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File metadata and controls

649 lines (577 loc) · 38.7 KB

Core Concept

There are two fundamentally different data-types in ioBroker. So-called states(states) and objects.

Objects represent rarely changing and larger data, like meta-data of your systems devices, configurations and additional files. Every Object has to have an attribute "type". See below for more information about what object types are available and which mandatory attributes an object of a specific type needs. Functions like setObject, getObject, ... are provided to you by the adapter module.

States represent often changing data in your system, like f.e. if a lamp is on or off, if a motion detector detected some motion, the temperature of your living room or if the button of a remote control is pressed. Contrary to objects, states can be used to trigger actions and states can create history data. To work with states, there are several functions in the adapter module like setState, getState and so on.

For every state there also has to exist a corresponding object with type=state.

The following chapters describe Database Schema.


ID is a string with a maximum length of 240 bytes, hierarchically structured, levels separated by dots.

The regex that it used to check for characters that are prohibited to use in IDs can be found here.

The ID has different levels. Each level is determined by the dot. Example: system.adapter.admin.0

  • system - is the name space for system objects
  • adapter - namespace for adapter configs
  • admin - adapter name
  • 0 - adapter instance

Or other example hm-rpc.1.ABC110022.2.VALUE:

  • hm-rpc - is the name of adapter
  • 1 - adapter instance
  • ABC110022 - device address
  • 2 - channel name
  • VALUE - state name


  • system. - System objects and states
  • - Controller processes
  • system.config. - System settings, like default language
  • system.meta. - System meta data
  • system.user. - Users
  • - Groups
  • system.adapter.<adapter-name> - default config of an adapter
  • <adapter-name>. - objects for specific adapter.
  • <adapter-name>.meta. - common meta-data used by all instances of this adapter
  • <adapter-name>.<instance-number>. - An adapters instance namespace
  • enum. - Enumerations
  • history. - History Data
  • scripts. - Script Engine Scripts
  • scripts.js. - javascript Script Engine Scripts
  • - python Script Engine Scripts (future)

Namespace system.config.

    _id:   id,
    type: 'config',
    common: {
        language:     'en',         // Default language for adapters. Adapters can use different values.
        tempUnit:     '°C',         // Default temperature units.
        currency:     '€',          // Default currency sign.
        dateFormat:   'DD.MM.YYYY'  // Default date format.
        isFloatComma: true,         // Default float divider ('.' - false, ',' - true)
        "activeRepo": "online1",    // active repository
        "listRepo": {               // list of possible repositories
            "default": "conf/sources-dist.json",
            "online1": ""


    _id:   id,
    type: 'host',
    common: {
        name:       id,
        process:    title,           // iobroker.ctrl
        version:    version,         // Vx.xx.xx
        platform:   'javascript/Node.js',
        cmd:        process.argv[0] + ' ' + process.execArgv.join(' ') + ' ' + process.argv.slice(1).join(' '),
        hostname:   hostname,
        address:    ipArr,
        defaultIP:  ???
    native: {
        process: {
            title:      process.title,
            versions:   process.versions,
            env:        process.env
        os: {
            hostname:   hostname,
            type:       os.type(),
            platform:   os.platform(),
            arch:       os.arch(),
            release:    os.release(),
            uptime:     os.uptime(),
            endianness: os.endianness(),
            tmpdir:     os.tmpdir()
        hardware: {
            cpus:       os.cpus(),
            totalmem:   os.totalmem(),
            networkInterfaces: os.networkInterfaces()


getState method and stateChange event delivers an object with all attributes except expire for setState method everything except val is optional, from is set automatically by the setState method. ack defaults to false, ts and lc are set as expected

It is important to note that the value a state of type array, object, mixed or file must be serialized using JSON.stringify().

Attributes for getState/stateChange/setState object:

  • val - the actual value - can be any type that is JSON-"encodable"
  • ack - a boolean flag indicating if the target system has acknowledged the value
  • ts - a UNIX timestamp indicating the last update of the state (in milliseconds)
  • lc - a UNIX timestamp indicating the last change of the state's actual value (in milliseconds)
  • from - adapter instance that did the setState
  • user - the username, that set the value
  • expire - an integer value that can be used to set states that expire after a given number of seconds. Can be used ony with setValue. After the value expires, it disappears from redisDB.
  • c - comment for this state change.
  • q - quality. Number of the following states:
  0x00 - 00000000 - good (can be undefined or null)
  0x01 - 00000001 - general bad, general problem
  0x02 - 00000010 - no connection problem

