copyright | lastupdated | subcollection | keywords | ||
2022-05-05 |
cloud-databases |
migrating cloud-databases, data center cloud-databases |
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{: #migrate-data-center}
{{}}'s investments in data center infrastructure include rolling out newer data centers and multizone regions (MZRs) and closing older data centers that are unsuitable for upgrading.
For a current list of data centers, see Locations for resource deployment {: external}.
For information on data center closures, see Data center migrations{: external}.
{: #migrating-your-resources}
To identify your impacted resources, take advantage of special offers, or learn about recommended configurations, use one of the following options to contact the {{}} 24x7 Client Success team:
- Live chat{: external}
- Phone: (US) 866-597-9687
To avoid any disruption to your service, please complete the following steps to migrate your resources from your current data center to your new location:
- Restore your backup into a new database, in a new region. For more information, see Managing Cloud Databases backups{: .external}.
- For an {{}} deployment, you can deploy Read Replicas{: .external} into a new region and turn that Read Replica into a stand-alone database.