm-man-woman
can benefit of this mode.
This allows filtering the current results to another pattern or to specific file.
It is now the default, you can customize this with helm-packages-async
It is now possible to answer “!” (yes for all) when using marked candidates, this for the file deletion itself and also for the kill buffer question.
This is now possible with a prefix arg given when position is at eol in minibuffer. This allow for example showing all candidates keeping current selection in helm-ls-git log after a search.
With a prefix arg show all candidates, with a numeric prefix arg show ARG number of candidates, and with no prefix arg show only helm-candidate-number-limit of candidates.
This is controlled by helm-ff-dim-prompt-on-update
user variable.
and read-file-name.
So it can safely be used as a replacement of “i” in Info.
as it is not working in some cases (e.g. symlinks).
Needs svg-lib package but it is not mandatory.
It was already working but was really slow and was not supporting `helm-completing-read-command-categories` mechanism which provide `completions-detailed` in much more places than Emacs vanilla.
When viewing an annotation you had to kill the buffer, restart helm-bookmarks, and run the edit annotation action, now you can edit directly from the view buffer.
All actions are asynchronous except the persistent ones.
Use the new `helm-update-edebug` variable to enable this.
candidate-transformer functions should behave the same in in-buffer and sync source: transforming all candidates.
Tested with emacs-27.
Allow launching a new Emacs with only package(s).
BTW there is no more option to update from actions with prefix arg.
Themes, colors etc…
This allow using completions-detailed in Emacs-27 with various describe-* functions.
With “^$”.
I.e. Items in short documentation are not highlighted.
This allows providing detailed completions in more places, see `helm-completing-read-extra-metadata` and `helm-completing-read-command-categories`. They are not provided as user variables as it may be tricky to provide the corresponding affixations functions. As of now we have detailed completions in describe-function/variable/symbol/command/package, find-function/variable, switch-to-buffer, customize-variable/group, package-(vc)install, package-vc-checkout.
The old helm-elisp-package has been replaced by helm-packages. The old one was too slow, taking lot of memory and even crashing Emacs especially with last Emacs-29.
Therefore (require ‘helm-config) will return an error, don’t use this anymore. If installing from source use instead (require ‘helm-autoloads), otherwise from a package install, the autoloads file will be automatically loaded.
Will be used automatically when using the set variable action from helm-apropos.