diff --git a/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.de.resx b/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.de.resx
index fa08052..0e14fe5 100644
--- a/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.de.resx
+++ b/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.de.resx
@@ -159,505 +159,505 @@
Linie löschen
- Line Activity
+ Linien-Aktivität
- Line Budget (%)
+ Linienbudget (%)
- Line Color
+ Linienfarbe
- Internal line number
+ Interne Liniennummer
- Night:
+ Nacht:
Vielfache Fahrzeug-Skin-Optionen
- Disabled
+ Deaktiviert
- Day
+ Tag
- Night
+ Nacht
- Day and Night
+ Tag und Nacht
- Disab.
+ Deakt.
- Day
+ Tag
- Night
+ Nacht
- D & N
+ T & N
- Activ.
+ Aktiv.
Requires to be VERY short
- Adult
+ Erwachsene
- Budget View
+ Budget-Ansicht
- Children
+ Kinder
- {0:N1}m - {1} Stops - {2}/{3} Vehicles - {4}% Trips saved
+ {0:N1}m - {1} Haltestellen - {2}/{3} Fahrzeuge - {4}% eingesparte Reisen
- Lines Overview
+ Linien-Übersicht
- {0:N0} Residents / {1:N0} Tourists
+ {0:N0} Bewohner / {1:N0} Touristen
- Teen
+ Jugendlicher
- <color=yellow>{0} of {1} stops of this line aren't charging fees due stops' district policies. The line might not have any earnings!</color>
+ <color=yellow>{0} von {1} Haltestellen dieser Linie berechnen - auf Grund von Richtlinien - keine Gebühren. Die Linie hat möglicherweise keine Einnahmen!</color>
- <color=red>This line is broken!</color>
+ <color=red>Diese Linie ist fehlerhaft!</color>
- Ticket Price (in cents)
+ Ticketpreis (in Cents)
- Weekly report data
+ Wochenreport
- Young
+ Jung
- Passengers/Capacity
+ Passagiere/Kapazität
- Identifier
+ Bezeichner
- Profit (All Time)
+ Gewinn (Gesamt)
- Profit (Last Period)
+ Gewinn (Letzte Woche)
- Profit (Current Period)
+ Gewinn (Diese Woche)
Must be VERY short
- E16 - Earnings last 16 weeks (24h for Real Time)
+ E16 - Einnahmen der letzten 16 Wochen (24 Stunden in Echtzeit)
Must be VERY short
- ECP - Earnings current period
+ ECP - Einnahmen der aktuellen Woche
Must be VERY short
- ELP - Earnings last period
+ ECP - Einnahmen der letzten Woche
- Line stops map
+ Haltestellen-Karte
- Vehicle data to show
+ Anzuzeigende Fahrzeugdaten
- <color=#{3}>Residents: {0:N0}; Tourists: {1:N0}; {2:N0}% Bored</color>
+ <color=#{3}>Bewohner: {0:N0}; Touristen: {1:N0}; {2:N0}% Langeweile</color>
- N/A
+ n. a.
- Vehicles models for line selection
+ Auswahl der Fahrzeugmodelle für die Linie
- Current line exclusive
+ Exklusiv für die aktuelle Linie
- City settings
+ Stadt-Einstellungen
- When enabling the express lines, the buses won't unbunch in the regular stops anymore once it would be done only in terminal stops.
-You can disable the unbunching also in terminal stops to get a more fluid line dynamic.
+ Wenn Expresslinien aktiviert sind, trennen sich die Busse nicht mehr an regulären Haltestellen, sondern nur noch an der Endstation.
+Sie können die Trennung an den Endhaltestellen auch deaktivieren, um eine flüssigere Dynamik zu erhalten.
- Disable unbunching also in terminal stops
+ Trennung auch in der Endhaltestelle deaktivieren
- Express buses
+ Express-Busse
- Express trams
+ Express-Straßenbahnen
- Express trolleybuses
+ Express-Oberleitungsbusse
- Express lines
+ Express-Linien
- Clear filters
+ Filter zurücksetzen
- <color=#FF00FF>--TRANSPORT LINE--</color>
+ <color=#FF00FF>--TRANSPORT LINIE--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- <color=yellow>--ALL STOPS--</color>
+ <color=yellow>--ALLE HALTESTELLEN--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- <color=yellow>--ALL VEHICLES--</color>
+ <color=yellow>--ALLE FAHRZEUGE-</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- Reload lines
+ Linien neu laden
- Select line
+ Linie auswählen
- Stop
+ Haltestelle
- All vehicles and stops
+ Alle Fahrzeuge und Haltestellen
- Statistics @ Stop {0}
+ Statistiken @ Haltestelle {0}
- Statistics @ Vehicle {0}
+ Statistik @ Fahrzeug {0}
- Statistics
+ Statistiken
- Vehicle
+ Fahrzeug
- Since {0}
+ Seit {0}
- Period
+ Zeitraum
- This data is not available in current selected filter
+ Diese Daten sind im aktuell ausgewählten Filter nicht verfügbar
- Balance
+ Kontostand
- Expense
+ Ausgaben
- Income
+ Einnahmen
- Financial report
+ Finanzbericht
- Total last 16 weeks
+ Gesamt letzte 16 Wochen
- Total last 24h
+ Gesamt letzte 24h
- Adults
+ Erwachsene
- Children
+ Kinder
- Seniors
+ Senioren
- Teens
+ Jugendliche
- Passenger age report
+ Bericht über das Alter der Passagiere
- Total
+ Gesamt
- Youngs
+ Jugendliche
- Females
+ Weiblich
- Males
+ Männlich
- Gender Report
+ Geschlechterbericht
- Total
+ Gesamt
- Students
+ Studenten
- Students & Tourists
+ Studenten & Touristen
- Total
+ Gesamt
- Tourists
+ Touristen
- High Wealth
+ Hoher Wohlstand
- Low Wealth
+ Niedriger Reichtum
- Medium Wealth
+ Mittlerer Reichtum
- Wealth Report
+ Reichtum-Bericht
- Total
+ Gesamt
- <color=yellow>{0}</color> (Default: {1:N0}¢/kpax)
+ <color=yellow>{0}</color> (Standard: {1:N0}¢ / 1000 Passagiere)
{0} will be the transport type name
{1} will be the default cost per 1000 passengers
- The maintenance cost is based in a cost in cents per passenger ratio. Higher capacities means higher costs!
-Left it at "0" to use the default cost.
+ Die Instandhaltungskosten richten sich nach den Kosten je Fahrgastverhältnis. Höhere Kapazitäten bedeuten höhere Kosten!
+Setzte es auf "0", um die Standardkosten zu verwenden.
- Maintenance costs
+ Wartungskosten
- All line infos that (possibly) can create a line tool are available below. Use by your own risk to create special lines in these modals.