  0x10 - 00010000 - substitute value from controller
  0x20 - 00100000 - substitute initial value
  0x40 - 01000000 - substitute value from device or instance
  0x80 - 10000000 - substitute value from sensor

  0x11 - 01000001 - general problem by instance
  0x41 - 01000001 - general problem by device
  0x81 - 10000001 - general problem by sensor

  0x12 - 00010010 - instance not connected
  0x42 - 01000010 - device not connected
  0x82 - 10000010 - sensor not connected

  0x44 - 01000100 - device reports error
  0x84 - 10000100 - sensor reports error

Every state has to be represented by an object of the type state containing Meta-Data for the state. See below.


Mandatory attributes

The following attributes have to exist in every object:

  • _id
  • type - see below for possible values
  • common - an object containing ioBroker specific abstraction properties
  • native - an object containing congruent properties of the target system

Optional attributes

  • - the name of the object (optional but strictly suggested to fill it)

Tree structure

The tree structure is assembled automatically by names. E.g. system.adapter.0.admin is the parent for system.adapter.0.admin.uptime. Use this name convention with point ".", as divider of levels.

Object types

  • state - parent should be of type channel, device, instance or host
  • channel - object to group one or more states. Parent should be a device.
  • device - object to group one or more channels or state. Should have no parent except adapter instance namespace.
  • enum - objects holding an array in common.members that points to the states, channels, devices or files. enums can have a parent enum (tree-structure possible)
  • host - a host that runs a controller process
  • adapter - the default config of an adapter. presence also indicates that the adapter is successfully installed. (suggestion: should have an attribute holding an array of the hosts where it is installed)
  • instance - instance of adapter. Parent has to be of type adapter
  • meta - rarely changing meta-information that an adapter or his instances needs
  • config - configurations
  • script - scripts
  • user - users
  • group - groups
  • chart - charts
  • folder - a bunch of devices or may be other things.
  • schedule - a schedule,e.g. calendar event
  • design - a design object used for getObjectView

Attributes for specific object types



  • common.type (optional - (default is mixed==any type) (possible values: array, boolean, file, json, mixed, multistate, number, object, string). As exception the objects with type meta could have common.type=meta.user or meta.folder. It is important to note that array, object, mixed and file must be serialized using JSON.stringify().
  • common.min (optional)
  • common.max (optional)
  • common.step (optional) - increase/decrease interval. E.g., 0.5 for thermostat
  • common.unit (optional)
  • common.def (optional - the default value)
  • common.defAck (optional - if common.def is set this value is used as an acknowledgment flag, js-controller 2.0.0+)
  • common.desc (optional, string or object) - description, object for multilingual description
  • (boolean, mandatory) - true if state is readable
  • common.write (boolean, mandatory) - true if state is writable
  • common.role (string, mandatory) - role of the state (used in user interfaces to indicate which widget to choose, see below)
  • common.states (optional) - provide more context on allowed values for states with data types string and number:
    • for numbers without provided common.min/common.max: contains the list of allowed number values and their (displayed) label as an object in form {0: 'OFF', 1: 'ON', '-1': 'whatever'}. Only these values are allowed
    • for numbers with provided common.min and/or common.max: the allowed number range is defined by min/max, this attribute contains a list of "special" number values and their (displayed) label as object like {0: 'OFF', 254: 'ON', 255: 'BLINK'} (min=0, max=255). It is allowed to only specify min or max, the missing limit is then assumed as +/-Infinity (+/-Infinity not included)
    • for strings contains the list of allowed values and their (displayed) label as object like {'value': 'valueName', 'value2': 'valueName2'}. Only these values are allowed
    • for strings contains the list of allowed values as array like ['Start', 'Flight', 'Land'] (which in fact is the same as {'Start': 'Start', 'Flight': 'Flight', 'Land': 'Land'}). Only these values are allowed
    • These values are currently (as of js-controller 4.0) not checked or validated by the js-controller and are only there for UIs and Visualizations
  • common.workingID (string, optional) - if this state has helper state WORKING. Here must be written the full name or just the last part if the first parts are the same with actual. Used for HM.LEVEL and normally has value WORKING
  • common.custom (optional) - the structure with custom settings for specific adapters. Like {"influxdb.0": {"enabled": true, "alias": "name"}}. enabled attribute is required, and if it is not true, the whole attribute will be deleted.
State common.role
  • common.role (indicates how this state should be represented in user interfaces)

possible values


Channel common.role (optional)

suggestion: the channel-objects common.role should/could imply a set of mandatory and/or optional state-child-objects

possible values:

