fip | title | author | discussions-to | status | type | created | requires (*optional) |
0099 |
Delegation of Authority for F3 Parameter Setting |
@Kubuxu @BigLep |
Draft |
2025-01-30 |
FIP-0086 |
Avoid a full network upgrade for setting F3 activation parameters by instead delegating parameter setting to the Lotus, Forest, and Venus implementation teams, who will set these parameters using a multisig-owned smart contract for one-time use on mainnet.
This FRC proposes introducing an on-chain smart contract that can manage F3 parameters dynamically. This contract would be owned/controlled through a multi-signature mechanism requiring consensus from all three major Filecoin implementations (Lotus, Forest, and Venus). The contract would allow for a one-time parameter update based on mainnet passive test results, effectively combining what would have been two network upgrades into one while maintaining security through multiple stakeholder approval, full on-chain transparency, and built-in time delays for community review. Additionally, the contract is designed to automatically disable itself after the F3 activation date or 2025-08-01, whichever comes first, ensuring that any changes are deliberate and well-considered, while preventing indefinite alterations.
The Fast Finality (F3) feature for Filecoin requires comprehensive testing under mainnet conditions to ensure its effectiveness and reliability. These live network conditions are challenging to replicate in test environments, and thus, the parameters for F3 are contingent upon the results of these mainnet tests. By default this necessitates two distinct network upgrades: one enabling Storage Providers to update their software for testing purposes, and a subsequent one for setting the finalized parameters. As of 202501, network upgrades are "costly" in terms of the multiple party coordination and for good reasons take a couple of calendar months to fully execute in non-emergency situations. Implementers who are taking on delivering F3, as already approved by the network in FIP-0086, want to deliver the benefits of F3 to the network faster while minimizing the "people resource" consumption on the network and their teams. (See filecoin-project/go-f3#800 for more info.)
Below are common terms used throughout the rest of this document.
- nv25 - The network upgrade that will deliver the next batch of F3 protocol and code changes, which we also expect is the last network upgrade for activating F3 on mainnet.
- "the implementations" - This means the main major Filecoin implementations: Lotus, Forest, and Venus.
- “the smart contract” - This is the smart contract referred to in this proposal that contains the “good parameter set” and the bootstrap epoch. The source code will live in filecoin-project/f3-activation-contract and its address will be hardcoded in Lotus/Forest/Venus nv25-compatible releases. The owner address is "the multisig contract" discussed below.
- “good parameter set” - This is the set of F3 configuration parameters that will be determined as part of nv25 mainnet passive testing. This parameter set will have sustained demonstrated success in mainnet. It will be stored in "the smart contract" as DEFLATE compressed JSON data, and it will be consumed by "the implementations".
- “the multisig contract” - This is a standard off-the-shelf multisig EVM contract (Gnosis Safe) that will be the owner of “the smart contract”. As a result, “the smart contract” will only accept updates from this multisig contract. This is the mechanism by which we accomplish multi-stakeholder consensus of the Lotus, Forest, and Venus implementation teams.
To streamline this process and enhance flexibility, we propose delegating the authority for setting F3 parameters to an on-chain contract so F3 activation in mainnet can be accomplished with one network upgrade rather than two. This contract will be responsible for managing a predefined set of parameters and making go/no-go decisions regarding their implementation.
- Move the parameter setting from the build phase to an on-chain contract, allowing for a singular dynamic update based on real-time test results.
- This contract will live in a new public repo: filecoin-project/f3-activation-contract
- Note: while we’ll restrict write access to the repo to Lotus, Forest, and Venus maintainers for general repo hygiene, repo write access isn’t the chief concern. The key decision is the groups that have the ability to update the state of the published mainnet contract (discussed more below).
- Key ownership is communicated by each implementation team adding their keys to this FRC via PR in the Implementation section.
- One can then following the chain of contract address hardcoded in implementations → contract address owner → inspect the multisig at → ensure keys from Implementation section are present
- Parameter updates will require full consensus amongst each of the Filecoin implementations: Lotus, Forest, and Venus. This is implemented with a multisig requiring 3 of 3.
- Each of the three implementation teams will send signed messages to authorize changes, ensuring security and agreement among stakeholders.
- This would have “used once finalization”. The contract does not permit further updates if the currently set bootstrap epoch is in the past.
- Assuming bootstrap hasn't already finalized the contract, it is designed to automatically disable itself on 2025-08-01T00:00:00Z (mainnet epoch 5190000), ensuring that any changes are deliberate and well-considered, while preventing indefinite alterations.
- This means the bootstrap epoch must be before 2025-08-01.
- There is no contingency plan beyond another network upgrade. If for some reason F3 still isn’t activated within this ~6 month window, a network upgrade will be required to update client software to point to a new contract.