-<color=red>IT MAY BE NOT STABLE! BEWARE!</color>
+ Alle Linien-Infos, die (möglicherweise) ein Linienwerkzeug erstellen können, sind unten verfügbar. Verwenden Sie auf eigenes Risiko, um spezielle Linien in diesen Modellen zu erstellen.
- Line tools
+ Linien-Werkzeuge
- Clear
+ Löschen
- Copy
+ Kopieren
- Paste
+ Einfügen
- Go to maintenance screen
+ Zum Wartungsbildschirm wechseln
- Vehicle (activate/deactivate)
+ Fahrzeug (aktivieren/deaktivieren)
- Capacity
+ Kapazität
Must be short
- Cost/Period
+ Kosten/Zeitraum
Must be short
- Select the assets allowed to spawn in the line in this window.
-The new selection will be used as reference when spawning new vehicles to the line.
-The vehicles in the line that aren't selected in this list will be sent to depot as soon it:
-- Reach next stop (non-road based transport types only)
-- Get emptied
-- Reach the first stop or any terminal stop (road-based modals only)
+ Wählen Sie die erlaubten Assets in der Zeile in diesem Fenster.
+Die neue Auswahl wird als Referenz beim Spawnen neuer Fahrzeuge in die Linie verwendet.
+Die Fahrzeuge in der Linie, die in dieser Liste nicht ausgewählt sind, werden so bald wie möglich in das Lager geschickt:
+- Nächste Haltestelle erreichen (nur auf der Straße basierende Transportarten)
+- Leeren
+- Erreiche die erste Haltestelle oder jede Endhaltestelle (nur auf der Straße)
-The capacity can be edited here also, the maintenance cost is calculated based in the cost for each 1000 passengers setted up at City Settings window.
+Die Kapazität kann auch hier bearbeitet werden. Die Instandhaltungskosten richten sich nach den Kosten pro 1000 Passagiere, welche in den Stadt-Einstellungen eingestellt sind.
- Line name
+ Linienname
- <color=red>Remove stop</color>
+ <color=red>Haltestelle entfernen</color>
- Set as first stop
+ Als Starthaltestelle festlegen
- Set as terminal
+ Als Endhaltestelle festlegen
- Remove terminal
+ Endhaltestelle entfernen
- Assets settings
+ Asset-Einstellungen
- The assets settings were exported to file:
+ Die Asset-Einstellungen wurden in die folgende Datei exportiert:
- The asset settings were loaded successfully from default settings file.
-You may need to reload all files to see the new values being used
+ Die Asset-Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich aus den Standardeinstellungen geladen.
+Möglicherweise müssen Sie alle Dateien neu laden, um die neuen Werte zu sehen, die verwendet werden
- The city settings were exported to file:
+ Die Stadt-Einstellungen wurden in die folgende Datei exportiert:
- The city settings were loaded successfully from default settings file.
+ Die Stadteinstellungen wurden erfolgreich aus den Standardeinstellungen geladen.
- General settings
+ Allgemeine Einstellungen
- Expert mode
-Shows advanced settings and extra windows for deep setup
-Recomended for experenced players only
+ Experten-Modus
+zeigt erweiterte Einstellungen und zusätzliche Fenster für tiefere Einstellungen an
+nur für erfahrene Spieler empfohlen
- Export as default
+ Als Standard exportieren
- Import from default
+ Vom Standard importieren
- General
+ Allgemein
- Change custom logo
+ Benutzerdefiniertes Logo ändern
- <color=red>Remove custom logo</color>
+ <color=red>Benutzerdefiniertes Logo entfernen</color>
- Invalid texture!
+ Ungültige Textur!
- The texture must have exactly 256x256 pixels as dimensions!
+ Die Textur muss exakt 256x256 Pixel als Größe haben!
- Get a logo image for line: {0}
+ Wähle ein Logo für Linie: {0}
- There are no lines around here...
+ Es sind keine Linien in der Nähe...
- Near lines
+ Linien in der Nähe
- Set custom logo
+ Benutzerdefiniertes Logo festlegen
- The current stop isn't inside a district. Ensure it belongs to a district to bind its name to it.
+ Der aktuelle Stopp befindet sich nicht in einem Stadtteil. Versichere dich, dass er zu einem Stadtteil gehört, um seinen Namen daran anzupassen.
- The current stop isn't inside a special area. Ensure it belongs to a special area to bind its name to it.
+ Der aktuelle Stopp ist nicht innerhalb eines Spezialisierungsgebietes. Versichere dich, dass er zu einem Spezialisierungsgebietes gehört, um seinen Namen an es zu binden.
- Force bind stop name to building (pick)
+ Verbinden des Haltestellen-Namens mit Gebäuden erzwingen (Auswahl)
- Force bind stop name to district
+ Verbinden des Haltestellen-Namens mit Stadtteil erzwingen
- Force bind stop name to special area
+ Verbinden des Haltestellen-Namens mit Spezialisierungsgebiet erzwingen
- Force bind stop name to road (pick)
+ Verbinden des Haltestellen-Namens mit Straßennamen erzwingen (Auswahl)
- Recalculate all stops names bindings
+ Alle Haltestellen-Namen-Bindungen neu berechnen
- Recalculate stop name bind
+ Haltestellen-Namen-Bindung neu berechnen
- {0} (Circular)
+ {0} (Rundkurs)
Template used when a line have a single terminal set
- Auto name all city lines
+ Benenne alle Linien automatisch
- Auto name all visible lines
+ Benenne alle sichtbaren Linien automatisch
- Erase all custom stop names
+ Alle benutzerdefinierten Haltestellennamen löschen
- Line depot selection
+ Linien-Depot-Auswahl
- Custom line code (autoname/WE)
+ Benutzerdefinierter Liniencode (Automatisches benennen/WE)
- Ignore mandatory stop at terminals (full circular)
-<color=yellow>NOTE:</color> Vehicle unspawns only will be done when the vehicle gets organically empty
+ Den obligatorischen Stopp an den Endhaltestellen ignorieren (Kompletter Rundkurs)
+<color=yellow>HINWEIS:</color> Fahrzeuge können nur despawnen, wenn das Fahrzeug organisch leer wird
- Require new vehicles to start line by a terminal stop
+ Neue Fahrzeuge müssen an einer Endhaltestelle starten
- Go to
+ Gehe zu
- Using budget group {0}. Click to reset.
+ Budget-Gruppe {0} verwenden. Zum Zurücksetzen klicken.
- Timetable resume
+ Fahrplan fortsetzen
- Setting type
+ Einstellungs-Typ
- The default group is edited in the line details window and don't support special budget rules. Select a group to use budget by hour or hour and day of week.
+ Die Standard-Gruppe wird im Linien-Detail-Fenster bearbeitet und unterstützt keine speziellen Budget-Regeln. Wählen Sie eine Gruppe aus, um ein Budget pro Stunde oder Stunde und Wochentag zu verwenden.