  • info - Currency or shares rate, fuel prices, post box insertion and stuff like that

  • calendar -

  • forecast - weather forecast

  • `media - common media channel

  • - media player, like SONOS, YAMAHA and so on

  • - TV

  • media.tts - text to speech

  • thermo - Monitor or control the temperature, humidity and so on

  • thermo.heat


  • blind - Window blind control

  • light

  • light.dimmer - Light dimmer

  • light.switch - Light switch.

  • light.color - Light control with ability of color changing

  • light.color.rgb - Set color in RGB

  • light.color.rgbw - Set color in RGBW

  • light.color.hsl - Set color in Hue/Saturation/Luminance (Hue color light - LivingColors...)

  • light.color.hslct - Set color in Hue/Saturation/Luminance or Color Temperature (Hue extended color light)

  • light.color.ct - color temperature K

  • switch - Some generic switch

  • sensor - E.g. window or door contact, water leak sensor, fire sensor

  • sensor.door - open, close

  • sensor.door.lock - open, close, locked

  • sensor.window - open, close

  • sensor.window.3 - open, tilt, close

  • sensor.water - true(alarm), false (no alarm)

  • - true(alarm), false (no alarm)

  • sensor.CO2 - true(alarm), false (no alarm)

  • alarm - some alarm

  • phone - fritz box, speedport and so on

  • button - like wall switch or TV remote, where every button is a state like .play, .stop, .pause

  • remote - TV or other remotes with state is string with pressed values, e.g. "PLAY", "STOP", "PAUSE"

  • meta - Information about a device

  • meta.version - device version

  • meta.config - configuration from device

  • ...

Channel descriptions

The names of the attributes can be free defined by the adapter, except ones written with bold font.

"W" - common.write=true

"M" - Mandatory

Optional states for every channel/device
// state-working (optional)
   "_id": "adapter.instance.channelName.stateName-working", // e.g. "hm-rpc.0.JEQ0205612:1.WORKING"
   "type": "state",
   "common": {
       "name":  "Name of state",        // mandatory, default _id ??
       "def":   false,                  // optional,  default false
       "type":  "boolean",              // optional,  default "boolean"
       "read":  true,                   // mandatory, default true
       "write": false,                  // mandatory, default false
       "min":   false,                  // optional,  default false
       "max":   true,                   // optional,  default true
       "role":  "indicator.working"     // mandatory
       "desc":  ""                      // optional,  default undefined
// state-direction (optional). The state can have following states: "up"/"down"/""
   "_id": "adapter.instance.channelName.stateName-direction", // e.g. "hm-rpc.0.JEQ0205612:1.DIRECTION"
   "type": "state",
   "common": {
       "name":  "Name of state",        // mandatory, default _id ??
       "def":   "",                     // optional,  default ""
       "type":  "string",               // optional,  default "string"
       "read":  true,                   // mandatory, default true
       "write": false,                  // mandatory, default false
       "role":  "direction"             // mandatory
       "desc":  ""                      // optional,  default undefined
// state-maintenance (optional).
   "_id": "adapter.instance.channelName.stateName-maintenance", //e.g. "hm-rpc.0.JEQ0205612:1.MAINTENANCE"
   "type": "state",
   "common": {
       "name":  "Name of state",        // mandatory, default _id ??
       "def":   false,                  // optional,  default false
       "type":  "boolean",              // optional,  default "boolean"
       "read":  true,                   // mandatory, default true
       "write": false,                  // mandatory, default false
       "min":   false,                  // optional,  default false
       "max":   true,                   // optional,  default true
       "role":  "indicator.maintenance" // mandatory
       "desc":  "Problem description"   // optional,  default undefined
// state-maintenance-unreach (optional).
   "_id": "adapter.instance.channelName.stateName-maintenance-unreach", //e.g. "hm-rpc.0.JEQ0205612:0.UNREACH"
   "type": "state",
   "common": {
       "name":  "Name of state",        // mandatory, default _id ??
       "def":   false,                  // optional,  default false
       "type":  "boolean",              // optional,  default "boolean"
       "read":  true,                   // mandatory, default true
       "write": false,                  // mandatory, default false
       "min":   false,                  // optional,  default false
       "max":   true,                   // optional,  default true
       "role":  "indicator.maintenance.unreach" // mandatory
       "desc":  "Device unreachable"    // optional,  default 'Device unreachable'
light.switch - Attributes description
Name common.role M W common.type Description
state switch X X boolean
description text.description
mmm indicator.maintenance.mmm mmm = lowbat or unreach or whatever
   "_id": "adapter.instance.channelName", // e.g. "hm-rpc.0.JEQ0205614:1"
   "type": "channel",
   "common": {
       "name":  "Name of channel",      // mandatory, default _id ??
       "role":  "light.switch"          // optional   default undefined
       "desc":  ""                      // optional,  default undefined
   "_id": "adapter.instance.channelName.state-switch", // e.g. "hm-rpc.0.JEQ0205614:1.STATE"
   "type": "state",
   "common": {
       "name":  "Name of state",        // mandatory, default _id ??
       "def":   false,                  // optional,  default false
       "type":  "boolean",              // optional,  default "boolean"
       "read":  true,                   // mandatory, default true
       "write": true,                   // mandatory, default true
       "role":  "switch"                // mandatory
       "desc":  ""                      // optional,  default undefined
// see "Optional states for every channel/device" for description of optional states
//            "adapter.instance.channelName.state-maintenance"          // optional
//            "adapter.instance.channelName.state-maintenance-unreach"  // optional