- The content of the dynamic manifest is expected to comply with or be similar to schema below. (There may be some shifts in the parameters based on testing from before the nv25 upgrade.)
- Some of the most important attributes include:
- Bootstrap Epoch:
- Specifies the activation time, set no sooner than 72 hours from message transmission. This is intended to give the community an additional window to react in case there late-discovered issues with the parameters/rollout. See Proposed sequence / example timeline for more context.
- This should match the "activation epoch" that has been set/validated on the contract itself. Implementations need to validate this or else they are susceptible to activating at a datetime that doesn't meet the restrictions in this proposal.
- EC.DelayMultiplier: Adjusts the delay multiplier for the consensus mechanism.
- EC.BaseDecisionBackoffTable: Defines the backoff strategy for consensus decisions.
- EC.HeadLookback: Determines the how far behind EC is F3 running.
- GPBFTConfig: Configures the parameters for the GPBFT consensus protocol.
- CxConfig: Configuration of Chain Exchange protocol
- PubSubConfig: Configuration of F3’s usage of PubSub.
- CatchUpAlignment: Aligns catch-up processes with network requirements.
- Bootstrap Epoch:
- The smart contract itself will not do any conformance checking of the manifest data. It is up to implementations to decompress and parse the data and defensively set the allowed parameters.
- The manifest content that is stored in the contract will be DEFLATE-compressed JSON data.
Note: The schema below is provided as an approximation to give readers an understanding of the expected structure. The actual schema may have adjustments based on testing results before the nv25 upgrade.
Click to expand the Dynamic Manifest Schema estimate.
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"Pause": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Flag to pause the protocol"
"ProtocolVersion": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Version number of the protocol"
"InitialInstance": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Initial instance number"
"BootstrapEpoch": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Epoch number for bootstrapping"
"NetworkName": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Name of the network"
"ExplicitPower": {
"type": ["null", "object"],
"description": "Optional explicit power configuration"
"IgnoreECPower": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Flag to ignore EC power"
"InitialPowerTable": {
"type": ["null", "object"],
"description": "Optional initial power table configuration"
"CommitteeLookback": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Number of blocks to look back for committee"
"CatchUpAlignment": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Alignment value for catch-up process"
"Gpbft": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"Delta": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Base delta value"
"DeltaBackOffExponent": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Exponent for delta backoff calculation"
"QualityDeltaMultiplier": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Multiplier for quality delta"
"MaxLookaheadRounds": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Maximum number of lookahead rounds"
"ChainProposedLength": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Proposed length of the chain"
"RebroadcastBackoffBase": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Base value for rebroadcast backoff"
"RebroadcastBackoffExponent": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Exponent for rebroadcast backoff"
"RebroadcastBackoffSpread": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Spread value for rebroadcast backoff"
"RebroadcastBackoffMax": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Maximum rebroadcast backoff value"
"EC": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"Period": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Period duration"
"Finality": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Finality parameter"
"DelayMultiplier": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Multiplier for delay calculations"
"BaseDecisionBackoffTable": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": 0
"description": "Table of backoff values for base decisions"
"HeadLookback": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Number of blocks to look back from head"
"Finalize": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Flag to enable finalization"
"CertificateExchange": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"ClientRequestTimeout": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Timeout for client requests"
"ServerRequestTimeout": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Timeout for server requests"
"MinimumPollInterval": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Minimum interval between polls"
"MaximumPollInterval": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Maximum interval between polls"
"PubSub": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["CompressionEnabled"],
"properties": {
"CompressionEnabled": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Flag to enable compression"
"ChainExchange": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"SubscriptionBufferSize": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Size of the subscription buffer"
"MaxChainLength": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Maximum length of the chain"
"MaxInstanceLookahead": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Maximum number of instances to look ahead"
"MaxDiscoveredChainsPerInstance": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Maximum number of discovered chains per instance"
"MaxWantedChainsPerInstance": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Maximum number of wanted chains per instance"
"RebroadcastInterval": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Interval between rebroadcasts"
"MaxTimestampAge": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Maximum age of timestamps"
Below isn't the full ABI, but captures the key functions. See the implementation notes for links to the full ABI.
// This will be invoked by the implementers to set the expiration as 2025-08-01T00:00:00Z
"name": "constructor",
"type": "constructor",
"inputs": [
"name": "owner",
"type": "address"
"name": "expiry",
"type": "uint64"
"outputs": []
// This will be invoked by the implementers to set the activation epoch and "good parameter set".
"name": "updateActivationInformation",
"type": "function",
"inputs": [
"name": "activationEpoch",
"type": "uint64"
"name": "manifestData",
"type": "bytes"
"outputs": []
// This is the main read method used by implementations.
