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Getting started with developing your own Custom Metrics API Server

This will walk through writing a very basic custom metrics API server using this library. The implementation will be static. With a real adapter, you'd generally be reading from some external metrics system instead.

The end result will look similar to the test adapter, but will generate sample metrics automatically instead of setting them via an HTTP endpoint.


Make sure you've got a dependency management system that's compatible with glide. As noted in the README, it's strongly recommended that you make use of the dependency versions listed in this project, otherwise you may encounter strange build errors.

If you're using glide, create a project and initialize the dependencies like so:

$ mkdir $GOPATH/src/$USER/$REPO
$ cd $GOPATH/src/$USER/$REPO
$ glide init
$ glide get

Writing the Code

There's two parts to an adapter: the setup code, and the providers. The setup code initializes the API server, and the providers handle requests from the API for metrics.

Writing a provider

There are currently two provider interfaces, corresponding to two different APIs: the custom metrics API (for metrics that describe Kubernetes objects), and the external metrics API (for metrics that don't describe kubernetes objects, or are otherwise not attached to a particular object). For the sake of brevity, this walkthrough will show an example of the custom metrics API, but a full example including the external metrics API can be found in the test adapter.

Put your provider in the pkg/provider directory in your repository.

To get started, you'll need some imports:
package provider

import (

    apierr ""
    apimeta ""
    metav1 ""


The custom metrics provider interface, which you'll need to implement, is called CustomMetricsProvider, and looks like this:

type CustomMetricsProvider interface {
    ListAllMetrics() []CustomMetricInfo

    GetMetricByName(name types.NamespacedName, info CustomMetricInfo) (*custom_metrics.MetricValue, error)
    GetMetricBySelector(namespace string, selector labels.Selector, info CustomMetricInfo) (*custom_metrics.MetricValueList, error)

First, there's a method for listing all metrics available at any point in time. It's used to populate the discovery information in the API, so that clients can know what metrics are available. It's not allowed to fail (it doesn't return any error), and it should return quickly, so it's suggested that you update it asynchronously in real-world code.

For this walkthrough, you can just return a few statically-named metrics, two that are namespaced, and one that's on namespaces themselves, and thus root-scoped:

func (p *yourProvider) ListAllMetrics() []provider.CustomMetricInfo {
    return []provider.CustomMetricInfo{
        // these are mostly arbitrary examples
            GroupResource: schema.GroupResource{Group: "", Resource: "pods"},
            Metric:        "packets-per-second",
            Namespaced:    true,
            GroupResource: schema.GroupResource{Group: "", Resource: "services"},
            Metric:        "connections-per-second",
            Namespaced:    true,
            GroupResource: schema.GroupResource{Group: "", Resource: "namespaces"},
            Metric:        "work-queue-length",
            Namespaced:    false,

Next, you'll need to implement the methods that actually fetch the metrics. There are methods for fetching metrics describing arbitrary Kubernetes resources, both root-scoped and namespaced-scoped. Those metrics can either be fetched for a single object, or for a list of objects by selector.

Make sure you understand resources, scopes, and quantities before continuing.

Kinds, Resources, and Scopes

When working with these APIs (and Kubernetes APIs in general), you'll often see references to resources, kinds, and scope.

Kinds refer to types within the API. For instance, Deployment is a kind. When you fully-qualify a kind, you write it as a group-version-kind, or GVK for short. The GVK for Deployment is apps/v1.Deployment (or {Group: "apps", Version: "v1", Kind: "Deployment"} in Go syntax).

Resources refer to URLs in an API, in an abstract sense. Each resource has a corresponding kind, but that kind isn't necessarily unique to that particular resource. For instance, the resource deployments has kind Deployment, but so does the subresource deployments/status. On the other hand, all the */scale subresources use the kind Scale (for the most part). When you fully-qualify a resource, you write it as a group-version-resource, or GVR for short. The GVR {Group: "apps", Version: "v1", Resource: "deployments"} corresponds to the URL form /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/<ns>/deployments. Resources may be singular or plural -- both effectively refer to the same thing.

Sometimes you might partially qualify a particular kind or resource as a group-kind or group-resource, leaving off the versions. You write group-resources as <resource>.<group>, like deployments.apps in the custom metrics API (and in kubectl).

Scope refers to whether or not a particular resource is grouped under namespaces. You say that namespaced resources, like deployments are namespace-scoped, while non-namespaced resources, like nodes are root-scoped.

To figure out which kinds correspond to which resources, and which resources have what scope, you use a RESTMapper. The RESTMapper generally collects its information from discovery information, which lists which kinds and resources are available in a particular Kubernetes cluster.


When dealing with metrics, you'll often need to deal with fractional numbers. While many systems use floating point numbers for that purpose, Kubernetes instead uses a system called quantities.

Quantities are whole numbers suffixed with SI suffixes. You use the m suffix (for milli-units) to denote numbers with fractional components, down the thousandths place.

