This document describes how you can contribute to the xk6-disruptor project.
For proposing significant changes (breaking changes in the API, significant refactoring, implementation of complex features) we suggest creating a design proposal document before starting the implementation, to ensure consensus and avoid reworking on aspects on which there is not agreement.
The ci has actions that automate the release process. This process starts automatically when a new tag is pushed with the semver of the new release:
git tag <semver>
git push origin <semver>
Before creating the release tag, the release notes for the new version must be added to the releases directory and merged into main by means of a pull requests.
As contributor, you will need to build locally the disruptor extension with your changes.
Before starting to develop you have Go, Git and Docker installed. In order to execute use the targets available in the Makefile you will also need the make
tool installed.
If you you have not already done so, clone this repository to your local machine:
$ git clone
$ cd xk6-disruptor
Integration tests are implemented in the same packages than the component they test. Execution is conditioned using the integration
build tag.
In order to run integration tests (if any) for a package, use the following command:
go test -tags integration ./path/to/package/...
The xk6-disruptor extension requires an agent image to inject it in its targets.
It is important that the versions of the extension and the agent image are in sync to guarantee compatibility.
When a new release of the disruptor is created by the CI the extension's binary and the agent image are created with matching versions. For example, extension version v.0.x.0
will use agent image tagged as v0.x.0
Also, an agent image is generated automatically by the CI on each commit to the main
branch and it is labeled as latest
If you checkout the extension source code and build it locally, it will by default reference the agent image labeled as latest
In this way, an extension built locally from the main
branch will match the version of the latest
agent image.
Notice that if you build the agent image locally it will be by default also labeled as latest
If you modify the xk6-disruptor-agent you have to build the image and made it available in the test environment.
For building the image use the following command:
$ make agent-image
Once the image is built, how to make it available to the Kubernetes cluster depends on the platform you use for testing.
If you are using a local cluster for your tests such as Kind or Minikube you can make the image available by loading it into the test cluster.
If using kind
the following command loads the image into the cluster
kind load docker-image
If using minikube
the following command loads the image into the cluster:
minikube image load
The disruptor agent is the responsible for injecting faults in the targets (e.g. pods). The agent is injected into the targets by the xk6-disruptor extension as an ephemeral container with the name xk6-agent
Once the agent is injected in a target (using the xk6-disruptor API in a k6 test), you can debug the agent by running it manually.
First enter the agent's container at the target pod using an interactive console:
kubectl exec -it <target pod> -c xk6-agent -- sh
Once you get the prompt, you can inject faults by running the xk6-disruptor-agent
xk6-disruptor-agent [arguments for fault injection]
It is possible to run the agent locally in your machine using the following command:
xk6-disruptor-agent [arguments for fault injection]
This is useful for debugging and also to facilitate CPU and memory profiling
When debugging issues with protocols, you can run the agent in your local machine as a proxy that redirects the traffic to an upstream destination.
For running the protocol fault injection as a (non-transparent) proxy use the --transparent=false
xk6-disruptor-agent <protocol> --transparent=false [arguments for fault injection]
In order to facilitate debugging xk6-disruptor-agent
offers options for generating execution traces:
: generate traces. The--trace-file
option allows specifying the output file for traces (defaulttrace.out
: generate CPU profiling information. The--cpu-profile-file
option allows specifying the output file for profile information (defaultcpu.pprof
: generate memory profiling information. By default, it sets the memory profile rate to1
, which will profile every allocation. This rate can be controlled using the--mem-profile-rate
option. The--mem-profile-file
option allows specifying the output file for profile information (defaultmem.pprof
: generate go runtime metrics. The metrics are collected at intervals defined by the--metrics-rate
argument (default to1s
). At the end of the agent execution the minimum, maximum and average value for each collected metric is reported to the file specified in--metrics-file
If you run the disruptor manually in a pod you have to copy them from the target pod to your local machine. For example, for copying the trace.out
kubectl cp <target pod>:trace.out -c xk6-agent trace.out
End to end tests are meant to test the components of the project in a test environment without mocks.
The test environment is created using kind. The e2e testutils package automates the process of creating and configuring the test clusters.
However, it is convenient to have kind
installed in case you need to manually interact with the test clusters.
These tests are slow and resource consuming. To prevent them to be executed as part of the test
it is recommended to make their execution conditioned to the e2e
build tags by adding the following compiler
directives to each test file:
//go:build e2e
// +build e2e
The e2e tests are built and executed using the e2e
target in the Makefile:
$ make e2e
In order to facilitate the development of e2e tests, diverse helper functions have been created, organized in the following packages:
- pkg/testutils/e2e/cluster functions for creating test clusters using kind
- pkg/testutils/e2e/fixtures functions for creating test resources
- pkg/testutils/e2e/checks functions for verifying conditions during the test
We strongly encourage to keep adding reusable functions to these helper packages instead of implementing fixtures and validations for each test, unless strictly necessarily.