// It will be polled for determining the activation epoch and "the good parameter set".
"name": "activationInformation",
"type": "function",
"inputs": [],
"outputs": [
// activationEpoch
"type": "uint64"
// manifestData
"type": "bytes"
// Error cases
// Activation epoch is in the past or within 3 days of now.
"name": "UpdateActivationEpochInvalid",
"type": "error",
"inputs": [
"name": "currentEpoch",
"type": "uint64"
"name": "activationEpoch",
"type": "uint64"
"name": "reason",
"type": "string"
"outputs": []
// F3 has already been active.
"name": "UpdateAlreadyActive",
"type": "error",
"inputs": [],
"outputs": []
// It's after 2025-08-01T00:00:00Z
"name": "UpdateExpired",
"type": "error",
"inputs": [],
"outputs": []
This is an expected sequence of events for using this proposed functionality with an example timeline to aid with clarity on decision points and review periods.
What? | When Starts? | When Completes? | Why? |
create “the multisig contract” | whenever | before deploying “the smart contract” below | Serves as the owner of “the smart contract” and accomplishes multi-stakeholder consensus of the Lotus, Forest, and Venus implementation teams. |
deploy “the smart contract” that implements this proposal | by 1 week before nv25 Lotus code freeze | by nv25 Lotus code freeze | Give community an opportunity to review/audit “the smart contract” before baking its address into nv25 Lotus/Forest/Venus versions. It should follow the design in this proposal and comply with the constraints that have been outlined. |
update Lotus/Forest/Venus to hardcode “the smart contract” address | by nv25 Lotus code freeze | by nv25 Lotus code freeze | Prevent any tampering with “the smart contract”’s logic/constraints that were reviewed by the community. |
nv25 activation | date X (ideally in Q1) | Filecoin mainnet nodes/miners now have code that has: 1) Improvements / learnings from the nv24 passive testing. 2) Additional knobs for nv25 passive testing. 3) Does a one-time setting of the F3 “good parameter set” based on querying “the smart contract” as discussed in this proposal. | |
nv25 passive testing | X + 1 or 2 days | X + 2 weeks | Empirical testing to ensure we have a “good parameter set” that works well on mainnet. There will be daily updates on progress and findings, like with nv24, here. |
announce proposed f3 parameters, proposed activation date, and rationale for these | X+2.5 weeks (after nv25 passive testing) | X + 2.5 weeks | Give community full visibility into the proposed f3 “good parameter set” that would be one-time-set via “the smart contract” so we can get input and determine whether we need to make any adjustments. This would be both in English prose in a GitHub community discussion/issue and in PR as a "task" to run against “the smart contract”. |
community review period | X+2.5 weeks (after public announcement / PR) | X + 3.5 weeks | Ensure there is buy-in (or at least not major active opposition) to the “good parameter set” and bootstrap epoch. |
set the bootstrap epoch and “good parameter set” on “the smart contract” with an activation epoch (which is at least 3 days in the future) | X + 3.5 weeks (after community review period) | X + 3.5 weeks | Nodes that are participating in nv25 will pick up the “good parameter set” and start using them at the bootstrap epoch. Given the bootstrap epoch is sufficiently in the future, if an issue wasn’t caught in the previous review period, there is still time to abort by updating “the smart contract” with a bootstrap epoch further in the future and/or to deploy client software that ignores the “good parameter set” values in “the smart contract”. |
(optional) publish new Lotus, Forest, and Venus versions with the f3 “good parameter set” inline and removal of delegated setting via smart contract | X + 3.5 weeks (after community review period) | X + 3.5 weeks | Operators aren’t required to update to this version, but it gives them a way to run code that no longer has an opening for delegated authority. |
bootstrap epoch | X + 4 weeks (starts based on the bootstrap epoch that was set as part of publishing “the smart contract”.) | X + 4 weeks | This is what activates F3 on Mainnet. This is what the network has been building towards for months 🙂 |
active mainnet monitoring | X + 4 weeks (after bootstrap epoch) | Indefinite | F3 in mainnet has now become a default aspect that is monitored and reviewed with other network metrics given its importance for the network. |
We considered these options:
- ❌ do an extra network upgrade - This was rejected for the reasons outlined in Change Motivation: too long on the calendar and too people-taxing on the network.
- ❌ use the same mechanism as passive testing but affect consensus - With passive testing we've already got an ability to dynamically set the F3 parameters. It is centrally owned and managed though by FilOz engineers that have been driving the F3 implementation. Centralization for expediency seemed acceptable when consensus wasn't at play, but the moment that consensus is impacted, we expect network values of decentralization to be followed.
