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This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 31, 2023. It is now read-only.

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api: monitoring
api: monitoring
Issues related to the Stackdriver Monitoring API.
api: N/A
api: N/A
Tells auto-label to not auto-detect the API for this issue
api: notebooks
api: notebooks
Issues related to the AI Platform Notebooks API.
api: oslogin
api: oslogin
Issues related to the googleapis/python-oslogin API.
api: people
api: people
Issues related to the People API API.
api: phishingprotection
api: phishingprotection
Issues related to the Phishing Protection API.
api: pubsub
api: pubsub
Issues related to the Cloud PubSub API.
api: recaptchaenterprise
api: recaptchaenterprise
Issues related to the reCAPTCHA Enterprise API.
api: recommendationengine
api: recommendationengine
Issues related to the Recommendations AI API.
api: recommender
api: recommender
Issues related to the Cloud Recommender API.
api: redis
api: redis
Issues related to the Cloud Memorystore for Redis API.
api: run
api: run
Issues related to the Cloud Run API.
api: runtimeconfig
api: runtimeconfig
Issues related to the Cloud Runtime Config API API.
api: script
api: script
Issues related to the Apps Script API API.
api: secretmanager
api: secretmanager
Issues related to the Secret Manager API.
api: securitycenter
api: securitycenter
Issues related to the Cloud Security Command Center API.
api: serviceconsumermanagement
api: serviceconsumermanagement
Issues related to the Service Infrastructure API.
api: serviceusage
api: serviceusage
Issues related to the Service Usage API API.
api: sheets
api: sheets
Issues related to the Sheets API API.
api: slides
api: slides
Issues related to the Slides API API.
api: sourcerepo
api: sourcerepo
Issues related to the Cloud Source Repositories API.
api: spanner
api: spanner
Issues related to the Cloud Spanner API.
api: speech
api: speech
Issues related to the Cloud Speech to Text API API.
api: storage
api: storage
Issues related to the Cloud Storage (GCS) API.
api: storagetransfer
api: storagetransfer
Issues related to the Cloud Storage Transfer Service API.
api: tasks
api: tasks
Issues related to the Tasks API API.
api: texttospeech
api: texttospeech
Issues related to the Cloud Text to Speech API API.
api: translation
api: translation
Issues related to the Cloud Translation API API.
api: vault
api: vault
Issues related to the Vault API API.
api: videointelligence
api: videointelligence
Issues related to the Cloud Video Intelligence API API.