Virute is super simple server setup. With one command you can create an app with git remote deployment, subdomain & MySQL database
Note: Some of the LAMP set up is based the awesome Vaprobash
Ubuntu Trusty or Precise. Ideally have a domain ready to point to your host. It's designed for and is probably best to use a fresh VM. The installer will install everything it needs.
Please ensure you have set up your ssh keys, like so:
$ cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh [user]@[ip-address] "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
If you plan to use the server ssh on non-standard port (not 22) then on your local machine set this port for git:
$ nano ~/.ssh/config
Host [ip-address]
Port [port]
$ curl -L | bash -s [domain] [mysql-user] [mysql-password] [mysql-remote] [php-verson] [ubuntu-verison]
Please complete the variables in the brackets, examples below. The install may take around 5 minutes.
[mysql-remote] true|false
[php-verson] latest|previous|distributed (5.5|5.4|5.3) *Note: Trusty doesn't support 5.3
[ubuntu-verison] trusty|precise
$ curl -L | bash -s root pass1234 true latest trusty
$ curl -L | bash -s root pass1234 true distributed precise
A site in Virtue is the main app used on the server, it will set up the naked domain plus the www
subdomain. It will also set up self-signed SSL certs (which can be replaced afterwards). To create a site, SSH onto the server and execute:
$ virtue site:create my-site
Now you can deploy apps on Virtue. Let's start by creating your app. SSH onto the server, then execute:
$ virtue app:create my-app
Then on your local machine. Go into project folder and your git remote.
Note: Remember to complete the brackets with your own details
$ cd my-app
$ git remote add dev-server [user]@[ip-address]:/var/repo/my-app.git
$ git push dev-server [local-branch]:master
You're done! Your app will be viewable from
. Your database will be accessible through localhost
with the app name using underscores not dashes my_app
SSH onto the server, then execute:
$ virtue app:delete my-app
If your app requires sendmail you install it by running:
$ virtue add:sendmail my-app