light.dimmer - Attributes description
   "_id": "adapter.instance.channelName", // e.g. "hm-rpc.0.JEQ0205612:1"
   "type": "channel",
   "common": {
       "name":  "Name of channel",      // mandatory, default _id ??
       "role":  "light.dimmer"          // optional   default undefined
       "desc":  ""                      // optional,  default undefined
   "_id": "adapter.instance.channelName.state-level", // e.g. "hm-rpc.0.JEQ0205612:1.LEVEL"
   "type": "state",
   "common": {
       "name":  "Name of state",        // mandatory, default _id ??
       "def":   0,                      // optional,  default 0
       "type":  "number",               // optional,  default "number"
       "read":  true,                   // mandatory, default true
       "write": true,                   // mandatory, default true
       "min":   0,                      // optional,  default 0
       "max":   100,                    // optional,  default 100
       "unit":  "%",                    // optional,  default %
       "role":  "level.dimmer"          // mandatory
       "desc":  ""                      // optional,  default undefined
// see "Optional states for every channel/device" for description of optional states
//            "adapter.instance.channelName.state-working",             // optional
//            "adapter.instance.channelName.state-direction",           // optional
//            "adapter.instance.channelName.state-maintenance"          // optional
//            "adapter.instance.channelName.state-maintenance-unreach"  // optional

blind - Attributes description
   "_id": "adapter.instance.channelName", // e.g. "hm-rpc.0.JEQ0205615:1"
   "type": "channel",
   "common": {
       "name":  "Name of channel",      // mandatory, default _id ??
      "role":  "blind"                 // optional   default undefined
       "desc":  ""                      // optional,  default undefined
// Important: 0% - blind is fully closed, 100% blind is fully opened
   "_id": "adapter.instance.channelName.state-level", // e.g. "hm-rpc.0.JEQ0205615:1.LEVEL"
   "type": "state",
   "common": {
       "name":  "Name of state",        // mandatory, default _id ??
       "def":   0,                      // optional,  default 0
       "type":  "number",               // optional,  default "number"
       "read":  true,                   // mandatory, default true
       "write": true,                   // mandatory, default true
       "min":   0,                      // optional,  default 0
       "max":   100,                    // optional,  default 100
       "unit":  "%",                    // optional,  default %
       "role":  "level.blind"           // mandatory
       "desc":  ""                      // optional,  default undefined
phone - Attributes description
Name common.role M W common.type Description
ringing_number text.phone_number string
ringing indicator boolean




  • common.members - (optional) array of enum member IDs



  • *&lt;adapter-name&gt;.&lt;instance-number&gt;.meta.&lt;meta-name&gt;*
  • *&lt;adapter-name&gt;.meta.&lt;meta-name&gt;*
  • system.*meta.&lt;meta-name&gt;*


ID: system.adapter.<>

Notice: all flags are optional except special marked as mandatory.

