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File metadata and controls

220 lines (180 loc) · 10.1 KB

Native Helper for Graal VM

Utilities for Graal VM metadata generation.

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This library allows generation of graalvm metadata.

There is also a native-helper-maven-plugin available, to add the generation to project build.

1. Quickstart

1.1 Add dependency


1.2 Create your reflect config entry model

// entry setup type 1
Entry entry1 = new Entry( String.class.getName() );
entry1.setCondition( new EntryCondition( String.class.getName() ));
entry1.setFields( Arrays.asList( new EntryField( "prop1" ) ) );
entry1.setMethods( Arrays.asList( new EntryMethod( "test1" ) ) );
// entry setup type 2
EntryCondition condition2 = new EntryCondition();
condition2.setTypeReachable( Double.class.getName() );
EntryField field2 = new EntryField();
field2.setName( "prop2" );
EntryMethod method2 = new EntryMethod();
method2.setName( "test2" );
method2.setParameterTypes( Arrays.asList(Date.class.getName()) );
Entry entry2 = new Entry();
entry2.setCondition( condition2 );
entry2.setFields( Arrays.asList( field2 ) );
entry2.setMethods( Arrays.asList( method2 ) );
entry2.setName( Integer.class.getName() );
// auto generate entry from class :
Entry entry3 = EntryHelper.addDefaultInit( ReflectConfigUtil.GETTERS_ONLY.toEntry( EntryMethod.class ) );
// generate
GenerateReflectConfig gen = new GenerateReflectConfig();
try (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter()) {
    List<Entry> entries = Arrays.asList( entry1, entry2, entry3 );
    // if you want the methods in fixed order :
    entries.forEach( EntryHelper::fixedOrder );
    // generate reflect-config.json
    gen.generate( writer, entries); "output : \n{}", writer.toString() );

1.3 Output will be

[ {
  "condition" : {
    "typeReachable" : "java.lang.String"
  "name" : "java.lang.String",
  "fields" : [ {
    "name" : "prop1"
  } ],
  "methods" : [ {
    "name" : "test1",
    "parameterTypes" : [ ]
  } ]
}, {
  "condition" : {
    "typeReachable" : "java.lang.Double"
  "name" : "java.lang.Integer",
  "fields" : [ {
    "name" : "prop2"
  } ],
  "methods" : [ {
    "name" : "test2",
    "parameterTypes" : [ "java.util.Date" ]
  } ]
}, {
  "name" : "",
  "methods" : [ {
    "name" : "<init>",
    "parameterTypes" : [ ]
  }, {
    "name" : "getClass",
    "parameterTypes" : [ ]
  }, {
    "name" : "getName",
    "parameterTypes" : [ ]
  }, {
    "name" : "getParameterTypes",
    "parameterTypes" : [ ]
  } ]
} ]

2. Auto generate reflect config entries

It is possible to use ReflectConfigUtil to generate reflect config entries content.

// choose ReflectConfigUtil or define a cusom one
// in this example we will render only getters methods
ReflectConfigUtil reflectConfigUtil = ReflectConfigUtil.GETTERS_ONLY;
// creates new reflect config entry, with selected methods and all constructors
Entry entry = reflectConfigUtil.toEntryWithConstructors( c );
// order methods, constructors first, then methods in alphabetical order
EntryHelper.fixedOrder( entry );

Here is a full code example.

3. Generate reflect config entries with NativeHelperFacade

To bulk generate reflect-config.json, you can use the NativeHelperFacade.

3.1 Write native-helper-config.yaml

NativeHelperFacade uses a yaml configuration file to generate the entries.

Here is a sample native-helper-config.yaml configuration file :

#Sample native helper config file
- className:
  skipConstructors: true
  mode: getters
- className:
  skipConstructors: true
  mode: getters
- className:
  skipConstructors: true
  mode: getters
- className:
  skipConstructors: true
  mode: getters

3.2 Generate reflect config entries

And then use NativeHelperFacade to generate entries :

// path the native-helper-config.yaml file
String path = "src/test/resources/tool/config/native-helper-config-1.yaml";
// reads configuration
NativeHelperConfig config = NativeHelperFacade.loadConfig( path );
// creates entries from configuration
List<Entry> entries = NativeHelperFacade.generateEntries( config );

Here is a full code example.

3.3 native-helper-config.yaml reference

top level properties :

name default required type description
reflectConfigJsonOutputPath none false string default generation path for reflect-config.json file
createParentDirectory false false boolean if true will generate reflectConfigJsonOutputPath parent directory
jarPackageDiscovery false false boolean if true will try to discover packages in jar
generate none false list of entry config list of entries to generate
merge none false list of merge coinfig list of reflect-config.json to merge in the output

entry config properties :

name default required type description
className none false string fully qualified class name (alternative to packageName)
packageName none false string fully qualified package name (alternative to className) (*)
excludeClassNames none false string if packageName is set, comma separeted list of class simple names to excludes
mode none true string accept values : getters, setters, getters_setters, all
skipGenerators false false boolean if set to true will not generate constructors metadata
typeReachable none false string type for typeReachable condition
jarPackageDiscovery false false boolean if true will try to discover packages in jar

(*) currently package packed ar only supported if jarPackageDiscovery is set to true

merge config properties :

name default required type description
reflectConfigPath none true string path to reflect-config.json file to merge
mode warnOnError false string Can be warnOnError : error will be just logged on error, failOnError : the generation will fail in case of error

4. Generate reflect-config.json file

Once the entry list has been generated, use the GenerateReflectConfig utility to write the json file.

File reflectConfigFile = new File( "META-INF/native-image/relfect-config.json" ):
GenerateReflectConfig generateReflectConfig = new GenerateReflectConfig();
try (Writer writer = new FileWriter( reflectConfigFile ) ) {
    generateReflectConfig.generate( writer, entries );