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Go API client for engagedigital

No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 1.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen


Install the following dependencies:

go get
go get
go get
go get

Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:

import "./engagedigital"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AgentStatusApi ChangeAgentStatus Put /status/{agentId} Changing an agent's status
AgentStatusApi GetAgentStatus Get /status/{agentId} Get a connected agent status
AgentStatusApi GetAllAgentStatus Get /status Get all connected agents status
AttachmentsApi CreateAttachment Post /attachments Creating an attachment
AttachmentsApi GetAllAttachments Get /attachments Getting all attachments
AttachmentsApi GetAttachment Get /attachments/{attachmentId} Getting an attachment from its id
CategoriesApi CreateCategory Post /categories Creating a category
CategoriesApi DeleteCategory Delete /categories/{categoryId} Deleting a category
CategoriesApi GetAllCategories Get /categories Getting all categories
CategoriesApi GetCategory Get /categories/{categoryId} Getting a category from its id
CategoriesApi UpdateCategory Put /categories/{categoryId} Updating a category
ChannelsApi GetAllChannels Get /channels Getting all channels
ChannelsApi GetChannel Get /channels/{channelId} Getting a channel from its id
ChannelsApi UpdateChannel Put /channels/{channelId} Updating a channel
CommunitiesApi GetAllCommunities Get /communities Getting all communities
CommunitiesApi GetCommunity Get /communities/{communityId} Getting a community from its id
ContentsApi CategorizeContent Put /contents/{contentId}/update_categories Categorizing a content
ContentsApi CreateContent Post /contents Creating a content
ContentsApi GetAllContents Get /contents Contents
ContentsApi GetContent Get /contents/{contentId} Getting a content from its id
ContentsApi IgnoreContent Put /contents/{contentId}/ignore Ignoring a content
CustomFieldsApi CreateCustomField Post /custom_fields Creating a custom field
CustomFieldsApi DeleteCustomField Delete /custom_fields/{customFieldId} Deleting a custom field
CustomFieldsApi GetAllCustomFields Get /custom_fields Getting all custom fields
CustomFieldsApi GetCustomField Get /custom_fields/{customFieldId} Getting a custom field from its id
CustomFieldsApi UpdateCustomField Put /custom_fields/{customFieldId} Updating a custom field
EventsApi GetAllEvents Get /events Getting all events
EventsApi GetEvent Get /events/{eventId} Getting an event from its id
FoldersApi CreateFolder Post /folders Creating a folder
FoldersApi DeleteFolder Delete /folders/{folderId} Deleting a folder
FoldersApi GetAllFolders Get /folders Getting all folders
FoldersApi GetFolder Get /folders/{folderId} Getting a folder from its id
FoldersApi UpdateFolder Put /folders/{folderId} Updating a folder
IdentitiesApi GetAllIdentities Get /identities Getting all identities
IdentitiesApi GetIdentity Get /identities/{identityId} Getting an identity from its id
IdentityGroupsApi GetAllIdentityGroups Get /identity_groups Getting all identity groups
IdentityGroupsApi GetIdentityGroup Get /identity_groups/{identityGroupId} Getting an identity group from its id
IdentityGroupsApi UpdateIdentityGroup Put /identity_groups/{identityGroupId} Updating an identity group
InterventionCommentsApi CreateInterventionComment Post /intervention_comments Creating an intervention comment
InterventionCommentsApi DeleteInterventionComment Delete /intervention_comments/{interventionCommentId} Deleting an intervention comment
InterventionCommentsApi GetAllInterventionComments Get /intervention_comments Getting all intervention comments
InterventionCommentsApi GetInterventionComment Get /intervention_comments/{interventionCommentId} Getting an intervention comment from its id
InterventionsApi CancelIntervention Delete /interventions/{interventionId}/cancel Cancelling an intervention
InterventionsApi CategorizeIntervention Put /interventions/{interventionId}/update_categories Categorizing an intervention
InterventionsApi CloseIntervention Put /interventions/{interventionId}/close Closing an intervention
InterventionsApi CreateIntervention Post /interventions Creating an intervention
InterventionsApi GetAllInterventions Get /interventions Getting all interventions
InterventionsApi GetIntervention Get /interventions/{interventionId} Getting an intervention from its id
InterventionsApi ReassignIntervention Put /interventions/{interventionId}/reassign Reassigning an intervention
LocalesApi GetAllLocales Get /locales Getting all locales
PresenceStatusApi CreatePresenceStatus Post /presence_status Creating a presence status
PresenceStatusApi DeletePresenceStatus Delete /presence_status/{presenceStatusId} Deleting a presence status
PresenceStatusApi GetAllPresenceStatus Get /presence_status Getting all presence statuses
PresenceStatusApi GetPresenceStatus Get /presence_status/{presenceStatusId} Getting a presence status from its id
PresenceStatusApi UpdatePresenceStatus Put /presence_status/{presenceStatusId} Updating a presence status
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi CreateReplyAssistantEntry Post /reply_assistant/entries Creating an entry
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi DeleteReplyAssistantEntry Delete /reply_assistant/entries/{replyAssistantEntryId} Deleting a reply assistant entry
