# Hacker Directory
Complete the following requirements:
- Courses resource must be inside of generations. So if a user goes to
that view should display courses related to that generation.
## Steps
- Create a new application call hacker_store. Use whatever database manager you feel comfortable with.
- Create the resources described here
- Complete user stories described here
- Ensure your application meets the requirements
- Once you have finished upload your application to your github account.
- As a non-registered user
- I can see the list of products.
- As a user
- I have access to all CRUD products operations
- I have access to all CRUD users operations
- I can activate or deactivate products
- I can create orders
- I can see the detail of an order (total, number of line items, etc)
- I can only see orders that I've created
- Your application must use an authentication gem. You can use devise
- Your application must use a css framework gem. You can use bootstrap if you like.
### User
- All user fields are mandatory
- A user that has orders associated can't be deleted
- Status can only be active or inactive
- Name must be unique
- Price can't be lower than 0
### LineItem
- Only active products can be associated to the line item
- Quantity must be greather than zero
### Order
- An order can't be deleted
- Only logged users can create orders
## Bonus price
- Use just one form to create orders along with their line items.
- Add a search functionality into products index section. You might want to check ransack
- Create a report section with the top seller products
- Include a functionality to upload picture(s) to a product. You can use carrierwave or whatever gem you prefer