- Default game budget settings
+ Standard-Spielbudgeteinstellungen
- Budget group {0}
+ Budget-Gruppe {0}
{0} will be a number (1-32)
- Group budgets' subgroups
+ Untergruppen der Budget-Gruppen
- Group budget subgroups per hour
+ Gruppen-Budget Untergruppen pro Stunde
- Budget groups are budgets shared between multiple lines. ITM supports up to 26 groups per transport type.
-The budget groups can have 3 different settings:
-<color=yellow>- Fixed:</color> A fixed budget;
-<color=yellow>- Per hour:</color> A budget based on time of the day/night cycle or RealTime timer;
-<color=yellow>- Per hour and day of week:</color> A budget based on time of the day/night cycle or RealTime timer, but can have special tables for some days of week. Makes sense to use only with RealTime.
+ Alle Budgets in einer Budget-Gruppen werden miteinander geteilt. ITM unterstützt bis zu 26 Gruppen pro Transportart.
+Die Budget-Gruppen können 3 verschiedene Einstellungen haben:
+<color=yellow>- Fix:</color> Ein festes Budget;
+<color=yellow>- pro Stunde:</color> Ein Budget basierend auf der Zeit des Tag/Nacht-Zyklus oder RealTimer;
+<color=yellow>- Pro Stunde und Wochentag:</color> Ein Budget basierend auf der Tages/Nacht-Zyklus oder RealTimer aber können spezielle Fahrpläne für einige Wochentage. Macht Sinn, nur mit RealTime zu verwenden.
- Lines using same group: {0}
+ Linien mit derselben Gruppe: {0}
Will be on a button that will show all lines when clicked; {0} is the lines count
@@ -665,21 +665,21 @@ The budget groups can have 3 different settings:
Used in timetable view to show the period of transition between budgets ({0} is the previous, {1} is the next budget)
- Fixed
+ Fixiert
- Per hour
+ Pro Stunde
- Per hour and weekday
+ Pro Stunde und Wochentag
- Budget advanced settings (Expert)
+ Erweiterte Budget-Einstellungen (Experte)
- Lines using same budget group ({0})
+ Linien mit derselben Budget-Gruppe ({0})
- An extra vehicle is added each <color=yellow>{0:P1}</color> of budget.
+ Ein zusätzliches Fahrzeug wird pro <color=yellow>{0:P1}</color> des Budgets hinzugefügt.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.es.resx b/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.es.resx
index 2a95a26..bbf9fdf 100644
--- a/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.es.resx
+++ b/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.es.resx
@@ -122,80 +122,80 @@
Requires to be short
- Bdgt.
+ Presup.
Requires to be VERY short
- Lines from type <color=yellow>{0}</color>: {1:N0} - Total transport lines in the city: {2:N0}
+ Líneas del tipo <color=yellow>{0}</color>: {1:N0} - Total de líneas de transporte en la ciudad: {2:N0}
0 = Transport Type Name
1 = quantity of lines in current view
2 = Total lines created in the city
- Line Name
+ Nombre de la línea
- Pass.
+ Pasj.
Requires to be VERY short
- Stops
+ Paradas
Requires to be VERY short
- There are no lines in this city!
+ ¡No hay líneas en esta ciudad!
- Public Transport Lines
+ Transporte Público
Requires to be VERY short
- Day:
+ Día:
- Delete line
+ Eliminar línea
- Line Activity
+ Actividad de la línea
- Line Budget (%)
+ Presupuesto de línea (%)
- Line Color
+ Color de línea
- Internal line number
+ Número interno de línea
- Night:
+ Noche:
Multiplica las posibilidades de skins de vehículos
- Disabled
+ Desactivado
- Day
+ Día
- Night
+ Noche
- Day and Night
+ Día y noche
- Disab.
+ Desact.
- Day
+ Día
- Night
+ Noche
D & N
@@ -205,459 +205,459 @@
Requires to be VERY short
- Adult
+ Adulto
- Budget View
+ Vista de presupuesto
- Children
+ Niños
- {0:N1}m - {1} Stops - {2}/{3} Vehicles - {4}% Trips saved
+ {0:N1}m - {1} Paradas - {2}/{3} Vehículos - {4}% Viajes ahorrados
- Lines Overview
+ Vista general de líneas
- {0:N0} Residents / {1:N0} Tourists
+ {0:N0} Residentes / {1:N0} Turistas
- Senior
+ Anciano
- Teen
+ Adolescente
- <color=yellow>{0} of {1} stops of this line aren't charging fees due stops' district policies. The line might not have any earnings!</color>
+ <color=yellow>{0} de {1} paradas de esta línea no están cobrando las tarifas de transporte debido a las políticas de distrito de las paradas. ¡Puede que la línea no tenga ganancias!</color>
- <color=red>This line is broken!</color>
+ <color=red>¡Esta línea está incompleta!</color>
- Ticket Price (in cents)
+ Precio del billete (en centavos)
- Weekly report data
+ Reporte semanal
- Young
+ Joven
- Passengers/Capacity
+ Pasajeros/Capacidad
- Identifier
+ Identificador
- Profit (All Time)
+ Ganancias (todo el tiempo)
- Profit (Last Period)
+ Ganancias (Último periodo)
- Profit (Current Period)
+ Ganancias (Período actual)
- E16:
+ G16:
Must be VERY short
- E16 - Earnings last 16 weeks (24h for Real Time)
+ G16 - Ganancias en las últimas 16 semanas (24h para 'Real Time')
- ECP:
+ GPA:
Must be VERY short
- ECP - Earnings current period
+ GPA - Ganacias en el periodo actual
- ELP:
+ GUP:
Must be VERY short
- ELP - Earnings last period
+ GUP: Ganancias en el último periodo
- Line stops map
+ Mapa de estaciones
- Vehicle data to show
+ Datos del vehículo para mostrar
- <color=#{3}>Residents: {0:N0}; Tourists: {1:N0}; {2:N0}% Bored</color>
+ <color=#{3}>Residentes: {0:N0}; Turistas: {1:N0}; {2:N0}% Aburridos</color>
- Vehicles models for line selection
+ Modelos de vehículos para la selección de líneas
- Current line exclusive
+ Línea actual exclusiva
- City settings
+ Ajustes de la ciudad
- When enabling the express lines, the buses won't unbunch in the regular stops anymore once it would be done only in terminal stops.
-You can disable the unbunching also in terminal stops to get a more fluid line dynamic.
+ Al habilitar las líneas expresas, los buses ya no se desagruparán en las paradas regulares, ya que se haría solo en las paradas terminales.
+También puedes deshabilitar el desagrupamiento en las paradas terminales para que el recorrido de la línea sea más fluida.