  • common.adminColumns - Custom attributes, that must be shown in the admin in the object browser. Like: [{"name": {"en": "KNX address"}, "path": "native.address", "width": 100, "align": "left"}, {"name": "DPT", "path": "native.dpt", "width": 100, "align": "right", "type": "number", "edit": true, "objTypes": ["state", "channel"]}]. type is a type of the attribute (e.g. string, number, boolean) and only needed if edit is enabled. objTypes is a list of the object types, that could have such attribute. Used only in edit mode too.
  • common.adminTab.fa-icon - (deprecated) Font-Awesome icon name for TAB.
  • common.adminTab.icon - (optional) link to icon or base64 encoded icon for TAB. Could be SVG
  • common.adminTab.ignoreConfigUpdate - do not update config TAB if configuration changed (to enable configure settings in TAB)
  • - link for iframe in the TAB. You can use parameter replacement like this: http://%ip%:%port%. IP will be replaced with host IP. A port will be extracted from native.port.
  • - name of TAB in admin
  • common.adminTab.singleton - [true/false] if adapter has a TAB for the admin. Only one TAB for all instances will be shown.
  • common.adminUI.config - [none/json/materialize/html] type of configuration UI. If not defined, the adapter will be shown as html. (jsonConfig.json or jsonConfig.json5 by json, index_m.html by materialize, index.html by html are expected in admin folder)
  • common.adminUI.custom - [none/json] type of custom configuration UI. If not defined, no custom UI will be shown. It is only possible to use jsonCustom.json or jsonCustom.json5 in admin folder.
  • - [none/html] type of TAB UI. tab.html or tab_m.html are extended in folder admin if defined to html.
  • common.allowInit - [true/false] allow for "scheduled" adapter to be called "not in the time schedule", if settings changed or adapter started. Or allow scheduled adapter start once after configuration changed and then by schedule.
  • common.availableModes - values for common.mode if more than one mode is possible
  • common.blockly - [true/false] if adapter has custom blocks for blockly. (admin/blockly.js required)
  • common.compact - says to controller that this adapter can be started in the same process if desired
  • common.config.height - default height for configuration dialog (deprecated - valid only for admin2)
  • common.config.minHeight - minimal height for configuration dialog (deprecated - valid only for admin2)
  • common.config.minWidth - minimal width for configuration dialog (deprecated - valid only for admin2)
  • common.config.width - default width for configuration dialog (deprecated - valid only for admin2)
  • common.connectionType - Connection type with the device: local/cloud. See common.dataSource too.
  • common.dataFolder - folder relative to iobroker-data where the adapter stores the data. This folder will be backed up and restored automatically. You can use variable %INSTANCE% in it.
  • common.dataSource - How the data will be received from a device: poll/push/assumption. It is important together with connectionType.
  • common.dependencies - Array like [{"js-controller": ">=2.0.0"}] that describes which ioBroker modules are required for this adapter on the same host.
  • common.disableDataReporting - Do not report errors via the sentry for this instance
  • - The structure like {"en": "docs/en/", "de": ["docs/de/", "docs/de/"]} that describes the documentation if not in
  • common.enabled - mandatory [true/false] value should be false so new instances are disabled by default
  • common.engineTypes - deprecated. Use engine in package.json
  • common.eraseOnUpload - erase all previous data in the directory before upload
  • - show this object only in the expert mode in admin
  • common.extIcon - link to external icon for uninstalled adapters. Normally on GitHub.
  • common.getHistory - [true/false] if adapter supports getHistory message
  • common.globalDependencies - Array like [{"admin": ">=2.0.0"}] that describes which ioBroker modules are required for this adapter on one of the hosts.
  • common.icon - name of the local icon (should be located in subdirectory "admin")
  • common.ignoreVersion - Do not show the update icon for this adapter for this specific version
  • common.installedVersion - Do not use it, will be set internally only
  • common.jsonConfig - This adapter supports admin5 and provides admin/jsonConfig.json with description of configuration dialog layout
  • common.jsonCustom - This adapter supports admin5 and provides admin/jsonCustom.json with description of custom settings layout
  • common.keywords - Similar to keywords in package.json, but can be defined in many languages. Just an array.
  • common.localLink - deprecated. Use common.localLinks.
  • common.localLinks - link to the web service of this adapter. E.g., to http://localhost:5984/_utils for the futon from admin
  • common.logTransporter - if this adapter receives logs from other hosts and adapters (e.g., to store them somewhere)
  • common.loglevel - debug, info, warn or error
  • common.main - Deprecated Use main in package.json.
  • common.materializeTab - if adapter supports > admin3 for the tab (materialize style)
  • common.materialize - if adapter supports > admin3 (materialize style)
  • common.messagebox - true if message box supported. Hence, the adapter can receive sendTo messages (used for email, pushover,...)
  • common.messages - Conditional messages by update. See Conditional messages for details.
  • common.mode - mandatory possible values see below
  • - mandatory name of adapter without "ioBroker."
  • common.noConfig - [true/false] do not show configuration dialog for instance
  • common.noIntro - never show instances of this adapter on Intro/Overview screen in the admin (like icons, widgets)
  • common.noRepository - [true/false] if adapter delivered with initial installation or has own repository
  • common.nogit - if true, no installation from GitHub directly is possible
  • common.nondeletable - [true/false] this adapter cannot be deleted or updated. It will be updated together with the controller.
