- Download and install LTS Node.js
- Move to client directory (if you are in the root directory)
cd client
- Install dependencies
npm i # or yarn
- Set your custom environment variables (or just copy it)
cp .env.example .env
- Start dev version
npm run dev # or yarn dev
Set NODE_ENV=production
npm run build # or yarn build
npm run preview # or yarn preview
- vue.js v3 is new default version from Feb 7 2022.
- vite is new frontend tool with native ESM and lightning fast HMR.
- vee-validate is form validation library.
- yup is a schema builder for runtime value parsing and validation.
- tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework.
- tailwind elements is bootstrap components recreated with Tailwind CSS, but with better design and more functionalities.
- postcss (with autoprefixer) is a tool for transforming styles with JS plugins.
The icons have been taken from heroicons.
For the assembly of icons was used vite-plugin-svg-icons
- vueuse is a collection of utility functions based on Composition API.
- maska is a simple zero-dependency input mask.
- yup-phone is yup phone validator using google-libphonenumber.
- vue-universal-modal is modal window plugin is based on the teleport.
- vue3-notification is library for push notifications for vue3.