diff --git a/classes/class_array.rst b/classes/class_array.rst
index 59b20226e3c..8efe65adadf 100644
--- a/classes/class_array.rst
+++ b/classes/class_array.rst
@@ -131,8 +131,6 @@ Methods
    | :ref:`int<class_int>`               | :ref:`find<class_Array_method_find>`\ (\ what\: :ref:`Variant<class_Variant>`, from\: :ref:`int<class_int>` = 0\ ) |const|                                                                              |
-   | :ref:`int<class_int>`               | :ref:`find_custom<class_Array_method_find_custom>`\ (\ method\: :ref:`Callable<class_Callable>`, from\: :ref:`int<class_int>` = 0\ ) |const|                                                            |
-   +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    | :ref:`Variant<class_Variant>`       | :ref:`front<class_Array_method_front>`\ (\ ) |const|                                                                                                                                                    |
    | :ref:`int<class_int>`               | :ref:`get_typed_builtin<class_Array_method_get_typed_builtin>`\ (\ ) |const|                                                                                                                            |
@@ -185,8 +183,6 @@ Methods
    | :ref:`int<class_int>`               | :ref:`rfind<class_Array_method_rfind>`\ (\ what\: :ref:`Variant<class_Variant>`, from\: :ref:`int<class_int>` = -1\ ) |const|                                                                           |
-   | :ref:`int<class_int>`               | :ref:`rfind_custom<class_Array_method_rfind_custom>`\ (\ method\: :ref:`Callable<class_Callable>`, from\: :ref:`int<class_int>` = -1\ ) |const|                                                         |
-   +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    | |void|                              | :ref:`shuffle<class_Array_method_shuffle>`\ (\ )                                                                                                                                                        |
    | :ref:`int<class_int>`               | :ref:`size<class_Array_method_size>`\ (\ ) |const|                                                                                                                                                      |
@@ -755,35 +751,6 @@ Returns the index of the **first** occurrence of ``what`` in this array, or ``-1
 \ **Note:** For performance reasons, the search is affected by ``what``'s :ref:`Variant.Type<enum_@GlobalScope_Variant.Type>`. For example, ``7`` (:ref:`int<class_int>`) and ``7.0`` (:ref:`float<class_float>`) are not considered equal for this method.
-.. rst-class:: classref-item-separator
-.. _class_Array_method_find_custom:
-.. rst-class:: classref-method
-:ref:`int<class_int>` **find_custom**\ (\ method\: :ref:`Callable<class_Callable>`, from\: :ref:`int<class_int>` = 0\ ) |const| :ref:`🔗<class_Array_method_find_custom>`
-Returns the index of the **first** element in the array that causes ``method`` to return ``true``, or ``-1`` if there are none. The search's start can be specified with ``from``, continuing to the end of the array.
-\ ``method`` is a callable that takes an element of the array, and returns a :ref:`bool<class_bool>`.
-\ **Note:** If you just want to know whether the array contains *anything* that satisfies ``method``, use :ref:`any<class_Array_method_any>`.
-.. tabs::
- .. code-tab:: gdscript
-    func is_even(number):
-        return number % 2 == 0
-    func _ready():
-        print([1, 3, 4, 7].find_custom(is_even.bind())) # prints 2
 .. rst-class:: classref-item-separator
@@ -1241,18 +1208,6 @@ Returns the index of the **last** occurrence of ``what`` in this array, or ``-1`
-.. _class_Array_method_rfind_custom:
-.. rst-class:: classref-method
-:ref:`int<class_int>` **rfind_custom**\ (\ method\: :ref:`Callable<class_Callable>`, from\: :ref:`int<class_int>` = -1\ ) |const| :ref:`🔗<class_Array_method_rfind_custom>`
-Returns the index of the **last** element of the array that causes ``method`` to return ``true``, or ``-1`` if there are none. The search's start can be specified with ``from``, continuing to the beginning of the array. This method is the reverse of :ref:`find_custom<class_Array_method_find_custom>`.
-.. rst-class:: classref-item-separator
 .. _class_Array_method_shuffle:
 .. rst-class:: classref-method