- Disable unbunching also in terminal stops
+ También desactivar el desagrupamiento en las paradas finales
- Express buses
+ Autobuses expresos
- Express trams
+ Tranvías expresos
- Express trolleybuses
+ Trolebuses expresos
- Express lines
+ Líneas rápidas
- Clear filters
+ Limpiar filtros
- <color=#FF00FF>--TRANSPORT LINE--</color>
+ <color=#FF00FF>--LÍNEAS DE TRANSPORTE--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- <color=yellow>--ALL STOPS--</color>
+ <color=yellow>--TODAS LAS PARADAS--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- <color=yellow>--ALL VEHICLES--</color>
+ <color=yellow>--TODOS LOS VEHÍCULOS--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- Reload lines
+ Recargar líneas
- Select line
+ Seleccionar linea
- Stop
+ Parada
- All vehicles and stops
+ Todos los vehículos y paradas
- Statistics @ Stop {0}
+ Estadísticas @ Parada {0}
- Statistics @ Vehicle {0}
+ Estadísticas en el vehículo {0}
- Statistics
+ Estadísticas
- Vehicle
+ Vehículo
- Since {0}
+ Desde {0}
- Period
+ Periodo
- This data is not available in current selected filter
+ Estos datos no están disponibles en el filtro seleccionado
- Expense
+ Gastos
- Income
+ Ingresos
- Financial report
+ Reporte financiero
- Total last 16 weeks
+ Total de las últimas 16 semanas
- Total last 24h
+ Total de las últimas 24h
- Adults
+ Adultos
- Children
+ Niños
- Seniors
+ Ancianos
- Teens
+ Adolescentes
- Passenger age report
+ Informe por edad de pasajeros
- Youngs
+ Jóvenes
- Females
+ Mujeres
- Males
+ Varones
- Gender Report
+ Informe por género
- Students
+ Estudiantes
- Students & Tourists
+ Estudiantes y turistas
- Tourists
+ Turistas
- High Wealth
+ Poder adquisitivo alto
- Low Wealth
+ Poder adquisitivo bajo
- Medium Wealth
+ Poder adquisitivo medio
- Wealth Report
+ Informe del poder adquisitivo
- <color=yellow>{0}</color> (Default: {1:N0}¢/kpax)
+ <color=yellow>{0}</color> (por defecto: {1:N0}¢/kpasj)
{0} will be the transport type name
{1} will be the default cost per 1000 passengers
- The maintenance cost is based in a cost in cents per passenger ratio. Higher capacities means higher costs!
-Left it at "0" to use the default cost.
+ El coste de mantenimiento se basa en un coste en centavos por relación de pasajeros. ¡Mayor capacidad significa un mayor costo!
+Dejó en "0" para usar el costo por defecto.
- Maintenance costs
+ Costes de mantenimiento
- All line infos that (possibly) can create a line tool are available below. Use by your own risk to create special lines in these modals.
-<color=red>IT MAY BE NOT STABLE! BEWARE!</color>
+ Todas las información que (posiblemente) puede crear una herramienta de línea están disponibles a continuación. Úsalo bajo tu propio riesgo para crear líneas especiales en estas modalidades.
+<color=red>¡TEN CUIDADO!¡PUEDE NO SER ESTABLE!</color>
- Line tools
+ Herramientas de línea
- Clear
+ Limpiar
- Copy
+ Copiar
- Paste
+ Pegar
- Go to maintenance screen
+ Ir a la pantalla de mantenimiento
- Vehicle (activate/deactivate)
+ Vehículo (activar/desactivar)
- Capacity
+ Capacidad
Must be short
- Cost/Period
+ Costo/Periodo
Must be short
- Select the assets allowed to spawn in the line in this window.
-The new selection will be used as reference when spawning new vehicles to the line.
-The vehicles in the line that aren't selected in this list will be sent to depot as soon it:
-- Reach next stop (non-road based transport types only)
-- Get emptied
-- Reach the first stop or any terminal stop (road-based modals only)
+ Seleccione los assets permitidos para aparecer en la línea de esta ventana.
+La nueva selección se usará como referencia cuando se generen vehículos nuevos en la línea.
+Los vehículos de la línea que no estén seleccionados en esta lista, se enviarán al almacén tan pronto como este:
+- Cuando lleguen a la siguiente parada (solo tipos de transporte no basados en carretera)
+- Cuando estén vacíos
+- Cuando alcancen la primera u otra parada (modelos basados en carreteras)
-The capacity can be edited here also, the maintenance cost is calculated based in the cost for each 1000 passengers setted up at City Settings window.
+La capacidad puede ser editada aquí también, el coste de mantenimiento se calcula en función del coste de cada 1000 pasajeros ingresados en la ventana de 'Ajustes de la Ciudad'.
- Line name
+ Nombre de la línea
- <color=red>Remove stop</color>
+ <color=red>Eliminar parada</color>
- Set as first stop
+ Establecer como primera parada
- Set as terminal
+ Establecer como terminal
- Remove terminal
+ Eliminar terminal
- Assets settings
+ Configuración de assets
- The assets settings were exported to file:
+ Los ajustes de los assets fueron exportados al archivo:
- The asset settings were loaded successfully from default settings file.
-You may need to reload all files to see the new values being used
+ La configuración de los assets se cargaron correctamente desde el archivo de configuración predeterminado.
+Puede que necesite recargar todos los archivos para ver los nuevos valores que se están usando
- The city settings were exported to file:
+ Los ajustes de la ciudad fueron exportados al archivo:
- The city settings were loaded successfully from default settings file.
+ Los ajustes de la ciudad se cargaron correctamente desde el archivo de configuración predeterminado.
- General settings
+ Ajustes generales
- Expert mode
-Shows advanced settings and extra windows for deep setup
-Recomended for experenced players only
+ Modo experto
+Muestra ajustes avanzados y ventanas adicionales para configuración profunda
+Recomendado solo para jugadores expertos
- Export as default
+ Exportar como predeterminado
- Import from default
+ Importar desde predeterminado
- Change custom logo
+ Cambiar logotipo personalizado
- <color=red>Remove custom logo</color>
+ <color=red>Eliminar logotipo personalizado</color>
- Invalid texture!
+ ¡Textura inválida!
- The texture must have exactly 256x256 pixels as dimensions!
+ ¡La textura debe medir exactamente 256x256 píxeles!
- Get a logo image for line: {0}
+ Obtener un logotipo para la línea: {0}
- There are no lines around here...
+ No hay líneas por aquí...
- Near lines
+ Lineas cercanas
- Set custom logo
+ Establecer logotipo personalizado
- The current stop isn't inside a district. Ensure it belongs to a district to bind its name to it.
+ La parada actual no está dentro de un distrito. Asegúrese de que pertenezca a un distrito para vincularle el nombre.
- The current stop isn't inside a special area. Ensure it belongs to a special area to bind its name to it.
+ La parada actual no está dentro de un distrito especial. Asegúrese de que pertenezca a un distrito especial para vincularle el nombre.