  • common.npmLibs - deprecated. Use package.json dependencies.
  • common.onlyWWW - [true/false] say to controller, that adapter has only HTML files and no main.js, like rickshaw
  • common.osDependencies.darwin - array of OSX packages that required for this adapter
  • common.osDependencies.linux - array of debian/centos packages, that required for this adapter (of course only OS with apt, apt-get, yum as package managers)
  • common.osDependencies.win32 - not used, because win32 has no package manager
  • common.os - string or array of the supported operation systems, e.g. ["linux", "darwin"]
  • common.platform - mandatory possible values: Javascript/Node.js, more coming
  • common.preserveSettings - string (or array) with names of attributes in common of instance, which will not be deleted. E.g. "history", so by setState("system.adapter.mqtt.0", {..}) the field common.history will not be deleted even if new object does not have this field. To delete the attribute it must be explicitly done with common: {history: null}.
  • common.pugins.sentry - structure with the configuration data for the sentry plugin
  • common.readme - URL of the ReadMe file
  • common.restartAdapters - array with names of adapter that must be restarted after this adapter is installed, e.g. ["vis"]
  • common.restartSchedule - CRON schedule to restart mode daemon adapters
  • common.schedule - CRON schedule if adapter runs in mode schedule.
  • common.serviceStates - [true/false or path] if adapter can deliver additional states. If yes, the path adapter/lib/states.js will be called, and it gives following parameters function (objects, states, instance, config, callback). The function must deliver the array of points with values like function (err, result) { result = [{id: 'id1', val: 1}, {id: 'id2', val: 2}]}
  • common.singletonHost - adapter can be installed only once on one host
  • common.singleton - adapter can be installed only once in a whole system
  • common.statusStates - Structure for status indication in admin in form "statusStates": {"onlineId": "0.connected", "errorId": "hm-rpc.0.AB203424.0.error"}. Instead of onlineId the offlineId could be used. If ID is very short (less than 2 dots in it), so the ID will be treated as relative to current object.
  • common.stopBeforeUpdate - [true/false] if adapter must be stopped before update
  • common.stopTimeout - timeout in ms to wait, till the adapter shut down. Default 500ms.
  • common.stoppedWhenWebExtension - If instance has mode daemon but it runs as a web extension (native.webInstance !== ''), controller will not start this instance if common.stoppedWhenWebExtension is true.
  • common.subscribable - variables of this adapter must be subscribed with sendTo to enable updates
  • common.subscribe - name of variable that is subscribed automatically
  • common.supportCustoms - [true/false] if the adapter support settings for every state. It has to have custom.html file in the admin. Sample can be found in ioBroker.history
  • common.supportStopInstance- [true/false] if adapter supports signal stopInstance (messagebox required). The signal will be sent before stop to the adapter. (used if the problems occurred with SIGTERM)
  • common.tier - start order of the instance. Allowed values: 1, 2, 3. 1 - first, 3 - last
  • common.titleLang - mandatory longer name of adapter in all supported languages like {en: 'Adapter', de: 'adapter', ru: 'Драйвер'}
  • common.title - (deprecated) longer name of adapter to show in admin
  • common.type - Adapter type. See Types
  • common.unchanged - (system) please do not use this flag. It is a flag to inform the system, that configuration dialog must be shown in the admin.
  • common.unsafePerm - [true/false] if the package must be installed with npm --unsafe-perm parameter
  • common.version - mandatory available version
  • common.visWidgets - Describes vis2 react widgets. Like {"i18n": "component", "vis2NAMEWidgets": { "name": "vis2NAMEWidgets", "url": "vis-2-widgets-NAME/customWidgets.js", "components": [ "NAMEwidgetName"]} }
  • common.wakeup - Adapter will be started if some value is written into system.adapter.NAME.x.wakeup. Normally, the adapter should stop after processing of event.
  • common.webByVersion - show a version as prefix in web adapter (usually - ip:port/material, webByVersion - ip:port/1.2.3/material)
  • common.webExtendable - [true/false] if web server in this adapter can be extended with plugin/extensions like proxy, simple-api
  • common.webExtension - relative filename to connect the web extension. E.g., in simple-api lib/simpleapi.js relative to the adapter root directory. Additionally, native.webInstance is required to say where this extension will be included. Empty means, it must run as own web service. "*" means every web server must include it.
  • common.webPreSettings - list of parameters that must be included in info.js by webServer adapter. (Example material)
  • common.webservers - array of web server's instances that should serve content from the adapter's www folder
  • common.welcomeScreen.order - todo
  • common.welcomeScreenPro - Same as common.welcomeScreen but used only by access from
  • common.welcomeScreen - array of pages, that should be shown on the "web" index.html page. ["vis/edit.html", "vis/index.html"] or [{"link": "vis/edit.html", "name": "Vis editor", "img": "vis/img/edit.png", "color": "blue"}, "vis/index.html"]
  • common.wwwDontUpload - Do not upload into the database the www directory. Used only for the admin. You can just name your directory something else and OK.
  • protectedNative - array of config attributes which will only be accessible by the own adapter, e.g. ["password"]
  • encryptedNative - array of config attributes which will be automatically encrypted when stored via Admin configuration page and automatically decrypted at adapter runtime, e.g. ["password", "token"]
  • native - predefined attributes which are accessible in index_m.html and at runtime via adapter.config.<attribute>, e.g. {"port": 1234, "password": "secret"}

