This is a WordPress starter theme of Mimizuku child theme.
- WordPress 4.7
- PHP 5.6+
- Composer
- Node.js
- Yarn
$ cd /PATH/TO/wp-content/themes
$ git clone your-theme-name
$ cd your-theme-name
$ composer install (and auto building)
$ wp theme activate your-theme-name
$ cd /PATH/TO/wp-content/themes/your-theme-name
$ composer update inc2734/mimizuku
├── .editorconfig # → Configulation for editors and IDEs
├── .gitignore # → Ignored file lists for Git
├── assets # → Built theme assets (never edit)
├── composer.json # → Composer configuration
├── composer.lock # → Composer lock file (never edit)
├── functions.php # → The theme setup file.
├── gulpfile.js # → Gulp configuration
├── node_modules # → Node.js packages (never edit)
├── package.json # → Node.js dependencies and scripts
├── src # → Front-end assets
├── style.css # → Theme meta information
├── vendor # → Composer packages (never edit)
├── yarn.lock # → Yarn lock file (never edit)
└── templates
├── layout
│ ├── wrapper # → Layout templates
│ ├── header # → Header templates
│ ├── sidebar # → Sidebar templates
│ └── footer # → Footer templates
└── view # → View templates
└── static # → Static view templates
The lyout template requires <?php $this->view(); ?>
Mimizuku loading /templates/view/content-{post-type}.php
for the view template.
Loading /templates/view/content.php
when /templates/view/content-{post-type}.php
isn't exists.
Mimizuku loading /templates/view/archive-{post-type}.php
for the view template.
Loading /templates/view/archive.php
when /templates/view/archive-{post-type}.php
isn't exists.
Mimizuku tries to load the view template according to the URL. For example when URL is, tries to laod from /templates/view/static/foo/bar.php
$controller = new Mimizuku_Controller();
$controller->layout( 'right-sidebar' );
$controller->render( 'content', 'news' );
This is a function which to pass the variables to WordPress's get_template_part()
// The caller
mimizuku_get_template_part( 'path/to/template-parts', [
'_foo' => 'bar',
'_baz' => 'qux',
] );
// The called template. path/to/template-parts.php
<li><?php echo esc_html( $_foo ); // bar ?></li>
<li><?php echo esc_html( $_baz ); // qux ?></li>
Filtering layout file.
add_filter( 'mimizuku_layout', function( $layout ) {
return $layout;
} );
Filtering view file.
add_filter( 'mimizuku_view', function( $view ) {
return $view;
} );
Filtering header layout file.
add_filter( 'mimizuku_header', function( $header ) {
return $header;
} );
Filtering sidebar layout file.
add_filter( 'mimizuku_sidebar', function( $sidebar ) {
return $sidebar;
} );
Filtering footer layout file.
add_filter( 'mimizuku_footer', function( $footer ) {
return $footer;
} );
Filtering $content_width
of WordPress.
add_filter( 'mimizuku_content_width', function( $content_width ) {
return $content_width;
} );
Filtering loading basis-ie9.css
add_filter( 'mimizuku_support_ie9', function( $boolean ) {
return $boolean;
} );
$ composer server
$ composer theme-unit-test
$ composer scaffold-tests
$ composer wpphpunit
$ composer phpunit
$ composer test