- Force bind stop name to building (pick)
+ Forzar el nombre vinculado de la parada al edificio (seleccionar)
- Force bind stop name to district
+ Forzar el nombre vinculado de la parada al distrito
- Force bind stop name to special area
+ Forzar el nombre vinculado de la parada al distrito especial
- Force bind stop name to road (pick)
+ Forzar el nombre vinculado de la parada a la carretera (seleccionar)
- Recalculate all stops names bindings
+ Recalcular todos los nombres vinculados de las paradas
- Recalculate stop name bind
+ Recalcular nombre vinculado de parada
{0} (Circular)
Template used when a line have a single terminal set
- Auto name all city lines
+ Nombre automático para todas las líneas de la ciudad
- Auto name all visible lines
+ Nombre automático para todas las líneas visibles
- Erase all custom stop names
+ Borrar todos los nombres de parada personalizados
- Line depot selection
+ Selección de depósito de línea
- Custom line code (autoname/WE)
+ Código de línea personalizado (nombre automático/WE)
- Ignore mandatory stop at terminals (full circular)
-<color=yellow>NOTE:</color> Vehicle unspawns only will be done when the vehicle gets organically empty
+ Ignorar la parada obligatoria en terminales (circulación completa)
+<color=yellow>NOTA:</color> La eliminación de vehículos solo se realizará cuando el vehículo se vacíe orgánicamente
- Require new vehicles to start line by a terminal stop
+ Requiere nuevos vehículos para iniciar la línea por una parada terminal
- Go to
+ Ir a
- Using budget group {0}. Click to reset.
+ Usando grupo de presupuesto {0}. Haga clic para reiniciar.
- Timetable resume
+ Reanudar horario
- Setting type
+ Tipo de ajuste
- The default group is edited in the line details window and don't support special budget rules. Select a group to use budget by hour or hour and day of week.
+ El grupo por defecto se edita en la ventana de detalles de línea y no soporta reglas especiales de presupuesto. Seleccione un grupo para usar el presupuesto por hora o por hora y día de la semana.
- Default game budget settings
+ Ajustes del presupuesto por defecto
- Budget group {0}
+ Grupo de presupuesto {0}
{0} will be a number (1-32)
- Group budgets' subgroups
+ Subgrupos del grupos de presupuestos
- Group budget subgroups per hour
+ Subgrupos del grupo de presupuestos por hora
- Budget groups are budgets shared between multiple lines. ITM supports up to 26 groups per transport type.
-The budget groups can have 3 different settings:
-<color=yellow>- Fixed:</color> A fixed budget;
-<color=yellow>- Per hour:</color> A budget based on time of the day/night cycle or RealTime timer;
-<color=yellow>- Per hour and day of week:</color> A budget based on time of the day/night cycle or RealTime timer, but can have special tables for some days of week. Makes sense to use only with RealTime.
+ Los grupos de presupuesto son presupuestos compartidos entre múltiples líneas. ITM soporta hasta 26 grupos por tipo de transporte.
+Los grupos de presupuesto pueden tener 3 configuraciones diferentes:
+<color=yellow>- FIjo:</color> Un presupuesto fijo;
+<color=yellow>- Por hora:</color> Un presupuesto basado en el tiempo del ciclo día/noche o en el temporizador de 'RealTime';
+<color=yellow>- Por hora y día de la semana:</color> Un presupuesto basado en la hora del ciclo diurno/noche o el temporizador RealTimer, pero puede tener tablas especiales para algunos días de la semana. Tiene sentido usar sólo con RealTime.
- Lines using same group: {0}
+ Líneas con el mismo grupo: {0}
Will be on a button that will show all lines when clicked; {0} is the lines count
@@ -665,21 +665,21 @@ The budget groups can have 3 different settings:
Used in timetable view to show the period of transition between budgets ({0} is the previous, {1} is the next budget)
- Fixed
+ Fijo
- Per hour
+ Por hora
- Per hour and weekday
+ Por hora y día semanal
- Budget advanced settings (Expert)
+ Configuración avanzada del presupuesto (experto)
- Lines using same budget group ({0})
+ Líneas que usan el mismo grupo de presupuesto ({0})
- An extra vehicle is added each <color=yellow>{0:P1}</color> of budget.
+ Se añade un vehículo adicional en cada <color=yellow>{0:P1}</color> de presupuesto.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.fr.resx b/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.fr.resx
index e51520c..a606cce 100644
--- a/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.fr.resx
+++ b/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.fr.resx
@@ -126,538 +126,549 @@
Requires to be VERY short
- Lines from type <color=yellow>{0}</color>: {1:N0} - Total transport lines in the city: {2:N0}
+ Lignes de type <color=yellow>{0}</color>: {1:N0} - Total des lignes de transport dans la ville : {2:N0}
0 = Transport Type Name
1 = quantity of lines in current view
2 = Total lines created in the city
- Line Name
+ Nom de la ligne
- Pass.
+ Passer.
Requires to be VERY short
- Stops
+ Arrêts
Requires to be VERY short
- There are no lines in this city!
+ Il n'y a pas de lignes dans cette ville !
- Public Transport Lines
+ Lignes de transport public
Requires to be VERY short
- Day:
+ Jour :
- Delete line
+ Supprimer la ligne
- Line Activity
+ Activité de la ligne
- Line Budget (%)
+ Budget de la ligne (%)
- Line Color
+ Couleur de la ligne
- Internal line number
+ N° interne de ligne
- Night:
+ Nuit :
Multiplie les possibilités de skins de véhicules
- Disabled
+ Désactivé
- Day
+ Jour
- Night
+ Nuit
- Day and Night
+ Jour et nuit
- Disab.
+ Désact.
