- Matchers: all(_), sameElementsAs(), loneElement
- Rudin delta, Stokes. Vector Calculus book on SpringerLink
- Racket
- Emacs
- Light table for Clojure if it's still an active project
- Haskell / Idris - proofs
- Solidity
- Akka / streams
- Lurie talk about categorization of Fourier
- scalaz, cats, cats-effect. Shapeless
- macros. paradise library? Also Dotty macros
- Can port scala-workflow? This seems to correspond to Idris' "idiom brackets"
- Caching in Idris: It might be possible to have a purely functional SortedTree structure that did caching.
- Mazzolla book
- Schwarz-Christoffel
how to disable formatting:
// format: off
val identity = Array(1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1)
// format: on
may be necessary with AlgebraicMachineryTest which is somewhat complex... this fixed it
did better with minimal .scalaafmt.conf from the scalafmt project itself
note very complete config options available from Cmd-comma preferences / scalafmt tab
to search GitHub:
These are the opposite of magmas, which are just sets with a binary operation which needn’t have a 1, or be associative or commutative or satisfy any nice algebraic laws. So a comagma is just a set X with a structure map:
X -> X + X
It turns out these structures definitely deserve a place in the world of Bewl and “cantorian music theory” or whatever the rapidly burgeoning body of knowledge is to be called, because:
(1) Cantorians (maps N -> Bool) form a comagma K.
(2) For any other comagma X, there’s a unique morphism of comagmas X -> K. So actually K is the terminal object of the category of comagmas.
(3) it turns out this category is actually a topos!
Here’s why: Consider the free monoid M on 2 generators. Then you can convince yourself that a comagma is just a right action of M together with an M-map to K, which of course has a natural right action structure. So the category of comagmas is just a slice category of the category of right M-actions, so is a topos.
(4) A slight modification of this argument may make the category of reversible comagmas (i.e. ones whose structure map is iso) into a topos, also with the Cantorian comagma K as its 1. I haven’t quite checked all the details, but this seems plausible.
(5) For any reversible comagma X, and any set A, A ^ X is a Jónsson-Tarski algebra.