- Fork hackerschool_directory repository we just made
- Run
bundle install
to install any dependency - Run
rake db:migrate
to create the schema - Complete user stories described in here
- Ensure your application meets the requirements
- Make a PR to hackerschool repository once you have finished.
## User stories
- As a user I have access to all CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for generations
- As a user I have access to all CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for hackers
- As a user I have access to all CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for courses
- As a user I have access to all CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operatios for languages
- Bonus point: As a user I want a general perspective of hacker school generations (check report requirement section)
- Generations must be accesed through
- Hackers must be accessed through
- Languages must be accesed through
- A hacker email must be unique
- A hacker name must be mandatory
- All generation attributes must be mandatory. E.g a generation must have a name and a start_date
- A course name must be mandatory
### Reports (bonus points)
Create a new controller called
This controller will only have one action:
. This action will contain two sections: Hacker section & Course section -
Hacker section:
- Will display the total number of hackers in the generation
- Will display every hacker in the generation along with their data (just the name and the ID)
- Hacker id must be link to hacker detail (show action in hacker controller)
Course section:
- Will display the total number of courses in the generation
- Will display every course given in the generation along with their data
- The Id must be a link to the detail of the course (show action in the course controller)