> :warning: This project is no more mantained. Check out the successor [NodeJS Blog Aggreator](https://github.com/jbossorg/jbossorg.github.io/issues/17) or checkout java standalone aggregator and rest api [jbossorg/feedsaggregator](https://github.com/jbossorg/feedsaggregator) . Borg (Not maintained) ==== [Documentation main page](documentation/README.md). Issue Tracker ------------- Feel free to create a new jira issue in jboss.org JIRA, component [planet.jboss.org](https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ORG/component/12312393). Release Notes ------------- ### 3.5.0 - Tags Groups https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ORG-2033 ### 3.4.0 - JBoss Developer Theme ### 3.3.0 - Twitter Integration https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ORG/fixforversion/12324752 ### 3.2.0 - Minor bug fixes https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ORG/fixforversion/12324622 ### 3.1.1 - Minor bug fixes https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ORG/fixforversion/12324603 ### 3.1.0 - JBoss Developer Theme (powered by Zurb Foundation 4), DCP Integration https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ORG/fixforversion/12319774 ### 3.0.0 - Initial release with Bootstrap framework