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi GetAllReplyAssistantEntries Get /reply_assistant/entries Getting​ a​ll​ reply assistant e​ntries
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi GetReplyAssistantEntry Get /reply_assistant/entries/{replyAssistantEntryId} Getting a reply assistant entry from its id
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi UpdateReplyAssistantEntry Put /reply_assistant/entries/{replyAssistantEntryId} Updating a reply assistant entry
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi CreateReplyAssistantGroup Post /reply_assistant/groups Creating a reply assistant group
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi DeleteReplyAssistantGroup Delete /reply_assistant/groups/{replyAssistantGroupId} Deleting a reply assistant group
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi GetAllReplyAssistantGroups Get /reply_assistant/groups Getting​ a​ll​ reply assistant groups
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi GetReplyAssistantGroup Get /reply_assistant/groups/{replyAssistantGroupId} Getting a reply assistant group from its id
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi UpdateReplyAssistantGroup Put /reply_assistant/groups/{replyAssistantGroupId} Updating a reply assistant group
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi CreateReplyAssistantVersion Post /reply_assistant/versions Creating a reply assistant version
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi DeleteReplyAssistantVersion Delete /reply_assistant/versions/{replyAssistantVersionId} Deleting a reply assistant version
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi GetAllReplyAssistantVersions Get /reply_assistant/versions Getting​ a​ll​ reply assistant versions
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi GetReplyAssistantVersion Get /reply_assistant/versions/{replyAssistantVersionId} Getting a reply assistant version from its id
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi UpdateReplyAssistantVersion Put /reply_assistant/versions/{replyAssistantVersionId} Updating a reply assistant version
RolesApi CreateRole Post /roles Creating a role
RolesApi GetAllRoles Get /roles Getting all roles
RolesApi GetRole Get /roles/{roleId} Getting a role from its id
RolesApi UpdateRole Put /roles/{roleId} Updating a role
SettingsApi GetAllSettings Get /settings Getting all settings
SettingsApi UpdateSettings Put /settings Updating settings
SourcesApi GetAllSources Get /content_sources Getting all sources
SourcesApi GetSource Get /content_sources/{sourceId} Getting a source from its id
SourcesApi UpdateSource Put /content_sources/{sourceId} Updating a source
TagsApi CreateTag Post /tags Creating a tag
TagsApi DeleteTag Delete /tags/{tagId} Deleting a tag
TagsApi GetAllTags Get /tags Getting all tags
TagsApi GetTag Get /tags/{tagId} Getting a tag from its id
TagsApi UpdateTag Put /tags/{tagId} Updating a tag
TasksApi GetAllTasks Get /tasks Getting all tasks
TasksApi GetTask Get /tasks/{taskId} Getting a task from its id
TasksApi MoveTask Delete /tasks/{taskId}/move Move a task to another queue
TasksApi TransferTask Put /tasks/{taskId}/transfer Transferring a task
TeamsApi CreateTeam Post /teams Creating a team
TeamsApi DeleteTeam Delete /teams/{teamId} Deleting a team
TeamsApi GetAllTeams Get /teams Getting all teams
TeamsApi GetTeam Get /teams/{teamId} Getting a team from its id
TeamsApi UpdateTeam Put /teams/{teamId} Updating a team
ThreadsApi ArchiveThread Put /content_threads/{threadId}/ignore Archiving a thread
ThreadsApi CategorizeThread Put /content_threads/{threadId}/update_categories Categorizing a thread
ThreadsApi CloseThread Put /content_threads/{threadId}/close Close a thread
ThreadsApi GetAllThreads Get /content_threads Getting all threads
ThreadsApi GetThread Get /content_threads/{threadId} Getting a thread from its id
ThreadsApi OpenThread Get /content_threads/{threadId}/open Open a thread
TimeSheetsApi CreateTimeSheet Post /time_sheets Creating a time sheet
TimeSheetsApi DeleteTimeSheet Delete /time_sheets/{timeSheetId} Deleting a time sheet
TimeSheetsApi GetAllTimeSheets Get /time_sheets Getting all time sheets
TimeSheetsApi GetTimeSheet Get /time_sheets/{timeSheetId} Getting a time sheet from its id
TimeSheetsApi UpdateTimeSheet Put /time_sheets/{timeSheetId} Updating a time sheet
TimezonesApi GetAllTimezones Get /timezones Getting all timezones
UsersApi CreateUser Post /users Creating a user
UsersApi DeleteUser Delete /users/{userId} Deleting a user
UsersApi GetAllUsers Get /users Getting all users
UsersApi GetUser Get /users/{userId} Getting a user from its id
UsersApi InviteUser Post /users/invite Inviting a user
UsersApi UpdateUser Put /users/{userId} Updating a user
WebhooksApi CreateWebhook Post /webhooks Creating a webhook
WebhooksApi DeleteWebhook Delete /webhooks/{webhookId} Deleting a webhook
WebhooksApi GetAllWebhooks Get /webhooks Getting all webhooks
WebhooksApi GetWebhook Get /webhooks/{webhookId} Getting a webhook from its id
WebhooksApi UpdateWebhook Put /webhooks/{webhookId} Updating a webhook

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextBasicAuth, sw.BasicAuth{
    UserName: "username",
    Password: "password",
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
