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Carter Li edited this page Sep 26, 2024 · 20 revisions

All categories not listed here should work without needing a specific implementation.

Available Modules

1)  Battery       : Print battery capacity, status, etc
2)  Bios          : Print information of 1st-stage bootloader (name, version, release date, etc)
3)  Bluetooth     : List (connected) bluetooth devices
4)  BluetoothRadio: List bluetooth radios width supported version and vendor
5)  Board         : Print motherboard name and other info
6)  Bootmgr       : Print information of 2nd-stage bootloader (name, firmware, etc)
7)  Break         : Print a empty line
8)  Brightness    : Print current brightness level of your monitors
9)  Btrfs         : Print BTRFS volumes
10) Camera        : Print available cameras
11) Chassis       : Print chassis type (desktop, laptop, etc)
12) Command       : Running custom shell scripts
13) Colors        : Print some colored blocks
14) CPU           : Print CPU name, frequency, etc
15) CPUCache      : Print CPU cache sizes
16) CPUUsage      : Print CPU usage. Costs some time to collect data
17) Cursor        : Print cursor style name
18) Custom        : Print a custom string, with or without key
19) DateTime      : Print current date and time
20) DE            : Print desktop environment name
21) Display       : Print resolutions, refresh rates, etc
22) Disk          : Print partitions, space usage, file system, etc
23) DiskIO        : Print physical disk I/O throughput
24) DNS           : Print configured DNS servers
25) Editor        : Print information of the default editor ($VISUAL or $EDITOR)
26) Font          : Print system font name
27) Gamepad       : List connected gamepads
28) GPU           : Print GPU names, graphic memory size, type, etc
29) Host          : Print product name of your computer
30) Icons         : Print icon style name
31) InitSystem    : Print init system (pid 1) name and version
32) Kernel        : Print system kernel version
33) LM            : Print login manager (desktop manager) name and version
34) Loadavg       : Print system load averages
35) Locale        : Print system locale name
36) LocalIp       : List local IP addresses (v4 or v6), MAC addresses, etc
37) Media         : Print playing song name
38) Memory        : Print system memory usage info
39) Monitor       : Print connected physical monitor information
40) NetIO         : Print network I/O throughput
41) OpenCL        : Print highest OpenCL version supported by the GPU
42) OpenGL        : Print highest OpenGL version supported by the GPU
43) OS            : Print operating system name and version
44) Packages      : List installed package managers and count of installed packages
45) PhysicalDisk  : Print physical disk information
46) PhysicalMemory: Print system physical memory devices
47) Player        : Print music player name
48) PowerAdapter  : Print power adapter name and charging watts
49) Processes     : Count running processes
50) PublicIp      : Print your public IP address, etc
51) Separator     : Print a separator line
52) Shell         : Print current shell name and version
53) Sound         : Print sound devices, volume, etc
54) Swap          : Print swap (paging file) space usage
55) Terminal      : Print current terminal name and version
56) TerminalFont  : Print font name and size used by current terminal
57) TerminalSize  : Print current terminal size
58) TerminalTheme : Print current terminal theme (foreground and background colors)
59) Title         : Print title, which contains your user name, hostname
60) Theme         : Print current theme of desktop environment
61) TPM           : Print info of Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Security Device
62) Uptime        : Print how long system has been running
63) Users         : Print users currently logged in
64) Version       : Print Fastfetch version
65) Vulkan        : Print highest Vulkan version supported by the GPU
66) Wallpaper     : Print image file path of current wallpaper
67) Weather       : Print weather information
68) WM            : Print window manager name and version
69) Wifi          : Print connected Wi-Fi info (SSID, connection and security protocol)
70) WMTheme       : Print current theme of window manager
71) Zpool         : Print ZFS storage pools

Worth noting that not all modules are supported on all platforms.