- ❌ propagate manifest values with PubSub - rather than deliver "the good parameter set" via a smart contract, sign a message form pre-arranged and agreed upon libp2p peer id. While this would enable multiple stakeholders, it would miss out on the easier transparency and tooling that we get from living with chain-stored state. Specifically this approach doesn't have the stickiness/immutability that we get from state on chain. It also doesn't have an easy way to canonically reference it.
- ✅ distribute via implementation-team owned smart contract - This idea has been shared at multiple Filecoin Implementers Working Group meetings without concern, and the public discussion has not raised opposition to the proposal. We have taken this as approval (or at least acceptance) of this lighter-weight mechanism to move faster while still having a high amount of transparency and safety.
There is no backward incompatibility introduced by this FRC. Instead, this FRC may be the beginning of a new tool in the ecosystem's toolbelt for being able to make important changes at a faster rate at acceptable safety and transparency levels.
The following checks and balances are in place to avoid blindsiding anyone in the network and to use the collective community to catch any potential mistakes or security issues:
- “the smart contract” code will be open for review for at least a week to help catch any potential vulnerabilities.
- Note: we are not planning for this contract to be formally audited because of its simple logic and no user assets being directly at stake.
- The nv25-compatible Lotus/Forest/Venus releases will hardcode “the smart contract” address such that getting clients to use a tampered-version would require a network version. The PRs for hardcoding “the smart contract” address will be open for review for at least 2 days to allow for verification. (And of course since implementations are open source, the contract can be verified at any point.) See below for why other contract metadata isn't hardcoded.
- Updating the state of “the smart contract” with the bootstrap epoch and “good parameter set” will require signing from “the multisig contract”, which has three separate but knowledgeable signing groups (Lotus, Forest, and Venus maintainers). The corresponding blockchain message id will be shared on Slack, GitHub, etc. for clear visibility.
- The bootstrap epoch set in the message above will be at least 72 hours in the future, providing one more window to course-correct.
- “the smart contract” code will disregard any bootstrap updates that are 6 months in future of the contract creation date, ensuring this one-time setting mechanism has an upper bound. (It’s expected that its “used once finalization” will occur well before this “self-disablement”.)
- The “good parameter set” and bootstrap epoch cannot be updated if “the smart contract” has a bootstrap epoch set that is in the past. (This conforms to “use only once and then finalize”.)
This proposal does not affect incentives. In nv25 and the period immediately following, f3 participation will still be voluntary without any direct charge to SPs who opt out. While we believe SPs have indirect incentivization in the long term to enable F3 because of the wider capabilities it brings to the network, direct incentivization will be designed and encouraged in followup network upgrades (see current proposal discussion).
For this proposed activation strategy, we believe the guardrails and transparency proposed should have no adverse product impact. Instead, we expect the network will get the F3 benefits quicker and with less net effort than an additional network upgrade.
- smart contract:
- source code:
- ABI: .abi in this file
- Mainnet contract address: 0xA19080A1Bcb82Bb61bcb9691EC94653Eb5315716
- mainnet contract verification: blockscout
- multisig owning contract
- address: 0x53bd89Ff2Ff97541f42ACC3AFC0C0030e7410422
- Lotus public key: 0x6743938A48fC8799A5608EF079C53f3cF3B84398
- Forest public key: 0xDc9C10232F6A0Db8Bae2e8Fbc24ac1c26141977d
- Venus public key: 0x82A16435509bAa9b8Fe71D8260CCf6C601b1b6eD
- Lotus integration code: filecoin-project/lotus#12861
- Forest integration code: ChainSafe/forest#5321
- Venus integration code: filecoin-project/venus#6447
- smart contract reading and writing:
- See also the implementation integrations above for their unit tests
- Implementation and integration master tracking issue: filecoin-project/go-f3#828
- All the "TODO"s referenced above, which are largely related to implementation teams providing their keys, integration code, and test cases.
F3 FIP-0086 focuses on the protocol changes, which already has community agreement to ship. This was separated out because it's a discussion on how to deliver the protocol changes that have already been approved. We didn't want the community acceptance of FIP-0086 to be clouded by the delivery vehicle. In addition, we foresee this proposed "delegated authority" approach being a potential pattern to learn from or use again in the future as the ecosystem seeks to move faster while still having safety and community transparency. As a result, we thought this potential case study should be more easily addressed and referenced if it wasn't buried within an already very long FIP.
From a threat model perspective, the implementation teams are supposed to own the the smart contract. In order to be malicious by changing ownership of the smart contract, the "good parameter set" stored within the contract or the contract's logic, they would need to collude. If the implementation teams are all colluding for nefarious purposes, we have much bigger problems. As a result, hard coding in the implementations the owner address or a hash of the of the smart contract code isn't actually buying any extra security.
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