Conditional messages

If you want that by update from some specific version to a new specific version the message must be shown, you can define common.messages.


"messages": {
    "condition": {
        "operand": "and", // "and" or "or"
        "rules": [
            "oldVersion<=1.0.44", // currently only oldVersion and newVersion are supported
            "newVersion>=1.0.45"  // possible comparators: <, >, >=, <=, !=, ==
    "title": {
        "en": "Important notice",
    "text": {
        "en": "Main text",
    "link": "",
    "buttons": ["agree", "cancel", "ok], // optional. If no buttons defined the info will be shown only in the change log dialog
    "linkText" {
         "en": "More info",
    "level": "warn" // info, warn, error


ID: system.adapter.&lt;;.&lt;instance-number&gt;

  • - (mandatory) host where the adapter should be started at - object;host&gt; must exist
  • common.enabled - (mandatory)
  • common.mode - (mandatory) possible values see below
adapter/instance common.mode
  • none - this adapter doesn't start a process
  • daemon - always running process (will be restarted if process exits)
  • subscribe - is started when state system.adapter.&lt;adapter-name&gt;.&lt;instance-number&gt;.alive changes to true. Is killed when .alive changes to false and sets .alive to false if process exits (will not be restarted when process exits)
  • schedule - is started by schedule found in system.adapter.&lt;adapter-name&gt;.&lt;instance-number&gt;.schedule - reacts on changes of .schedule by rescheduling with new state
  • once - this adapter will be started every time the system.adapter.yyy.x object changed. It will not be restarted after termination.
  • extension - this adapter will be not started by js-controller, but it will be started by web instance. Web instance can be defined in native.webInstance as '*' (if in every web) or as web.x for specific web instance. (Examples: cameras, proxy). Additionally, in common.webExtension the path to plugin file must be provided.



  • - f.e.
  • common.process
  • common.version
  • common.platform
  • common.cmd
  • common.hostname - f.e. banana
  • common.address - array of ip address strings



  • common.platform - (mandatory) possible Values Javascript/Node.js (more to come)
  • common.enabled - (mandatory) is a script activated or not
  • common.source - (mandatory) the script source
  • common.engine - (optional) script engine instance that should run this script (e.g. 'javascript.0') - if omitted engine is automatically selected


  • - (mandatory) Name of user (Case sensitive)
  • common.password - (mandatory) MD5 Hash of password


  • - (mandatory) name of the group
  • common.members - (mandatory) array of user-object IDs
  • common.desc - (optional) group purpose description