For instance, 10500m means 10.5 in decimal notation. To construct a new quantity out of a milli-unit value (e.g. millicores or millimeters), you'd use the resource.NewMilliQuantity(valueInMilliUnits, resource.DecimalSI) function. To construct a new quantity that's a whole number, you can either use NewMilliQuantity and multiple by 1000, or use the resource.NewQuantity(valueInWholeUnits, resource.DecimalSI) function.

Remember that in both cases, the argument must be an integer, so if you need to represent a number with a fractional component, use NewMilliQuantity.

You'll need a handle to a RESTMapper (to map between resources and kinds) and dynamic client to fetch lists of objects in the cluster, if you don't already have sufficient information in your metrics pipeline:

type yourProvider struct {
    client dynamic.Interface
    mapper apimeta.RESTMapper

    // just increment values when they're requested
    values map[provider.CustomMetricInfo]int64

Then, you can implement the methods that fetch the metrics. In this walkthrough, those methods will just increment values for metrics as they're fetched. In real adapter, you'd want to fetch metrics from your backend in these methods.

First, a couple of helpers, which support doing the fake "fetch" operation, and constructing a result object:

// valueFor fetches a value from the fake list and increments it.
func (p *yourProvider) valueFor(info provider.CustomMetricInfo) (int64, error) {
    // normalize the value so that you treat plural resources and singular
    // resources the same (e.g. pods vs pod)
    info, _, err := info.Normalized(p.mapper)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err

    value := p.values[info]
    value += 1
    p.values[info] = value

    return value, nil

// metricFor constructs a result for a single metric value.
func (p *testingProvider) metricFor(value int64, name types.NamespacedName, info provider.CustomMetricInfo) (*custom_metrics.MetricValue, error) {
    // construct a reference referring to the described object
    objRef, err := helpers.ReferenceFor(p.mapper, name, info)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &custom_metrics.MetricValue{
        DescribedObject: objRef,
        MetricName:      info.Metric,
        // you'll want to use the actual timestamp in a real adapter
        Timestamp:       metav1.Time{time.Now()},
        Value:           *resource.NewMilliQuantity(value*100, resource.DecimalSI),
    }, nil

Then, you'll need to implement the two main methods. The first fetches a single metric value for one object (for example, for the object metric type in the HorizontalPodAutoscaler):

func (p *yourProvider) GetMetricByName(name types.NamespacedName, info provider.CustomMetricInfo) (*custom_metrics.MetricValue, error) {
    value, err := p.valueFor(info)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return p.metricFor(value, name, info)

The second fetches multiple metric values, one for each object in a set (for example, for the pods metric type in the HorizontalPodAutoscaler).

func (p *yourProvider) GetMetricBySelector(namespace string, selector labels.Selector, info provider.CustomMetricInfo) (*custom_metrics.MetricValueList, error) {
    totalValue, err := p.valueFor(info)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    names, err := helpers.ListObjectNames(p.mapper, p.client, namespace, selector, info)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    res := make([]custom_metrics.MetricValue, len(names))
    for i, name := range names {
        // in a real adapter, you might want to consider pre-computing the
        // object reference created in metricFor, instead of recomputing it
        // for each object.
        value, err := p.metricFor(100*totalValue/int64(len(res)), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: namespace, Name: name}, info)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        res[i] = *value

    return &custom_metrics.MetricValueList{
        Items: res,
    }, nil

Now, you just need to plug in your provider to an API server.

Writing the setup code

The adapter library provides helpers to construct an API server to serve the metrics provided by your provider.

First, you'll need a few imports:
package main

import (


    basecmd ""

    // make this the path to the provider that you just wrote
    yourprov ""

With those out of the way, you can make use of the basecmd.AdapterBase struct to help set up the API server:

type YourAdapter struct {

    // the message printed on startup
    Message string

func main() {
    defer logs.FlushLogs()

    // initialize the flags, with one custom flag for the message
    cmd := &YourAdapter{}
    cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cmd.Message, "msg", "starting adapter...", "startup message")
    cmd.Flags().AddGoFlagSet(flag.CommandLine) // make sure you get the glog flags

    provider := cmd.makeProviderOrDie()
    // you could also set up external metrics support,
    // if your provider supported it:
    // cmd.WithExternalMetrics(provider)

    if err := cmd.Run(wait.NeverStop); err != nil {
        glog.Fatalf("unable to run custom metrics adapter: %v", err)

Finally, you'll need to add a bit of setup code for the specifics of your provider. This code will be specific to the options of your provider -- you might need to pass configuration for connecting to the backing metrics solution, extra credentials, or advanced configuration. For the provider you wrote above, the setup code looks something like this:

func (a *SampleAdapter) makeProviderOrDie() provider.CustomMetricsProvider {
    client, err := a.DynamicClient()
    if err != nil {
        glog.Fatalf("unable to construct dynamic client: %v", err)

    mapper, err := a.RESTMapper()
    if err != nil {
        glog.Fatalf("unable to construct discovery REST mapper: %v", err)

    return yourprov.NewProvider(client, mapper)

Build the project

Now that you have a working adapter, you can build it with go build, and stick in it a container, and deploy it onto the cluster. Check out the test adapter deployment files for an example of how to do that.