- Day
+ Jour
- Night
+ Nuit
- D & N
+ J & N
Requires to be VERY short
- Adult
+ Adulte
- Budget View
+ Vue budgétaire
- Children
+ Enfants
- {0:N1}m - {1} Stops - {2}/{3} Vehicles - {4}% Trips saved
+ {0:N1}m - {1} Arrêts - {2}/{3} Véhicules - {4}% de trajets économisés
- Lines Overview
+ Vue d'ensemble des lignes
- {0:N0} Residents / {1:N0} Tourists
+ {0:N0} Résidents / {1:N0} Touristes
- Senior
+ Sénior
- Teen
+ Ados
- <color=yellow>{0} of {1} stops of this line aren't charging fees due stops' district policies. The line might not have any earnings!</color>
+ Les arrêts de cette ligne ne facturent pas de frais en raison des politiques de quartiers. La ligne n'a peut-être aucun revenu
- <color=red>This line is broken!</color>
+ <color=red>Cette ligne est rompue !</color>
- Ticket Price (in cents)
+ Prix du ticket (en cents)
- Weekly report data
+ Données du rapport hebdomadaire
- Young
+ Jeune
- Passengers/Capacity
+ Passagers/Capacité
- Identifier
+ Identifiant
- Profit (All Time)
+ Profit (tout le temps)
- Profit (Last Period)
+ Profit (dernière période)
- Profit (Current Period)
+ Profit (période actuelle)
- E16:
+ E16 :
Must be VERY short
- E16 - Earnings last 16 weeks (24h for Real Time)
+ E16 - Les gains des 16 dernières semaines (24h en temps réel)
- ECP:
+ ECP :
Must be VERY short
- ECP - Earnings current period
+ ECP - Gains de la période en cours
Must be VERY short
- ELP - Earnings last period
+ ELP - Gains de la dernière période
- Line stops map
+ Plan des arrêts de ligne
- Vehicle data to show
+ Données du véhicule à afficher
- <color=#{3}>Residents: {0:N0}; Tourists: {1:N0}; {2:N0}% Bored</color>
+ <color=#{3}>Résidents : {0:N0}; Touristes : {1:N0}; {2:N0}% s'ennuient</color>
- N/A
+ Non disponible
- Vehicles models for line selection
+ Modèles de véhicules pour la sélection de ligne
- Current line exclusive
+ Ligne actuelle exclusive
- City settings
+ Paramètres de la ville
- When enabling the express lines, the buses won't unbunch in the regular stops anymore once it would be done only in terminal stops.
-You can disable the unbunching also in terminal stops to get a more fluid line dynamic.
+ Lors de l'activation des lignes express, les bus ne se dégrouperont plus dans les arrêts réguliers alors que cela se ferait uniquement dans les arrêts terminaux.
+ Vous pouvez également désactiver le dégroupage dans les arrêts terminaux pour obtenir une dynamique de ligne plus fluide.
- Disable unbunching also in terminal stops
+ Désactiver le déblocage également dans les terminaux
- Express buses
+ Bus express
- Express trams
+ Trams express
- Express trolleybuses
+ Trolleybus Express
- Express lines
+ Lignes express
- Clear filters
+ Supprimer les filtres
- <color=#FF00FF>--TRANSPORT LINE--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- <color=yellow>--ALL STOPS--</color>
+ <color=yellow>--TOUS LES ARRÊTS--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- <color=yellow>--ALL VEHICLES--</color>
+ <color=yellow>--TOUS LES VÉHICULES --</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- Reload lines
+ Actualiser les lignes
- Select line
+ Sélectionnez une ligne
- Stop
+ Arrêt
- All vehicles and stops
+ Tous les véhicules et arrêts
- Statistics @ Stop {0}
+ Statistiques @ Arrêt {0}
- Statistics @ Vehicle {0}
+ Statistiques @ Véhicule {0}
- Statistics
+ Statistiques
- Vehicle
+ Véhicule
- Since {0}
+ Depuis {0}
- Period
+ Période
- This data is not available in current selected filter
+ Ces données ne sont pas disponibles dans le filtre sélectionné
- Balance
+ Équilibre
- Expense
+ Dépenses
- Income
+ Recettes
- Financial report
+ Rapport financier
- Total last 16 weeks
+ Total des 16 dernières semaines
- Total last 24h
+ Total des dernières 24h
- Adults
+ Adultes
- Children
+ Enfants
- Seniors
+ Séniors
- Teens
+ Ados
- Passenger age report
+ Rapport sur l'âge des passagers
- Youngs
+ Jeunes
- Females
+ Femmes
- Males
+ Hommes
- Gender Report
+ Rapport de genre
- Students
+ Étudiants
- Students & Tourists
+ Étudiants & Touristes
- Tourists
+ Touristes
- High Wealth
+ Richesse élevée
- Low Wealth
+ Richesse faible
- Medium Wealth
+ Richesse moyenne
- Wealth Report
+ Rapport de Richesse
- <color=yellow>{0}</color> (Default: {1:N0}¢/kpax)
+ <color=yellow>{0}</color> (par défaut: {1:N0}¢/kpax)
{0} will be the transport type name
{1} will be the default cost per 1000 passengers
- The maintenance cost is based in a cost in cents per passenger ratio. Higher capacities means higher costs!
-Left it at "0" to use the default cost.
+ Le coût d'entretien est basé sur un ratio de coût en cents par passager. Des capacités plus élevées signifient des coûts plus élevés !
+ Laissez-le à "0" pour utiliser le coût par défaut.
- Maintenance costs
+ Frais de maintenance
- All line infos that (possibly) can create a line tool are available below. Use by your own risk to create special lines in these modals.
-<color=red>IT MAY BE NOT STABLE! BEWARE!</color>
+ Toutes les informations de ligne qui peuvent (éventuellement) créer un outil de ligne sont disponibles ci-dessous. Utilisez à vos propres risques pour créer des lignes spéciales dans ces modaux.
- Line tools
+ Outils de ligne
- Clear
+ Effacer
- Copy
+ Copier
- Paste
+ Coller
- Go to maintenance screen
+ Aller à l'écran de maintenance
- Vehicle (activate/deactivate)
+ Véhicule (activer/désactiver)
- Capacity
+ Capacité
Must be short
- Cost/Period
+ Coût/Période
Must be short
- Select the assets allowed to spawn in the line in this window.
-The new selection will be used as reference when spawning new vehicles to the line.
-The vehicles in the line that aren't selected in this list will be sent to depot as soon it:
-- Reach next stop (non-road based transport types only)
-- Get emptied
-- Reach the first stop or any terminal stop (road-based modals only)
+ Sélectionnez les actifs autorisés à apparaître dans la ligne de cette fenêtre.
+ La nouvelle sélection sera utilisée comme référence lors de la création de nouveaux véhicules sur la ligne.
+ Les véhicules de la file qui ne sont pas sélectionnés dans cette liste seront envoyés au dépôt dès que :
-The capacity can be edited here also, the maintenance cost is calculated based in the cost for each 1000 passengers setted up at City Settings window.
+ - Atteindre le prochain arrêt (types de transport non routiers uniquement)
+ - Se vider
+ - Atteindre le premier arrêt ou n'importe quel arrêt terminal (modaux routiers uniquement)
+ La capacité peut également être modifiée ici, le coût de maintenance est calculé en fonction du coût pour 1000 passagers configuré dans la fenêtre Paramètres de la ville.
- Line name
+ Nom de la ligne
- <color=red>Remove stop</color>
+ <color=red>Supprimer l'arrêt</color>
- Set as first stop
+ Définir comme premier arrêt
- Set as terminal
+ Définir comme terminus
- Remove terminal
+ Retirer le terminus
- Assets settings
+ Paramètres des actifs
- The assets settings were exported to file:
+ Les paramètres des assets ont été exportés vers le fichier :
- The asset settings were loaded successfully from default settings file.
-You may need to reload all files to see the new values being used
+ Les paramètres de l'actif ont été chargés avec succès à partir du fichier de paramètres par défaut.
