An Interactive Bookstore application. Build using MERN Stack
- Used grid layout for BookListing Page
- BookListing Page is reponsive for all screen-sizes
- Use of UseSearchParams Hook for setting the URL query params
- Retains the filtered data amid the page reloads
- Hashed the password in DB using bycrypt
- Use of Toast over default alert for feedback
- Sorting and Filtering through backend
- Sign-in/Sign-up pages with minimal details to fill
- Starting of the App
- We would land at Home/Landing Page
- Consisting a Navigation-bar at the top
- There is a Carousel component showing various books
- Clicking on the book would redirect to BookListing Page
- Navigation-bar
- Contain a Search-bar, once search would give the detail info of that book
- Button to Login/Signup/Logout at top-right corner
- Cart icon would let to the CartPage only if Logged-In
- Filter Books
- Can sort and filter the books accoding to genre, edition and price
- Respective Books are displayed in Grid format
- Add Books to Cart
- Click on the "Add to Cart" button to add the book to your shopping cart from either bookListing or bookDetails Page
- One book can only to add only once
- View and Modify Cart
- On the Shopping Cart page, all the books added to your cart
- Can remove the books from cart
- Total amount is displyed on the Order summary panel
- React
- Chakra-UI
- Redux
- react-router-dom
- Express
- MongoDB