Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service is a managed Kubernetes service on AWS, it gives user flexibility to run and scale Kubernetes applications in the AWS cloud.
- EKS cluster
- EKS node group
- IAM roles
- IAM role policy
- IAM role policy attachment
- S3 Bucket
- S3 Bucket public access block
- Virtual Private Cloud
- Subnets
- Security Groups
- Security Group rule
- NAT Gateway
- Internet Gateway
- elastic IP
- Route Table
- Route Table association
aws/ ├──modules/ | ├──s3 | ├── | └── | └── | └── | ├──vpc | ├── | └── | └── | └── | ├──iam | ├── | └── | └── | └── | ├──eks | ├── | └── | └── | └── | ├──env | ├── | ../modules/vpc | ../modules/iam | ../modules/eks | ../modules/s3 | ├── | └── | └── | └── | ├──scripts | ├── | └── | └── | └── | └── | └── | └── | └── └──
NAME | Version |
Terraform version | 0.14 |
aws provider | ~>3.0 |
Helm version | v3.5.3 |
AWS CLI | version2 |
boto 3 | |
kubectl | 1.17.17 |
python | 3 |
aws-iam-authenticator | 0.5.2 |
- Terraform uses persistent state data to keep track of the resources it manages. Since it needs the state in order to know which real-world infrastructure objects correspond to the resources in a configuration, everyone working with a given collection of infrastructure resources must be able to access the same state data.
- Terraform backend configuration: Configuring your backend in aws s3
- Terraform state How Terraform state works
Following Backend template is to store your backend remotely in s3 bucket, if you are planning to use remote backend copy the following sample template to ./env folder and update the backend file with your bucket name, key and your bucket region.
If you don't want to use the remote backend, you can use the local local directory to store the state files. terraform init
will generate a state file and it will be stored in your local directory under ./env/.terraform.
Sample template to configure your backend in s3 bucket:
terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "<REPLACEME_bucket_name>"
key = "<REPLACEME_bucket_key>"
region = "<REPLACEME_region>"
- Access to an existing AWS cloud as a owner or a developer. following permissions are required
- Managed policies( These policies are Managed by the AWS, you can locate them in the attach existing policies section).
- AmazonEKSClusterPolicy
- AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy
- AmazonEKSServicePolicy
- AmazonEKSVPCResourceController
- Custom policy document located here.policy_document. In this JSON file there are three different policy documents.
- IAM-Developer Policy to manage IAM access to the user.
- AutoScaling Group Policy to manage AutoScaling Group access permissions.
- EC2&S3_policy Policy to manage EC2 and S3 permissions. you will need to create three different policies, we cannot able to add all the policies in the single document, it will exceeds the resource limit on the policy document.
- Managed policies( These policies are Managed by the AWS, you can locate them in the attach existing policies section).
- Bash and common command line tools (Make, etc.)
- Terraform v0.14.0+
- AWS CLI v2
- kubectl that matches the latest generally-available EKS cluster version.
Terraform is used to automate the manipulation of cloud infrastructure. Its Terraform installation instructions are also available online.
Amazon EKS uses IAM to provide authentication to your Kubernetes cluster through the AWS IAM authenticator for Kubernetes. Follow the instructions to install aws-iam-authenticator installation instructions.
Kubernetes uses a command-line utility called kubectl
for communicating with the cluster API server. The kubectl binary is available in many operating system package managers, and this option is often much easier than a manual download and install process. Follow the instructions to install kubectl installation instructions.
Run aws configure
command to configure your AWS cli, This Terraform module utilizes AWS CLI v2, if you have older versions of AWS CLI use the following instructions to uninstall older versions.
aws configure
Enter access key
, secret access key
default region
Export the following terraform environment variables(TFVARS) for terraform to create the resources. if you don't want to export any values, you skip this part and proceed further.
# Environment name, eg. "dev"
# bash, zsh
export TF_VAR_environment=dev
set -x TF_VAR_environment dev
# Kubernetes cluster name, eg. "k8ssandra"
# bash, zsh
export TF_VAR_name=k8ssandra
set -x TF_VAR_name k8ssandra
# Resource Owner name, eg. "k8ssandra"
# bash, zsh
export TF_VAR_resource_owner=k8ssandra
set -x TF_VAR_resource_owner k8ssandra
# AWS region name, eg. "us-east-1"
# bash, zsh
export TF_VAR_region=us-east-1
set -x TF_VAR_region us-east-1
Important: Initialize the terraform modules and downloads required providers.
cd env/
terraform init
Run the following commands to plan and apply changes to your infrastructure.
If you miss export any values or don't want to import any values, by running the following commands they are going prompt for required values in the
. you can enter those values through command-line.
terraform plan
terraform apply
To destroy the resource, use the following instructions:
It is important to export or pass the right values when destroying the resources on a local workspace. Make sure you exported(TF_VAR) or enter right environment variables.