+ Vous devrez peut-être recharger tous les fichiers pour voir les nouvelles valeurs utilisées
- The city settings were exported to file:
+ Les paramètres de la ville ont été exportés vers le fichier :
- The city settings were loaded successfully from default settings file.
+ Les paramètres de la ville ont été chargés avec succès à partir du fichier de paramètres par défaut.
- General settings
+ Paramètres généraux
- Expert mode
-Shows advanced settings and extra windows for deep setup
-Recomended for experenced players only
+ Mode Expert
+Affiche les paramètres avancés et les fenêtres supplémentaires pour la configuration profonde
+Recommandé pour les joueurs experts uniquement
- Export as default
+ Exporter par défaut
- Import from default
+ Importer par défaut
- General
+ Général
- Change custom logo
+ Changer le logo personnalisé
- <color=red>Remove custom logo</color>
+ <color=red>Supprimer le logo personnalisé</color>
- Invalid texture!
+ Texture invalide !
- The texture must have exactly 256x256 pixels as dimensions!
+ La texture doit avoir exactement des dimensions de 256x256 pixels !
- Get a logo image for line: {0}
+ Obtenir un logo pour la ligne : {0}
- There are no lines around here...
+ Il n'y a pas de lignes ici...
- Near lines
+ Lignes proches
- Set custom logo
+ Définir un logo personnalisé
- The current stop isn't inside a district. Ensure it belongs to a district to bind its name to it.
+ L'arrêt actuel n'est pas à l'intérieur d'un quartier. Assurez-vous qu'il appartient à un quartier pour lui lier son nom.
- The current stop isn't inside a special area. Ensure it belongs to a special area to bind its name to it.
+ L'arrêt actuel n'est pas à l'intérieur d'une zone spéciale. Assurez-vous qu'il appartient à une zone spéciale pour lui associer son nom.
- Force bind stop name to building (pick)
+ Forcer le nom de l'arrêt de liaison au bâtiment (choisir)
- Force bind stop name to district
+ Forcer l'association du nom de l'arrêt au district
- Force bind stop name to special area
+ Forcer le nom d'arrêt de liaison à une zone spéciale
- Force bind stop name to road (pick)
+ Forcer l'association du nom de l'arrêt à la route (choisir)
- Recalculate all stops names bindings
+ Recalculer toutes les connexions des noms des arrêts
- Recalculate stop name bind
+ Recalculer la liaison du nom d'arrêt
- {0} (Circular)
+ {0} (Circulaire)
Template used when a line have a single terminal set
- Auto name all city lines
+ Nommer automatiquement toutes les lignes
- Auto name all visible lines
+ Nommer automatiquement toutes les lignes visibles
- Erase all custom stop names
+ Effacer tous les noms d'arrêt personnalisés
- Line depot selection
+ Sélection du dépôt de la ligne
- Custom line code (autoname/WE)
+ Code de ligne personnalisé (autoname/WE)
- Ignore mandatory stop at terminals (full circular)
-<color=yellow>NOTE:</color> Vehicle unspawns only will be done when the vehicle gets organically empty
+ Ignorer l'arrêt obligatoire aux terminaux (circulaire plein)
+<color=yellow>NOTE :</color> Les désapparition du véhicule ne seront faites que lorsque le véhicule sera organiquement vide
- Require new vehicles to start line by a terminal stop
+ Exiger que les nouveaux véhicules démarrent la ligne par un arrêt terminal
- Go to
+ Aller à
- Using budget group {0}. Click to reset.
+ Utilisation du groupe de budget {0}. Cliquez pour réinitialiser.
- Timetable resume
+ Reprendre les horaires
- Setting type
+ Type de réglage
- The default group is edited in the line details window and don't support special budget rules. Select a group to use budget by hour or hour and day of week.
+ Le groupe par défaut est modifié dans la fenêtre des détails de la ligne et ne prend pas en charge les règles budgétaires spéciales. Sélectionnez un groupe pour utiliser le budget par heure ou heure et jour de la semaine.
- Default game budget settings
+ Paramètres du budget du jeu par défaut
- Budget group {0}
+ Groupe de budget {0}
{0} will be a number (1-32)
- Group budgets' subgroups
+ Sous-groupes des budgets du groupe
- Group budget subgroups per hour
+ Sous-groupes du budget du groupe par heure
- Budget groups are budgets shared between multiple lines. ITM supports up to 26 groups per transport type.
-The budget groups can have 3 different settings:
-<color=yellow>- Fixed:</color> A fixed budget;
-<color=yellow>- Per hour:</color> A budget based on time of the day/night cycle or RealTime timer;
-<color=yellow>- Per hour and day of week:</color> A budget based on time of the day/night cycle or RealTime timer, but can have special tables for some days of week. Makes sense to use only with RealTime.
+ Les groupes budgétaires sont des budgets partagés entre plusieurs lignes. Le MIT prend en charge jusqu'à 26 groupes par type de transport.
+Les groupes de budget peuvent avoir 3 paramètres différents :
+<color=yellow>- Fixé :</color> Un budget fixe ;
+<color=yellow>- Par heure :</color> Un budget basé sur l'heure du cycle jour/nuit ou du minuteur RealTime ;
+<color=yellow>- Par heure et jour de la semaine :</color> Un budget basé sur l'heure du cycle jour/nuit ou du minuteur RealTime, mais peut avoir des tables spéciales pour quelques jours de la semaine. Cela a du sens à utiliser uniquement avec RealTime.
- Lines using same group: {0}
+ Lignes utilisant le même groupe : {0}
Will be on a button that will show all lines when clicked; {0} is the lines count
@@ -665,21 +676,21 @@ The budget groups can have 3 different settings:
Used in timetable view to show the period of transition between budgets ({0} is the previous, {1} is the next budget)
- Fixed
+ Fixé
- Per hour
+ Par heure
- Per hour and weekday
+ Par heure et semaine
- Budget advanced settings (Expert)
+ Réglages avancés budgétaires (Expert)
- Lines using same budget group ({0})
+ Lignes utilisant le même groupe de budget ({0})
- An extra vehicle is added each <color=yellow>{0:P1}</color> of budget.
+ Un véhicule supplémentaire est ajouté chaque <color=yellow>{0:P1}</color> du budget.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.ko.resx b/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.ko.resx
index bc9d98a..721fd0d 100644
--- a/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.ko.resx
+++ b/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.ko.resx
@@ -118,546 +118,550 @@
System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
- Balance
+ 잔고
Requires to be short
- Bdgt.
+ 예산
Requires to be VERY short
- Lines from type <color=yellow>{0}</color>: {1:N0} - Total transport lines in the city: {2:N0}
+ 해당 <color=yellow>{0}</color> 유형 노선 수 : {1:N0} - 도시 내 총 노선 수 : {2:N0}
0 = Transport Type Name
1 = quantity of lines in current view
2 = Total lines created in the city
- Line Name
+ 노선 이름
- Pass.
