For building and testing the driver you will need
- Clojure version 1.10.3 or later
To build Metabase itself you will need
On Ubuntu you can install the dependencies by running
sudo apt install nodejs yarnpkg
yum install perl-Digest-SHA nodejs yarnpkg
On macOS you additionally need gnu-sed
brew install nodejs yarnpkg clojure gnu-sed
# Then add gnubin to your PATH:
# export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
Run the following commands to check the current versions:
clojure -M --eval "(clojure-version)"
clojure --version
Checkout Metabase at
) and build it:cd $HOME/git git clone cd metabase git fetch --all --tags export METABASE_VERSION=v0.48.0 git reset --hard rm -vf target/patch_excluded_test_applied git checkout "tags/${METABASE_VERSION}" -b "${METABASE_VERSION}-branch" # Build (this will take ~15min) ./bin/
Download the Exasol JDBC driver from the Download Portal and install it:
cp exajdbc.jar "$METABASE_DIR/plugins"
Checkout the Exasol Metabase driver at
)git clone cd metabase-driver
To ensure compatibility we need to regularly update to the latest Metabase version. You can find the latest Metabase version on the GitHub release page.
Metabase publishes two variants:
- OSS: version numbers v0.x.y
- Enterprise: version numbers v1.x.y
We only use the OSS variant with version numbers v0.x.y.
To upgrade Metabase follow these steps:
- Check the Metabase driver changelog for breaking changes
- Replace the previous version in all files with the new version by searching for
- Run unit tests
- Run integration tests
The following things can go wrong:
- The patch excluding inapproriate tests cannot be applied. See excluded tests for details.
- Tests fail or abort
- If possible fix the problem in the driver
- If failures are related to Exasol specifics (e.g. missing
data type etc.) modify the test in Metabase and update the patch file, see excluded tests for details. - If failures are unrelated to Exasol or the driver, you might delete it and update the patch file, see excluded tests for details.
To start Metabase with the Exasol driver from source:
export METABASE_DIR="$HOME/git/metabase"
export METABASE_EXASOL_DRIVER="$HOME/git/metabase-driver"
clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {metabase/exasol-driver {:local/root "'"$METABASE_EXASOL_DRIVER"'"}}}'$METABASE_EXASOL_DRIVER/resources/metabase-plugin.yaml -M:run
After startup is complete (log message: Metabase Initialization COMPLETE
) you can access Metabase at http://localhost:3000/.
To start Metabase with the built Exasol driver:
export METABASE_DIR="$HOME/git/metabase"
export METABASE_EXASOL_DRIVER="$HOME/git/metabase-driver"
# Build driver
clojure -X:build :project-dir "\"$(pwd)\""
# Install driver
cp -v "$METABASE_EXASOL_DRIVER/target/exasol.metabase-driver.jar" "$METABASE_DIR/plugins/"
# Run Metabase
clojure -M:run
You need to have metabase checked out next to this repository.
Start Exasol docker container:
docker run --publish 8563:8563 --publish 2580:2580 --publish 443:443 --detach --privileged --stop-timeout 120 exasol/docker-db:7.1.23
Start integration tests:
EXASOL_HOST=<hostname> EXASOL_PORT=8563 EXASOL_USER=sys EXASOL_PASSWORD=exasol ./scripts/
This script builds and installs the driver before running the integration tests. The driver must be installed to $METABASE_DIR/plugins/
for running the integration tests.
To run only a single tests or only tests in a namespace add arguments:
./scripts/ :only
./scripts/ :only
export MB_EXASOL_TEST_HOST=<hostname>
export DRIVER=exasol
# Command line REPL:
clojure -A:dev:drivers:drivers-dev:test
# Network REPL:
clojure -M:dev:drivers:drivers-dev:test:nrepl # -> Connect with editor
In the REPL you can use the following commands:
(require 'dev) ; this will take some seconds
; Run SQL query:
(dev/query-jdbc-db :exasol "SELECT 1")
(dev/query-jdbc-db [:exasol 'test-data] "SELECT * from CAM_179.\"test_data_users\"")
- deps.edn: Dependencies and comments with useful commands for building and testing
: Functions for developing with the REPLtest/metabase/test_runner.clj
: Functions for running tests in REPLtest/metabase/test/data/dataset_definitions.clj
: Available test data setstest/metabase/test/data/dataset_definitions/*.edn
: Definitions of test data sets
To increase the log level for integration tests, edit file $METABASE_DIR/test_config/log4j2-test.xml
Exasol does not support the TIME
data type. That is why we can't load the following datasets from the Metabase integration tests:
We exclude TIME
related and other broken tests by patching the metabase sources with patch scripts/exclude_tests.diff
automatically applies this patch when file $METABASE_DIR/target/patch_excluded_test_applied
does not exist.
When the patch file has changed or you updated to a new Metabase release, do the following and re-run the integration tests with
git reset --hard && rm -vf target/patch_excluded_test_applied
If applying the patch fails after upgrading to a new Metabase version, follow these steps:
- Run
cd $METABASE_DIR && git reset --hard && rm -vf target/patch_excluded_test_applied
- Remove the failed part from
- Run integration tests
. This will apply the patch. - Modify Metabase tests to adapt them to Exasol
- Update patch by running
cd $METABASE_DIR && git diff > $METABASE_EXASOL_DRIVER/scripts/exclude_tests.diff
clojure -M:clj-kondo --lint src test --debug
FileNotFoundException: Could not locate metabase/test/data/exasol__init.class, metabase/test/data/exasol.clj or metabase/test/data/exasol.cljc on classpath.
Verify that $METABASE_DIR/modules/drivers/exasol
is a symlink to the metabase-driver
Tests fail on macOS because they expect numbers with a .
as decimal point (e.g. 1000.0 µs
) but get a ,
(e.g. 1000,0 µs
), e.g.:
expected: (thrown-with-msg?
#"Timed out after 1000\.0 µs\."
(if (instance? Throwable result) (throw result) result))
actual: #<clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo@141971c7 clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Timed out after 1000,0 µs. {:status :timed-out, :type :timed-out}>
Solution: run tests under Linux with English locale or pass arguments -J-Duser.language=en
to clojure when starting the tests (default in
Some Metabase integration tests depend on the current timestamp and will fail when the year changes. See issue #14 for details.