Verify the resources before you destroy Used the following command.
terraform plan -destroy
Run the following command to destroy all the resources in your local workspace.
terraform destroy
terraform destroy -auto-approve
OpenID Connect (OIDC) Identity Provider (IDP) This feature allows customers to integrate an OIDC identity provider with a new or existing Amazon EKS cluster running Kubernetes version 1.16 or later. The OIDC IDP can be used as an alternative to, or along with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). With this feature, you can manage user access to your cluster by leveraging existing identity management life cycle through your OIDC identity provider.
enable OIDC provider:
eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --region <REPLACEME_region> --cluster <REPLACEME_cluster_name> --approve
eg:- eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --region us-east-1 --cluster dev-k8ssandra-eks-cluster --approve
create IAM policy: Locate the IAM policy document and provide path and create a policy, If the policy exists skip to the next step
aws iam create-policy --policy-name AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy --policy-document file://<path>iam_policy.json
Get the ARN of the IAM policy, save it for future use.
eg:- aws iam create-policy --policy-name AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy --policy-document file://iam_policy.json
create a service account user the policy arn create above:
Get the Account number
aws sts get-caller-identity
Get the policy ARN we created earlier. ARN of the policy example eg:- arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:policy/AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy
Create an IAM role and annotate the Kubernetes service account named aws-load-balancer-controller in the kube-system namespace for the AWS Load Balancer Controller using eksctl or the AWS Management Console and kubectl.
eksctl create iamserviceaccount --cluster=<REPLACEME_clustername> --region=<REPLACEME_region> --namespace=kube-system --name=aws-load-balancer-controller --attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:policy/AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy --override-existing-serviceaccounts --approve
eg:- eksctl create iamserviceaccount --cluster=dev-k8ssandra-eks-cluster --region=us-east-1 --namespace=kube-system --name=aws-load-balancer-controller --attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxx:policy/AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy --override-existing-serviceaccounts --approve
If you currently have the AWS ALB Ingress Controller for Kubernetes installed, uninstall it. The AWS Load Balancer Controller replaces the functionality of the AWS ALB Ingress Controller for Kubernetes.
Install the AWS Load Balancer Controller using Helm V3 or later: Install the TargetGroupBinding custom resource definitions.
kubectl apply -k ""
Add the eks-charts repository:
helm repo add eks
Update your local repo to make sure that you have the most recent charts
helm repo update
Install the AWS Load Balancer Controller: Install aws-load-balancer-controller by using helm command
helm upgrade -i aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller --set clusterName=<REPLACEME_cluster_name> -n kube-system --set serviceAccount.create=false --set
eg :- helm upgrade -i aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller --set clusterName=dev-k8ssandra-eks-cluster -n kube-system --set serviceAccount.create=false --set
Check the deployment status:
kubectl get deployment -n kube-system aws-load-balancer-controller
Check the deployment status you should see the following output.
Output:- NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE aws-load-balancer-controller 2/2 2 2 84s
check the logs:
kubectl logs -n kube-system deployment.apps/aws-load-balancer-controller
Add the following helm repo's if there are not already added.
helm repo add k8ssandra
Deploy k8ssasndra by running the following command.
helm install <REPLACEME_release-name> k8ssandra/k8ssandra --set cassandra.cassandraLibDirVolume.storageClass=gp2
eg: helm install test k8ssandra/k8ssandra --set cassandra.cassandraLibDirVolume.storageClass=gp2
After the installation please verify the pods status, it will take about 3-5 minutes provision the resources wait until all the resources are in running state.
to check the status of the pods run the following command, wait until all the pods and services available.
kubectl get pods
locate nodeport.yaml
file and run the following command to create Nodeport service.
kubectl create -f /nodeport.yaml
cd test
kubectl create -f /ingress.yml
Wait for the load balancers to come available
kubectl get ingress
When you create an Amazon EKS cluster, the IAM user or role (such as a federated user that creates the cluster) is automatically granted system:masters permissions in the cluster's RBAC configuration. If you access the Amazon EKS console and your IAM user or role isn't part of the aws-auth ConfigMap, then you can't see your Kubernetes workloads or overview details for the cluster.
To grant additional AWS users or roles the ability to interact with your cluster, you must edit the aws-auth ConfigMap within Kubernetes.
Get the configuration of your AWS CLI user or role:
aws sts get-caller-identity
Confirm that the ARN matches the cluster creator or the admin with primary access to configure your cluster. If the ARN doesn't match the cluster creator or admin, then contact the cluster creator or admin to update the aws-auth ConfigMap.
The group name in the manifest file is eks-console-dashboard-full-access-group
. This is the group that your IAM user or role must be mapped to in the aws-auth ConfigMap.
To create a cluster role and cluster role binding:
Deploy the manifest file: Use the manifest file.
kubectl apply -f manifest.yaml
Verify the creation of cluster role and cluster role binding objects:
kubectl describe
kubectl describe
To edit aws-auth ConfigMap in a text editor, the cluster creator or admin must run the following command:
kubectl edit configmap aws-auth -n kube-system
To add an IAM user or IAM role, complete either of the following steps.
Important: mapUsers[].groups.eks-console-dashboard-full-access-group
. Group name must be the same as the group name created in the manifest file.
Add the IAM user to mapUsers. For example:
mapUsers: |
- userarn: arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:user/<REPLACEME_username>
username: <REPLACEME_username>
- system:bootstrappers
- system:nodes
- eks-console-dashboard-full-access-group
Add the IAM role to mapRoles. For example:
mapRoles: |
- rolearn: arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:role/<REPLACEME_role_name>
username: <REPLACEME_role_name>
- system:bootstrappers
- system:nodes
- eks-console-dashboard-full-access-group
login to the AWS management console, Select your cluster on the navigation pane and Check the Overview and Workloads tabs for errors. You shouldn't see any errors.
Helpful links to resolve issues on the EKS cluster access: