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Installation guide

This is a draft installation guide that will be ready in version 5.0 of the dashboard.

The ticket for this issue: #495


Setting up the dashboard requires an operating system with docker. This setup was developed on mac and linux, on other platforms your mileage may vary.

This tutorial will help you setting up an dashboard instance. With this tutorial you should be up and running within a few hours, gaining familiarity and confidence with with running a dashboard installation.

All configuration setup for your operating system is out of scope. This includes configuration of firewalls, security settings, user management and so on.

For general and paid support with installations, updates and managing installations: please send a support request to

What do you need

  • A computer with git and docker installed
    • 8 cores and 16 gigabyte of ram or more recommended
  • Access to the command shell to perform installations commands
  • Credential access to a running API instance
  • Optional: a domain name and SMTP settings



Installation is mostly configuration work inside the dashboard. Some of the below steps will be automated when 5.0 is released.

Running the dashboard (during development of 5.0)

In the command shell, perform the following commands.

git clone
git checkout 50
docker compose up --build

After a short while your dashboard instance will be ready at :8000.

You can start and restart the application by running docker compose up --build, use control+c to stop.

Running the dashboard (when 5.0 is released)

Download the version you want to run. These can be downloaded from the releases page, here:

Releases from version 5.0 and over support docker compose. You can also download a release from the command line, with the following command:

mkdir dashboard && cd dashboard
tar -zxvf v5.0.tar.gz
docker compose up --build

After a short while your dashboard instance will be ready at :8000.

You can start and restart the application by running docker compose up --build, use control+c to stop.

Load up default configuration

This step will be automated before 5.0 is released. For now, run these commands to make sure default configuration is loaded. For this you need to know the name of the ‘backend’ docker container.

You can retrieve the name of the backend docker container by running docker ps. Below documentation assumes the name of this container is internetnl-dashboard-backend-1.

Load up the config:

docker exec -ti internetnl-dashboard-backend-1 dashboard loaddata dashboard_production_default_account
docker exec -ti internetnl-dashboard-backend-1 dashboard loaddata dashboard_production_example_email_templates
docker exec -ti internetnl-dashboard-backend-1 dashboard loaddata dashboard_production_periodic_tasks
docker exec -ti internetnl-dashboard-backend-1 dashboard loaddata dashboard_production_default_scanner_configuration
docker exec -ti internetnl-dashboard-backend-1 dashboard loaddata dashboard_production_default_scan_policy

Setting up the first user

Create a new user:

docker exec -ti internetnl-dashboard-backend-1 dashboard createsuperuser

Associate that user to the default account, assuming the createsuperuser made user id 1:

docker exec -ti internetnl-dashboard-database-1 psql --user dashboard -c "update internet_nl_dashboard_dashboarduser set account_id=1 where user_id=1;"

Now you can login at http://localhost:8000/admin/, or the same path under your server url.

If you get an error that a certain user already exists, this might not be your first attempt to install the dashboard via this method. The docker installation method shares the same database. Make sure to associate the newly created super user also is connected to an account. This can be performed with SQL and via the admin portal.


Setting up scanning

  1. Visit the admin webpage on /admin/ and log in. You might be redirected to the end-user website after logging in, so go to /admin/ again.


After a successful login you will see something that looks like this:


  1. Go to “🎛️ Dashboard Configuration” in the left menu
  2. Set up the “general dashboard settings”:
  5. Click the save button image

These settings can also be set using the command line, this saves some time clicking through the admin interface.

Use the following commands, of course with your own personal settings:

docker exec -ti internetnl-dashboard-backend-1 dashboard constance set DASHBOARD_FRONTEND_URL
docker exec -ti internetnl-dashboard-backend-1 dashboard constance set INTERNET_NL_API_URL
docker exec -ti internetnl-dashboard-backend-1 dashboard constance set CREDENTIAL_CHECK_URL
docker exec -ti internetnl-dashboard-backend-1 dashboard constance set INTERNET_NL_SCAN_TRACKING_NAME "My Dashboard Instance"
  1. Setup the API credentials for the account.
  1. Go to the account management page
  3. Click on the admin user
  4. Setup the “internet nl api username” and “new password” field and click save
  5. To test if the account was setup properly, use the ‘Check API credentials’
  6. If the credentials are correctly configured the check will return a checkmark symbol, otherwise a cross symbol will be visible on the row of this account. imageimage

Note that the password in step 4.3 is being saved inside the database as an encrypted value. The key to that encryption was auto-generated using this setup. This key is stored inside a file, if you change it the currently stored passwords cannot be used anymore.

You are now set to perform your first scan.


Performing your first scan

  1. Visit the dashboard frontend and log in.


  1. Go to ‘domains’
  2. Create a new scan:
  1. Click on ‘create new list’
  2. Enter the name for the list
  3. Set the list to scan both web and mail
  4. Save the list imageimage
  1. Add domains to the list
  1. Click ‘add domains’
  2. Add the domains in the text field
  3. Click ‘add the above domains to the list’
  4. After adding successfully, click ‘close’ imageimageimage
  1. start a scan by clicking ‘scan now’ and confirming the scan


  1. On the scan monitor page the list of currently running scans can be seen.

After a scan has finished a report will be ready.


Advanced configuration

Setting up e-mail notification after scanning

After a scan completes it’s possible to receive an e-mail. An SMTP server has to be configured.

  1. Visit the admin interface on /admin/ and log in.

  2. In the sidebar click “📨 Outboxes”

  3. Fill in the form with all SMTP details and click save. Only one outbox is needed. .. image:: installation/email_add_outbox.png


The e-mails that are being sent are stored as templates in the “📨 E-Mail Templates” section. The default language for templates is English and several templates are pre-installed to be customized. For more information about these templates check the email templates chapter.


Background information

Application component overview

The dashboard contains of three application components: dockerfile, backend and frontend.

The dockerfile will setup a complete dashboard with sample users and sample configuration. This is one command and should be run on a system that runs docker, colima or another similar tool.

The backend is where all logic happens. List creation, result processing, session management and such. A few parts look like the frontend: the login page, the password reset page and spreadsheet upload page. All other pages are either redirects or interaction via JSON calls.

The frontend is the place where a users maintain lists, start scans, view and share reports. This is (mostly) the ‘actual’ website for day to day use.

Creating your own unique look and feel

The included default layout is an unbranded version of, using the styling. Only the logo’s and references have been disabled. The setting for using your own template is called ‘SITE_LAYOUT_NAME’ and is exposed to the backend and frontend. The dashboard has not been optimized for custom branding yet, so your mileage to implement this for your organization may vary.
