Interesting in contributing? Awesome!
Quick Links:
You can help us to translate the PeerTube interface to many languages! See the documentation to know how.
You don't need to know how to code to start contributing to PeerTube! Other contributions are very valuable too, among which: you can test the software and report bugs, you can give feedback on potential bugs, features that you are interested in, user interface, design, decentralized architecture...
You can help to write the documentation of the REST API, code, architecture, demonstrations.
For the REST API you can see the documentation in /support/doc/api directory.
Then, you can just open the openapi.yaml
file in a special editor like to easily see and edit the documentation.
Some hints:
- Routes are defined in /server/controllers/ directory
- Parameters validators are defined in /server/middlewares/validators directory
- Models sent/received by the controllers are defined in /shared/models directory
Don't hesitate to talk about features you want to develop by creating/commenting an issue before you start working on them :).
First, make sure that you have followed the steps to install the dependencies.
Then clone the sources and install node modules:
$ git clone
$ cd PeerTube
$ yarn install --pure-lockfile
Then, create a postgres database and user with the values set in the
file. For instance, if you do not change the values
there, the following commands would create a new database called peertube_dev
and a postgres user called peertube
with password peertube
# sudo -u postgres createuser -P peertube
Enter password for new role: peertube
# sudo -u postgres createdb -O peertube peertube_dev
In dev mode, administrator username is root and password is test.
You can find a documentation of the server code/architecture here.
To develop on the server-side:
$ npm run dev:server
Then, the server will listen on localhost:9000
. When server source files
change, these are automatically recompiled and the server will automatically
You can find a documentation of the server code/architecture here.
To develop on the client side:
$ npm run dev:client
The API will listen on localhost:9000
and the frontend on localhost:3000
Client files are automatically compiled on change, and the web browser will
reload them automatically thanks to hot module replacement.
The API will listen on localhost:9000
and the frontend on localhost:3000
File changes are automatically recompiled, injected in the web browser (no need to refresh manually)
and the web server is automatically restarted.
$ npm run dev
Create a PostgreSQL user with the same name as your username in order to avoid using the postgres user. Then, we can create the databases (if they don't already exist):
$ sudo -u postgres createuser you_username --createdb
$ createdb -O peertube peertube_test{1,2,3}
Build the application and flush the old tests data:
$ npm run build
$ npm run clean:server:test
This will run 3 nodes:
$ npm run play
Then you will get access to the three nodes at http://localhost:900{1,2,3}
with the root
as username and test{1,2,3}
for the password.
Instance configurations are in config/test-{1,2,3}.yaml
Create a PostgreSQL user with the same name as your username in order to avoid using the postgres user.
Then, we can create the databases (if they don't already exist):
$ sudo -u postgres createuser you_username --createdb --superuser
$ createdb -O peertube peertube_test{1,2,3,4,5,6}
Build the application and run the unit/integration tests:
$ npm run build
$ npm test
If you just want to run 1 test:
$ npm run mocha -- --exit --require ts-node/register/type-check --bail server/tests/api/index.ts
Instance configurations are in config/test-{1,2,3,4,5,6}.yaml
Note that only instance 2 has transcoding enabled.