Builtin logos

A: Adélie, AerOS, Afterglow, AIX, AlmaLinux, Alpine, Alpine2Small, AlpineSmall, Alter, ALTLinux, Amazon, AmazonLinux, AmogOS, Anarchy, Android, AndroidSmall, Antergos, Antix, AoscOS, AoscOS_old, AoscOsRetro, AoscOsRetro_small, Aperture, Apple, AppleSmall, Apricity, Arch, Arch2, Arch3, ArchBox, Archcraft, Archcraft2, Archlabs, ArchSmall, ArchStrike, ArcoLinux, ArcoLinuxSmall, Arkane, Armbian, Armbian2, ArseLinux, Artix, Artix2Small, ArtixSmall, Arya, Asahi, Asahi2, Aster, AsteroidOS, AstOS, Astra, Ataraxia, Athena, Azos
B: Bedrock, BigLinux, Bitrig, BlackArch, BlackMesa, BlackPanther, BLAG, BlankOn, BlueLight, Bodhi, Bonsai, BSD, BunsenLabs
C: CachyOS, CachyOSSmall, Calculate, CalinixOS, CalinixOSSmall, Carbs, CBL-Mariner, CelOS, Center, CentOS, CentOSSmall, Cereus, Chakra, ChaletOS, Chapeau, Chimera Linux, ChonkySealOS, Chrom, Cleanjaro, CleanjaroSmall, ClearLinux, ClearOS, Clover, Cobalt, Condres, ContainerLinux, CRUX, CRUXSmall, CrystalLinux, Cucumber, CuerdOS, CutefishOS, CuteOS, CyberOS, cycledream
D: DahliaOS, DarkOS, Debian, DebianSmall, Deepin, DesaOS, Devuan, DevuanSmall, DietPi, DracOS, DragonFly, DragonFlyOld, DragonFlySmall, DraugerOS, Droidian
E: Elbrus, Elementary, ElementarySmall, Elive, EncryptOS, Endeavour, EndeavourSmall, Endless, Enso, EshanizedOS, EuroLinux, evolinx, EvolutionOS, EvolutionOS_old, EvolutionOSSmall, Exherbo, ExodiaPredator
F: Fedora, FedoraAsahiRemix, FedoraCoreOS, FedoraKinoite, FedoraOld, FedoraSericea, FedoraSilverblue, FedoraSmall, FemboyOS, Feren, Finnix, Floflis, FoxOS, FreeBSD, FreeBSDSmall, FreeMiNT, Frugalware, Funtoo, Furreto
G: GalliumOS, Garuda, GarudaDragon, GarudaSmall, Gentoo, GentooSmall, GhostBSD, Glaucus, GNewSense, GNOME, GNU, GoboLinux, GoldenDogLinux, GrapheneOS, Grombyang, Guix, GuixSmall
H: Haiku, HaikuSmall, HamoniKR, HarDClanZ, HardenedBSD, Hash, Huawei Cloud EulerOS, Huayra, Hybrid, HydroOS, Hyperbola, HyperbolaSmall, HyprOS
I: Iglunix, InstantOS, Interix, IRIX, Ironclad, Itc
J: Januslinux
K: Kaisen, Kali, KaliSmall, KaOS, KDENeon, KernelOS, Kibojoe, KISSLinux, Kogaion, Korora, KrassOS, KSLinux, Kubuntu
L: LainOS, LangitKetujuh, Laxeros, LEDE, LibreELEC, Lingmo OS, Linspire, Linux, LinuxFromScratch, LinuxLight, LinuxLightSmall, LinuxMint, LinuxMintOld, LinuxMintSmall, LinuxSmall, Live_Raizo, LliureX, LMDE, Loc-OS, Lunar
M: MacOS, MacOS2, MacOS2Small, MacOS3, MacOSSmall, Mageia, MageiaSmall, Magix, MagpieOS, MainsailOS, MainsailOSSmall, Mandriva, Manjaro, ManjaroSmall, MassOS, MatuusOS, MaUI, Mauna, Meowix, Mer, Minix, Mint, MintOld, MintSmall, MiracleLinux, MOS, Msys2, MX, MX2, MXSmall
N: Namib, Nekos, Neptune, NetBSD, NetRunner, Nitrux, NixOS, NixOSOld, NixOsOldSmall, NixOSSmall, Nobara, NomadBSD, Nurunner, NuTyX
O: Obarun, OBRevenge, OmniOS, Opak, OpenBSD, OpenBSDSmall, OpenEuler, OpenIndiana, OpenKylin, OpenMamba, OpenMandriva, OpenStage, OpenSuse, OpenSuseLeap, openSuseMicroOS, openSUSESlowroll, OpenSuseSmall, OpenSuseTumbleweed, OpenWrt, OPNsense, Oracle, Orchid, OrchidSmall, OS_Elbrus, OSMC, OSX, OSXSmall
P: PacBSD, Panwah, Parabola, ParabolaSmall, Parch, Pardus, Parrot, Parsix, PCBSD, PCLinuxOS, PearOS, Pengwin, Pentoo, Peppermint, Peropesis, PhyOS, PikaOS, Pisi, PNMLinux, Pop, PopSmall, Porteus, PostMarketOS, PostMarketOSSmall, Proxmox, PuffOS, Puppy, PureOS, PureOSSmall
Q: Q4OS, QTS, Qubes, Qubyt, Quibian, Quirinux
R: Radix, Raspbian, RaspbianSmall, RavynOS, Reborn, RebornSmall, RedCore, RedHatEnterpriseLinux, RedHatEnterpriseLinux_old, RedOS, RedOS small, RedstarOS, Refracted Devuan, Regata, Regolith, RhaymOS, RockyLinux, RockyLinuxSmall, RosaLinux
S: Sabayon, Sabotage, Sailfish, SalentOS, SalientOS, Salix, SambaBOX, Sasanqua, Scientific, Semc, Septor, Serene, SharkLinux, ShastraOS, Siduction, SkiffOS, Slackel, Slackware, SlackwareSmall, SleeperOS, SleeperOS, Slitaz, SmartOS, Soda, Solaris, SolarisSmall, Solus, Source Mage, Sparky, SpoinkOS, Star, Steam Deck, Steam Deck OLED, Steam Deck Small, SteamOS, StockLinux, Sulin, Suse, SuseSmall, Swagarch
T: T2, Tails, Tatra, TeArch, TileOS, Torizon OS, Trisquel, TuxedoOS, Twister
U: Ubuntu, UbuntuBudgie, UbuntuCinnamon, UbuntuGNOME, UbuntuKde, UbuntuKylin, UbuntuMate, UbuntuOld, UbuntuOld2, UbuntuOld2Small, UbuntuSmall, UbuntuStudio, UbuntuSway, UbuntuTouch, UbuntuUnity, Ultramarine, Univalent, Univention, UOS, UrukOS, Uwuntu
V: Vanilla, Vanilla2, VanillaSmall, Venom, VenomSmall, Vnux, Void, Void2Small, VoidSmall, Vzlinux
W: WiiLinuxNgx, Windows, Windows11, Windows11Small, Windows8, Windows95
X: Xenia, Xferience
Y: YiffOS
Z: Z/OS, Zorin

Run fastfetch --print-logos to print them

Package managers

am, apk, brew, Chocolatey, dpkg, emerge, eopkg, Flatpak, Guix, linglong, lpkg, lpkgbuild, MacPorts, nix, opkg, Pacman, paludis, pkg, pkgtool, rpm, scoop, Snap, sorcery, winget (disabled by default), xbps

WM themes

DWM (Windows), KWin, Marco, Muffin, Mutter, Openbox (LXDE, LXQT & without DE), Quartz Compositor (macOS), XFWM

DE versions

Budgie, Cinnamon, Gnome, KDE Plasma, LXQt, Mate, Unity, XFCE4

Terminal fonts

Alacritty, Apple Terminal, ConEmu, Deepin Terminal, foot, Gnome Console, Gnome Terminal, iTerm2, Kitty, Konsole, LXTerminal, MATE Terminal, mintty, QTerminal, st, Tabby, Terminator, Termux, Tilix, TTY, Warp, WezTerm, Windows Terminal, XFCE4 Terminal, Yakuake