connection() = #texas{}
connection_string() = string()
data() = any()
table() = atom()
close/1 | Close the connection to the database. |
connect/0 | Connect to the database. |
connect/1 | |
connect/2 | |
create_table/2 | Create the given table (if not exists). |
create_table/3 | Create the given table (if not exists). |
driver/1 | |
drop_table/2 | Drop the given table (if exists). |
start/0 | |
to_keylist/2 | Return the record as keylist. |
close(Conn::connection()) -> any()
Close the connection to the database
connect() -> connection() | {error, any()}
Connect to the database.
connect(URI::connection_string()) -> connection() | {error, any()}
connect(URI::connection_string(), Options::[tuple()]) -> connection() | {error, any()}
create_table(Conn::connection(), Table::table()) -> any()
Create the given table (if not exists)
create_table(Conn::connection(), Table::table(), Fields::list()) -> any()
Create the given table (if not exists)
driver(Conn::connection() | data()) -> atom()
drop_table(Conn::connection(), Table::table()) -> ok | error
Drop the given table (if exists)
start() -> ok | {ok, connection()} | {error, any()}
to_keylist(Table::atom(), Record::data()) -> list()
Return the record as keylist