Releases: ihmcrobotics/ihmc-build
Releases · ihmcrobotics/ihmc-build
0.11.9 Release Notes
API Changes
- Remove includeBuildsFromWorkspace property. Setting
depthFromWorkspaceDirectory = 0
is the bug free version ofincludeBuildsFromWorkspace = false
Usability Improvements
- Remove Artifactory missing credential message.
0.11.4 Release Notes
Performance Improvements
- Fix #38 by removing artifactory repositories when not on Bamboo.
0.11.3 Release Notes
Fix #36 by hard crashing when version is declared as "source", but included build is not present.
0.11.2 Release Notes
Bug Fixes
- Fix new issue where Eclipse copies build files into the bin folder and the build plugin tries to pick them up as projects. Exclude out and bin folders.
0.11.1 Release Notes
Incubating Features
- Make compositeTasks much more robust by depending on subprojects tasks flatly instead of hierarchically.
Dependency Upgrades
- Update version of ihmc-ci-core-api that gets auto-applied to 0.17.0.
0.11.0 Release Notes
Incubating Features
- Vastly improve support for running tasks over composite builds. Implement "cleanAll" task which cleans build, out, bin, and IDE files.
0.10.4 Release Notes
0.10.4 release.
For publishMode
values other that SNAPSHOT and STABLE:
- Declare no publication repositories
- Name
to thepublishMode
string value
0.10.3 Release Notes
Fixed #27 where offline mode still hit Artifactory.
0.10.2 Release Notes
Address issues #24, #23, #25.
Included fixes
- Add offline POM checks via maven local.
- Fix version rollbacks to go not once, but until one works.
- Add hard exception for old Gradle versions with good error message.
- Add much better output for SNAPSHOT shenanigans.
- Add partial workaround for Artifactory by doing direct version checks on POM deps, rather than relying on the lists.
Example Online SNAPSHOT Output (using --info)
[ihmc-build] Hitting Artifactory for POM: us/ihmc/simulation-construction-set/SNAPSHOT-3370/simulation-construction-set-SNAPSHOT-3370.pom
[ihmc-build] Found version circumventing Artifactory bug: us.ihmc:ihmc-robot-description:SNAPSHOT-3370
[ihmc-build] Hitting Artifactory for POM: us/ihmc/ihmc-robot-description/SNAPSHOT-3370/ihmc-robot-description-SNAPSHOT-3370.pom
[ihmc-build] Hitting Artifactory for POM: us/ihmc/ihmc-geometry/SNAPSHOT-3370/ihmc-geometry-SNAPSHOT-3370.pom
[ihmc-build] Found version circumventing Artifactory bug: us.ihmc:ihmc-parameter-optimization:SNAPSHOT-3370
[ihmc-build] Hitting Artifactory for POM: us/ihmc/ihmc-parameter-optimization/SNAPSHOT-3370/ihmc-parameter-optimization-SNAPSHOT-3370.pom
[ihmc-build] Found version circumventing Artifactory bug: us.ihmc:ihmc-swing-plotting:SNAPSHOT-3370
[ihmc-build] Hitting Artifactory for POM: us/ihmc/ihmc-swing-plotting/SNAPSHOT-3370/ihmc-swing-plotting-SNAPSHOT-3370.pom
[ihmc-build] Passing version to Gradle: us.ihmc:simulation-construction-set:SNAPSHOT-3370
[ihmc-build] Hitting Artifactory for POM: us/ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools/SNAPSHOT-3370/simulation-construction-set-tools-SNAPSHOT-3370.pom
[ihmc-build] Passing version to Gradle: us.ihmc:simulation-construction-set-tools:SNAPSHOT-3370
Example Offline SNAPSHOT Output (using --info)
[ihmc-build] Hitting Maven Local for POM: user.home/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set/SNAPSHOT-3370
[ihmc-build] Hitting Maven Local for POM: user.home/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1us.ihmc/ihmc-robot-description/SNAPSHOT-3370
[ihmc-build] Hitting Maven Local for POM: user.home/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1us.ihmc/ihmc-geometry/SNAPSHOT-3370
[ihmc-build] Hitting Maven Local for POM: user.home/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1us.ihmc/ihmc-parameter-optimization/SNAPSHOT-3370
[ihmc-build] Hitting Maven Local for POM: user.home/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1us.ihmc/ihmc-swing-plotting/SNAPSHOT-3370
[ihmc-build] Passing version to Gradle: us.ihmc:simulation-construction-set:SNAPSHOT-3370
[ihmc-build] Hitting Maven Local for POM: user.home/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools/SNAPSHOT-3370
[ihmc-build] Passing version to Gradle: us.ihmc:simulation-construction-set-tools:SNAPSHOT-3370
Example error when trying to use Gradle version 3.5
[ihmc-build] Evaluating robot-environment-awareness settings.gradle
[ihmc-build] Please upgrade to Gradle version 4.1 or higher! (Recommended versions: 4.1, 4.2.1, or later)
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Settings file 'F:\ReposREAROS2\robot-environment-awareness\settings.gradle' line: 48
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating settings 'robot-environment-awareness'.
> Please upgrade to Gradle version 4.1 or higher! (Recommended versions: 4.1, 4.2.1, or later)
0.9.6 Release Notes
Add API for adding and configuring more java and resource folders.
New methods:
javaDirectory(sourceSetName, directory)
- Adds a java folderresourceDirectory(sourceSetName, directory)
- Adds a resource foldersourceSet(sourceSetName)
- Returns the SourceSet Gradle objectsourceSetProject(sourceSetName)
- Returns the Project Gradle object
ihmc.javaDirectory("main", "generated-java")
ihmc.sourceSet("test").java.srcDirs = [...]
ihmc {
group = "us.ihmc"
version = "0.0.1"
vcsUrl = "https://some.url/repo"
openSource = true
maintainer = "John Smith (jsmith@mega.corp)"
resourceDirectory("main", "templates")
javaDirectory("test", "generated-java")
resourceDirectory("test", "generated-resources")