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183 lines (128 loc) · 6.63 KB

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183 lines (128 loc) · 6.63 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

Types of changes:

  • Added: for new features.
  • Changed: for changes in existing functionality.
  • Deprecated: for soon-to-be removed features.
  • Removed: for now removed features.
  • Fixed: for any bug fixes.
  • Security: in case of vulnerabilities.


  • Added support for autocompleting backend names. A user can now use AccountProvider.provider_backends.<tab> to see a list of backend names (#303).


  • The function now accepts an optional job_name parameter. If specified, the job_name is assigned to the job. This job_name can subsequently be used as a filter in the function, which now accepts an optional job_name parameter. job_name does not need to be unique among jobs. These new parameters are ignored if IBM Q Experience v1 account is used (#300).
  • The signature of is changed. db_filter, which was the 4th parameter, is now the 5th parameter (#300).
  • The function now accepts an optional datetime parameter. If specified, the function returns the backend properties closest to, but older than, the specified datetime filter (#277).

0.3.2 - 2019-08-20


  • Pin version of nest_asyncio requirement

0.3.1 - 2019-07-23


  • The function now has a default limit of 10 results, and in the IBM Q Experience v2 will automatically perform several API calls in order to retrieve the specified number of jobs, if higher. (#263)


  • load_accounts dispatches to load_account if v2 credentials are stored, allowing for backward compatibility. (#273)

0.3.0 - 2019-07-15


  • Fixed Circuits status checks according to latest API changes. (#95)
  • Fixed an authentication issue with the backend_status endpoint when using the new api. (#101)


  • The package defaults to connecting to the IBM Q Experience v2 by default, and to using a single token and URL for accessing all the remote capabilities.
    • an IBMQ.update_account() added for helping transitioning. (#209)
    • qiskit.IBMQ is no longer a Provider: providers for the individual projects can be obtained via IBMQ.get_provider(). (#214)
    • the qiskit.IBMQ account-management methods have been revised, and act on a single account. (#186)
    • the qiskit.IBMQ backend-management methods have been moved to the individual AccountProvider instances. (#186, #212).
  • Updated detection of classic vs. new api based on version endpoint. (#95)
  • The requires_qe_access decorator, previously in terra, is now included in this package. (#128)
  • IBMQJob.job_id() now accepts an optional timeout parameter, for allowing users finer control over the waiting time. (#238)


  • Added support for pooling job status via websockets. Note this is only available when using the new API authentication. (#100)
  • Added support for using object storage when submitting and retrieving jobs. Note this is only available when using the new IBM Q Experience v2. (#110)
  • Added support for custom qx-client-application request header via the environment variable QE_CUSTOM_CLIENT_APP_HEADER when using the new IBM Q Experience v2. (#165)
  • and backend.defaults() now accept a refresh flag. When False, cached data will be returned. (#224)


  • Support for the legacy IBM Q Experience and Qconsole is on the process of being deprecated. They will still be supported during the 0.3.x versions, but we encourage transitioning to the new IBM Q Experience. (#232)
    • the IBMQ.load_accounts() and account-management methods are replaced by methods that work on a single token and URL.
    • the IBMQ.backends() method has been moved to the provider instances: provider = IBMQ.get_provider(); provider.backends().
    • the IBMQ.get_backend(name) method has been moved to the provider instances: provider = IBMQ.get_provider(); provider.get_backend(name).

0.2.2 - 2019-05-07


  • Fixed Circuits parameter validation. (#89)

0.2.1 - 2019-05-06


  • Improved compatibility with older setuptools versions. (#85)

0.2.0 - 2019-05-06


  • The IBMQProvider supports connecting to the new version of the IBM Q API. Please note support for this version is still experimental. (#78)
  • Added support for Circuits through the new API. (#79)


  • Fixed incorrect parsing of some API hub URLs. (#77)
  • Fixed noise model handling for remote simulators. (#84)

0.1.1 - 2019-05-01


  • The backend configurations now return instances of specialized BackendConfiguration classes (ie. QasmBackendConfiguration). (#74).


  • Fixed signature mismatch during job.cancel(). (#73)

0.1 - 2019-04-17


  • The connector get_job() methods accepts two new parameters for including and excluding specific fields from the response. (#6)
  • Added backend.defauls() for retrieving the pulse defaults for a backend through a new endpoint. (#33)
  • Added for retrieving the backend properties for a job through a new endpoint. (#35)


  • The IBMQ Provider has been moved to an individual package outside the Qiskit Terra package.
  • The exception hierarchy has been revised: the package base exception is IBMQError, and they have been grouped in .exception modules. (#5)
  • Ensured that retrieved jobs come from their appropriate backend. (#23)
  • Job error_message() function now summarizes the problems that made the job to fail. (#48)
  • no longer emits a warning for pre-qobj jobs. (#59)


  • Support for non-qobj format has been removed. (#26, #28)