This script assumes a vanilla installation of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, perhaps in an AWS EC2 Instance.
As the ubuntu
linux user:
# get and configure docker and docker compose
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg-agent \
software-properties-common \
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository \
"deb [arch=amd64] \
$(lsb_release -cs) \
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git docker-ce
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
# exit and reconnect
id -nG # check that docker appears in group listing for ubuntu linux user
# clone the irods_demo repository
git clone
# create local alice user
sudo useradd -m alice
- 80
- 1247-1248
- 2049
- 5432
- 5601
- 5672
- 8080
- 9200
- 15672
- 20000-20199
ubuntu $ cd irods_demo
ubuntu $ pwd
# expect ~12 minutes on first run
ubuntu $ docker-compose up
# The following steps are from
- Download to your local computer (not the VM).
- Open Local Browser to http://hostcomputer:5601
- Click on Management (left pane) -> Saved Objects and click Import.
- Select the downloaded example_kibana_dashboard.json file. Confirm the changes.
- Click on the Dashboard (left pane) -> and then iRODS Dashboard.
- Click on the Auto Refresh button at the top and change the refresh period to 30 seconds.
- Click on the clock icon (Last 15 minutes) at the top of the screen and select "today".
ubuntu $ sudo apt-get install -y nfs-common
ubuntu $ sudo mkdir /the_nfsrods_mountpoint
ubuntu $ sudo mount -o sec=sys,port=2049 localhost:/ /the_nfsrods_mountpoint
On local machine, connect to http://hostcomputer
- MacOSX Finder - "Go->Connect to Server", or "Command-K", or "⌘-K"
- Windows Explorer - "Computer->Add a network location"
- Kubuntu Linux - Dolphin - Right-click on "Places->Add entry...->Location: webdav://hostcomputer"
In a separate terminal window:
ubuntu $ sudo su - alice
alice $ cd /the_nfsrods_mountpoint
alice $ cd home
alice $ cd alice
In a separate terminal window:
ubuntu $ docker exec -it irods_demo_irods-client_1 /bin/bash
root@client:/# ienv
irods_version - 4.2.7
irods_session_environment_file - /root/.irods/irods_environment.json.86
irods_environment_file - /root/.irods/irods_environment.json
irods_user_name - rods
irods_zone_name - tempZone
irods_port - 1247
irods_host -
root@client:/# ils
C- /tempZone/home/rods/landing_zone_collection
Copy some images to the landing zone on the Docker hostcomputer.
The automated ingest tool will register them into the iRODS Catalog.
ubuntu $ curl -L -O
ubuntu $ unzip
ubuntu $ sudo chmod 777 /tmp/landing_zone/
ubuntu $ cp -r training_jpgs /tmp/landing_zone/
ubuntu $ curl -L -O
ubuntu $ cp stickers.jpg /tmp/landing_zone/stickers-from-ingest.jpg
Put an image into iRODS from the client container via iCommands as rods.
root@client:~# curl -L -O
root@client:~# iput stickers.jpg stickers-from-iput.jpg
Copy an image into iRODS via NFSRODS as alice.
alice $ curl -L -O curl -L -O
alice $ cp stickers.jpg /the_nfsrods_mountpoint/home/alice/stickers-from-nfsrods.jpg
Copy an image into iRODS via WebDAV (Davrods) as alice.
# Drag and drop the stickers.jpg file from your Desktop
Open Metalnx in a Web Browser as alice and then as rods.
# Open Browser to http://hostcomputer:8080/metalnx
# inspect metadata on different image files...
# stickers file from ingest tool has AVUs
# search for images via metalnx
Edit a file via NFSRODS as alice.
alice $ echo "hello" > /the_nfsrods_mountpoint/home/alice/hello.txt
alice $ echo "how are you" >> /the_nfsrods_mountpoint/home/alice/hello.txt
Show the file has changed via WebDAV (Davrods).
# open via finder/desktop
Show metadata on storage resources from the client container via iCommands as rods.
root@client:~# imeta ls -R demoResc
root@client:~# imeta ls -R mid_tier
root@client:~# imeta ls -R arch_tier
Show recurring rule running in the delay queue.
root@client:~# iqstat
id name
10024 {"rule-engine-operation":"irods_policy_storage_tiering","storage-tier-groups":["example_group"]}
Show automated data movement.
# see current location of replicas
root@client:~# ils -L
# access an archived image
root@client:~# iget -f stickers.jpg
# see the restage job in the queue
root@client:~# iqstat
# show it has restaged
root@client:~# ils -L
# watch it age back out again
root@client:~# ils -L
Show Kibana audit dashboard.
# open browser to http://hostcomputer:5601