- bug fix: in-browser source include loading - 4d5fe09
There are no longer initialization requirements for react-events. React.events no longer exists - it is now the return value from the react-events require.
The required changes to your app are as follows:
- the initialization code is now just ```require('react-events');'''
- All code referencing React.events.whatever must now change to ReactEvents.whatever (assuming ReactEvents = require('react-events'))
- add "react-events" namespace - e2f9eb5
All of the mixins defined in this project can either be referenced by the original mixin name (unless replaced) or their fully qualified name (prefixed with "react-events")
For example, events
or react-events.events```` can be used. This gives you the flexibility to overwrite the
eventsmixin name while still being able to access the react-events
events``` mixin.
You must use react-mixin-manager >= 0.12.0
- additional support external target with the triggerWith mixin - 5445d93
A convienance method which allows for easy closure binding of component event triggering when React events occur.
mixins: ['triggerWith'],
render: function() {
// when the button is clicked, the parent component will have 'button-clicked' triggered with the provided parameters
return <button type="button" onClick={this.triggerWith('button-clicked', 'param1', 'param2')}>Click me</button>
You can also pass in a target object as the first parameter (this object must implement the trigger
mixins: ['triggerWith'],
render: function() {
// when the button is clicked, the parent component will have 'button-clicked' triggered with the provided parameters
return <button type="button" onClick={this.triggerWith(someOtherObject, 'button-clicked', 'param1', 'param2')}>Click me</button>
- add the manageEvents function to the "events" mixin - e8860f1
This method can be used to the same functionality that a React component can use with the events
hash. This allows mixins to use all of the managed behavior and event callbacks provided with this project.
var MyMixin = {
mixins: ['events'],
getInitialState: function() {
'*throttle(300)->window:resize': function() {
// this will be called (throttled) whenever the window resizes
return null;
- code cleanup - ccd0527
no functional code changes. There is just an additional comment that is used to create react-backbone/with-deps.js
- #2 - Interaction Nirvana
- add "callWith" method to the "events" mixin - 367bf06
- include "once" for React.events.mixin functions to be applied within the "events" mixin - 8c05d16
- bug fix: only include on/off/trigger from event handler impl - 8a17425
- add more visible -> as the special separator "specialName(...)->..." - 545f9a3
- allow non-string special arguments - 39a920c
- support event bindings declared as a tree structure - 47b5628 For example
events: {
prop: {
'foo:test1': 'test1',
foo: {
test2: 'test2',
test3: 'test3'
'prop:bar:test4': 'test4'
will be converted to
events: {
'prop:foo:test1': 'test1',
'prop:foo:test2': 'test2',
'prop:foo:test3': 'test3',
'prop:bar:test4': 'test4'
- for AMD, you must execute the function with params (see README AMD install instructions) - ecb83cc
['react', react-events'], function(React, reactEvents) {
- add "prop" declarative event - 8a8bb53
- add "listen" mixin - 44d737c
- bug fix: ensure bound handlers are saved within state - 312d8ce
- remove DOM event handler - cd6489f
Compatibility notes: If you are using the "dom" event handler, you must now add that event handler in your own project (to remove the jquery dependency for this project)
React.events.handle('dom', function(options, callback) {
var parts = options.path.match(splitter);
return {
on: function() {
$(this.getDOMNode()).on(parts[1], parts[2], callback);
off: function() {
$(this.getDOMNode()).off(parts[1], parts[2], callback);
- #1 - Exception when using react-events with browserify
- add package keyword "react-mixin-manager" - a70d493
- $ to be provided for commonJS - aaa0faf
- add "react-component" keyword - 39f0ce1
- remove the "triggerWith" mixin and move the triggerWith method into the "events" mixin - b489c2f
- v0.4.3 - a694dac
- fix ref event handlers in case the ref component changed during parent renders - cc934d8
Compatibility notes:
- TODO : What might have broken?
- fix bower.json - 9ab5bbc
- update dependencies docs - 1aa6bbc
- update dependencies - bda8de9
- allow for customer handlers to match the path by regular expression - 0bcdca0
- add bower.json - 8372180
- added special callback wrappers (useful for throttling, cacheing and other reusable callback wrappers) - 3085655
- add object with "callback" parameter support with instance definitions to be able to refer to "this" as the component instance when declaring the callback function. - 55d5e2a
- add 'repeat' and '!repeat' events - 9001bbf
- add custom events / forceUpdate unit tests - 30ae1dd
- do not send any arguments if the handler event name is "forceUpdate" as that will throw an exception by React - b7122fe
- expose a new mixin: "triggerWith" - b62497a, fc5eb13
- bug fix: bind external "events" (on/off/trigger) object methods to state rather than just using "this" - f351712
- change handler API (not backwards compatible) - 381a352
- added window existence check before including window events - b71d259
- Update README.md
- fix author email address