Also, you should create the resources for each test in a different namespace to isolate parallel tests and facilitate the teardown.
The following example shows the structure of a e2e test that creates a cluster and then executes tests using this infrastructure:
//go:build e2e
// +build e2e
package package-to-test
import (
// Test_E2E function creates the resources for the tests and executes the test functions
func Test_E2E(t *testing.T) {
// create cluster
cluster, err := cluster.BuildE2eCluster(
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to create cluster: %v", err)
// delete cluster when all sub-tests end
_ = cluster.Cleanup()
// get kubernetes client
k8s, err := kubernetes.NewFromKubeconfig(cluster.Kubeconfig())
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error creating kubernetes client: %v", err)
// Execute test on cluster
t.Run("Test", func(t *testing.T){
// create namespace for test. Will be deleted automatically when the test ends
namespace, err := namespace.CreateNamespace(context.TODO(), t, k8s.Client())
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error creating test namespace: %v", err)
// create test resources using k8s fixtures
// execute test
By default, the e2e clusters are configured to run an ingress controller to allow the access to services deployed in the cluster from the e2e tests.
To allow accessing the ingress, the e2e cluster requires a port to be exposed to the host where the test is running. By default his port is 30080
This may cause interference between tests that make a test fail with the following message failed to create cluster: host port is not available 30080
If this happens deleting any remaining test cluster and retrying the failed test alone will generally solve this issue.
The port to be exposed by the test cluster can be changed using the WithIngressPort
cluster, err := cluster.BuildE2eCluster(
In the examples above, once the e2e test is completed, the test cluster is deleted using the Cleanup
method. This is inconvenient for debugging failed tests.
This behavior is controlled by the AutoCleanup
option in the E2eClusterConfig
. By default it is true. This option can be disable using the WithAutoCleanup(false)
option in the BuildE2eCluster
function or by setting E2E_AUTOCLEANUP=0
in your environment. When this option is disable, the Cleanup
method will leave the cluster intact.
By default, each e2e test creates a new test cluster to ensure it is properly configured and prevent any left-over from previous runs to affect the test.
However, in some circumstances, creating a new cluster for each test is time-consuming.
It is possible to specify that we want to reuse a test cluster if one exists using the Reuse
option in the E2eClusterConfig
. This option can be set with the WithReuse
configuration option or setting the E2E_REUSE=1
in your environment. Notice that WithReuse(true)
forces WithAutoCleanup(false)
as a reused cluster should be preserved until explicitly deleted.
Note: if you are testing changes in the agent, be sure you generate the image and upload it to the cluster using kind
When you don't longer needs the cluster, you can delete it using the e2e-cluster tool or kind
kind delete cluster --name=<cluster name>
By default, test namespaces created with CreateTestNamespace
are automatically deleted when a test ends. This is inconvenient for debugging failed tests.
This behavior is controlled by passing the WithKeepOnFail
option when creating the namespace or by setting E2E_KEEPONFAIL=1
in the environment when running an e2e test.
The e2e-cluster
tool allows the setup and cleanup of e2e clusters. It is convenient for creating a cluster that will be reused by multiple tests, and clean it up when it is no longer used.
If you plan to create more than one test cluster, you should ensure each has an unique name and also, each one uses a different port for the ingress controller service.
In order to each test to use the cluster you must set
in the environment variables.
# create cluster with default options
e2e-cluster setup
cluster 'e2e-test' created
# execute tests reusing the cluster
E2E_REUSE=1 go test ...
## cleanup
cluster cleanup
It is also possible to create multiple test clusters and use them for different tests. In this case, it is important to remember setting the environment variables to override default options in the tests:
# create cluster with non-default options
e2e-cluster setup --name other-e2e-cluster --port 30090
cluster 'other-e2e-cluster' created
# execute tests reusing the cluster
# override the cluster name to ensure the test reuses the cluster created above
# override the ingress port to use the one configured in the cluster
E2E_REUSE=1 E2E_NAME=other-e2e-cluster E2E_PORT=30090 go test ...
## cleanup
cluster cleanup --name other-e2e-cluster
This tool is create with the command go install ./cmd/e2e-cluster
that installs the binary e2e-cluster
For more details, install the tool and execute e2e-cluster --help