The Things Network self-describes itself as "a fully distributed Internet of Things data infrastructure." It is a global LoRaWAN network, that is based upon an open-source and open-hardware approach. Users can register their own IoT hardware devices, then retrieve the packets generated by these devices through the MQTT network protocol. Retrieving packets using MQTT consists in subscribing to a so-called MQTT broker, which will awake the client application whenever a new packet is generated by some of its associated devices.
The Atom-IT server comes with native support for the MQTT protocol. This feature allows a seamless integration of the Atom-IT server with The Things Network broker. This page explains how to setup a simple IoT workflow that collects packets from The Things Network, then stores these packets as time series in the Atom-IT server. Once the time series are stored by the Atom-IT server, they can easily be exploited using the REST API.
You first have to retrieve the access keys to your The Things Network application. These personal keys are available at the bottom of the "Overview" pane of your application:
The address of the European MQTT broker of The Things Network is
with default TCP port 1883. Depending on your
country, you might have to
adapt this address.
Once the access keys are retrieved, the following
configuration file will connect to the MQTT broker
of The Things Network, and will store the received events into a time
series called source
"TimeSeries" : {
"source" : { } // Use the default memory backend
"Filters" : [
"Type" : "MQTTSource",
"Name" : "ttn",
"Output" : "source",
"Broker" : {
"Server" : "",
"Username" : "jodogne", // Replace with your username
"Password" : "ttn-account-v2.XXX" // Replace with your access key
"Topics" : [
The Topics
subsection specifies a list of wildcards defining the
MQTT events the Atom-IT server will listen to (the +
matches any string). In the context of The Things Network, whenever a
device registered as arduino
generates a message for an application
called jodogne
, the MQTT broker will emit an event called
. The payload of this event contains the
actual message.
Once you start the Atom-IT server with this sample configuration, it
will receive all the messages emitted by your device. Start the server
with the --verbose
command-line argument to watch the messages
arriving in the log:
$ ./AtomIT Configuration.json --verbose
W1215 19:18:50.588808 SynchronousClient.cpp:333] Connected to MQTT broker
I1215 19:19:06.047025 SourceFilter.cpp:110] Message received by filter ttn: "{"app_id":"jodogne","dev_id":"jodogne","hardware_serial":"0004A30B001B06EC","port":1,"counter":0,"payload_raw":"uw==","metadata":{"time":"2017-12-15T18:19:06.095834104Z"}}" (metadata "jodogne/devices/jodogne/up")
The content of the collected time series can obviously be accessed using the REST API or the Web interface running at http://localhost:8042/
As shown in the log, the payload of events generated by The Things
Network broker consists of a
JSON string. The actual data
emitted by the hardware is a
Base64-encoded string stored
in the payload_raw
field of the JSON payload.
This payload can be directly decoded within the Atom-IT server. Indeed, the Atom-IT server embeds the Lua scripting engine, which can be used to apply a transcoding script to each message added to some time series, storing the resulting message into another time series. Here is a sample Lua script that will extract the actual data:
function Convert(timestamp, metadata, rawValue)
-- Decode the JSON string as a Lua table structure
local value = ParseJson(rawValue)
-- Decode the Base-64 payload field
local payload = DecodeBase64(value['payload_raw'])
-- Get the device EUI
local device = value['hardware_serial']
-- Output a new message, whose value contains the binary
-- data and whose metadata contains the device EUI
local result = {}
result['metadata'] = device
result['value'] = payload
return result
Once saved as file Configuration.lua
, this Lua script can be loaded
into the Atom-IT server using the following configuration:
"TimeSeries" : {
"source" : {
"Backend" : "Memory",
"Timestamp" : "MillisecondsClock" // Label messages using system clock
"decoded" : {
"Backend" : "SQLite", // Store decoded time series as a SQLite database
"Path" : "ttn.db"
"Filters" : [
"Type" : "MQTTSource",
"Name" : "ttn",
"Output" : "source",
"Broker" : {
"Server" : "",
"Username" : "jodogne", // Replace with your username
"Password" : "ttn-account-v2.XXX" // Replace with your access key
"Topics" : [
"Type" : "Lua",
"Path" : "Configuration.lua",
"Input" : "source", // Time series from the MQTTSource filter
"Output" : "decoded" // Output time series for decoded data
This configuration file will write the decoded messages into a second
time series called decoded
, that can be used by other filters or
external applications. This completes this sample.