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Wikinaut edited this page Nov 8, 2011 · 50 revisions


Is this a Etherpad copy?

No, it isn't. We don't want to copy every feature of Etherpad. We try to copy the good parts and replace/remove the bad parts. We will never include a feature just because it's in Etherpad.

I want to include Etherpad Lite into my web application, can I do that?

Yes. Thats one of the main goals of Etherpad Lite. We're working on a API that allows you to manage Pads. The API will allow you to map your users and their permissions to Etherpad, so you don't need to manage two user systems.

Is it stable?

At the moment there are daily changes on it. We will do a stable release on the 1st of December 2011.

I want to use Etherpad Lite with database X, can I do that?

Yes, but you have to add support. Adding support for a new database backend is very easy. Etherpad Lite uses simple key values. All you need is a database driver for node. We're using a database module called ueberDB. Just fork it and add support for your database.

I'm no developer, how can I help you?

Tell me about your experience as an administrator/user of etherpad lite. We're happy to hear what you like and what you don't like. We're also asking people with all sorts of skills to get involved.

Will Etherpad Lite replace Etherpad?

That's up to the community to decide, we believe Etherpad Lite solves a lot of the problems the original Etherpad software question wasn't able to solve however by completely rewriting we have removed some functionality that may be core to certain users.

How can I prune the database, i.e. keep only the last n "revisions" ?

var/dirty.db and also MySQL grows quickly. How can this be cut down to a smaller size? Production instances should use MySQL or some mature database storage mechanism. Dirty.db is not really designed for production and is just included so you can easily get started with Etherpad Lite.

Is there a built-in mechanism for pruning ?


How can I view all existing pads and delete certain pads from my set of pads ?

You should use the API to delete certain pads from your set of pads.

Has someone already written an adminstration web page where I can send API commands to manage my Etherpad lite online?

(A simple jQuery- and EP-API-powered example framework in the git repository which can fire API calls would be a nice to have and a quick answer and solution to several questions and problems such a pad deletion and pad-wise passwort protection. Filed as improvement bug 192.

How can I limit to a certain set of pads ?

I wish to offer a certain number of pads (limiting the number of pads), and to offer a certain predefined set of pads with names "test", "mypad", "sandbox". Is this possible? No, you should put a feature request in for this.

How can I run a password-protected Etherpad lite with https:// using Apache ?

Basically see How-to-put-Etherpad-Lite-behind-a-reverse-Proxy for password-protecting the access to your Etherpad-Lite installation as such, not to single pads.

How to set up Apache server proxying requests to to be mapped to where my etherpad runs ?

Basically see How-to-put-Etherpad-Lite-behind-a-reverse-Proxy.

Can we please have nice urls ""?

Yes, see How-to-put-Etherpad-Lite-behind-a-reverse-Proxy.

How can I setup several Etherpad installations which share the code, and perhaps also the database ?

I'd like to set up different Etherpad installation for different user groups, different favicons, different default pad texts. Answer: this is currently topic of feature request



For Developers

How to's

Set up

Advanced steps

Integrating Etherpad in your web app

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