+ 승객
Requires to be VERY short
- Stops
+ 역(들)
Requires to be VERY short
- There are no lines in this city!
+ 이 도시엔 어떤 노선도 없어요!
- Public Transport Lines
+ 대중교통 노선 목록
- Veh.
+ 배차
Requires to be VERY short
- Day:
+ 주간 :
- Delete line
+ 노선 삭제
- Line Activity
+ 노선 활성화
- Line Budget (%)
+ 노선 예산 (%)
- Line Color
+ 노선 색상
- Internal line number
+ 노선 번호
- Night:
+ 야간 :
Multiplies vehicles skins possibilities
- Disabled
+ 비활성화
- Day
+ 주간
- Night
+ 야간
- Day and Night
+ 주간 및 야간
- Disab.
+ 비활성
- Day
+ 주간
- Night
+ 야간
- D & N
+ 주 & 야
- Activ.
+ 활성화
Requires to be VERY short
- Adult
+ 성인
- Budget View
+ 예산 열기
- Children
+ 어린이
- {0:N1}m - {1} Stops - {2}/{3} Vehicles - {4}% Trips saved
+ {0:N1}m - {1} 정거장들 - {2}/{3} 차량들 - {4}% 여정 완료됨
- Lines Overview
+ 노선목록 보기
- {0:N0} Residents / {1:N0} Tourists
+ 거주민 : {0:N0} / 관광객 : {1:N0}
- Senior
+ 노인
- Teen
+ 10대
- <color=yellow>{0} of {1} stops of this line aren't charging fees due stops' district policies. The line might not have any earnings!</color>
+ <color=yellow>{0} 과 {1} 정류장 사이는 구역 정책으로 인해 요금을 받지 않습니다. 따라서 이 노선은 수입이 없을 수 있습니다!</color>
- <color=red>This line is broken!</color>
+ <color=red>이 노선은 고장났어요!</color>
- Ticket Price (in cents)
+ 노선 가격 (센트)
- Weekly report data
+ 주간 보고서
- Young
+ 청년
- Passengers/Capacity
+ 승객/수용량
- Identifier
+ 식별코드
- Profit (All Time)
+ 수입 (평생)
- Profit (Last Period)
+ 수입 (지난 주)
- Profit (Current Period)
+ 수입 (현재)
- E16:
+ E16 :
Must be VERY short
- E16 - Earnings last 16 weeks (24h for Real Time)
+ E16 - 지난 16주 동안 수입(실제 24시간)
- ECP:
+ ECP :
Must be VERY short
- ECP - Earnings current period
+ ECP - 현재 번 수입
- ELP:
+ ELP :
Must be VERY short
- ELP - Earnings last period
+ ELP - 지난주 수입
- Line stops map
+ 노선 운영 현황
- Vehicle data to show
+ 표기할 차량 데이터
- <color=#{3}>Residents: {0:N0}; Tourists: {1:N0}; {2:N0}% Bored</color>
+ <color=#{3}>거주민 : {0:N0}; 관광객 : {1:N0}; {2:N0}% 탑승함</color>
- N/A
+ 없음
- Vehicles models for line selection
+ 노선 차량 모델 관리
- Current line exclusive
+ 현재 노선 전용
- City settings
+ 도시 설정
- When enabling the express lines, the buses won't unbunch in the regular stops anymore once it would be done only in terminal stops.
-You can disable the unbunching also in terminal stops to get a more fluid line dynamic.
+ '급행 노선' 기능을 활성화하면, 버스가 더 이상 일반 정류장에서 운행하지 않고 터미널에서만 정차합니다.
+'터미널 미쏠림현상 비활성화'를 통해 유동적인 노선 운영도 가능합니다.
- Disable unbunching also in terminal stops
+ 터미널 미쏠림현상 비활성화
- Express buses
+ 급행 버스
- Express trams
+ 급행 트램
- Express trolleybuses
+ 급행 트롤리버스
- Express lines
+ 급행 노선들
- Clear filters
+ 필터 초기화
- <color=#FF00FF>--TRANSPORT LINE--</color>
+ <color=#FF00FF>--대중교통 노선--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- <color=yellow>--ALL STOPS--</color>
+ <color=yellow>--모든 정거장--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- <color=yellow>--ALL VEHICLES--</color>
+ <color=yellow>--모든 차량--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- Reload lines
+ 노선 불러오기
- Select line
+ 노선 선택
- Stop
+ 정거장
- All vehicles and stops
+ 모든 차량 및 정거장들
- Statistics @ Stop {0}
+ 현황 @ 정거장 {0}
- Statistics @ Vehicle {0}
+ 현황 @ 차량 {0}
- Statistics
+ 현황
- Vehicle
+ 차량
- Since {0}
+ 연도 {0}
- Period
+ 기간
- This data is not available in current selected filter
+ 이 데이터는 선택한 필터에서는 사용 할 수 없습니다
- Balance
+ 잔고
- Expense
+ 지출
- Income
+ 소득
- Financial report
+ 재무 보고
- Total last 16 weeks
+ 지난 16주 동안
- Total last 24h
+ 지난 24시간 동안
- Adults
+ 성인
- Children
+ 어린이
- Seniors
+ 노인
- Teens
+ 10대
- Passenger age report
+ 승객 나이 보고
- Total
+ 총
- Youngs
+ 청년
- Females
+ 여성
- Males
+ 남성
- Gender Report
+ 성별 보고
- Total
+ 총
- Students
+ 학생
- Students & Tourists
+ 학생 및 관광객
- Total
+ 총
- Tourists
+ 관광객
- High Wealth
+ 고소득층
- Low Wealth
+ 저소득층
- Medium Wealth
+ 중산층
- Wealth Report
+ 재산 보고
- Total
+ 총
- <color=yellow>{0}</color> (Default: {1:N0}¢/kpax)
+ <color=yellow>{0}</color> (기본값 : {1:N0}¢/kpax)
{0} will be the transport type name
{1} will be the default cost per 1000 passengers
- The maintenance cost is based in a cost in cents per passenger ratio. Higher capacities means higher costs!
-Left it at "0" to use the default cost.
+ 유지보수 비용은 승객 비율당 비용(센트)을 기준으로 합니다.
+높은 값은은 더 높은 비용을 의미합니다!
+기본 비용으로 사용하려면 "0"으로 설정하십시오.
- Maintenance costs
+ 유지보수 비용
- All line infos that (possibly) can create a line tool are available below. Use by your own risk to create special lines in these modals.
-<color=red>IT MAY BE NOT STABLE! BEWARE!</color>
+ 노선 도구를 통해 모든 노선 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다(아마도).
+해당 기능을 통해 특수 노선을 만드는 행위에 대한 위험을 감수해야합니다.
+<color=red>주의! 안정된 기능이 아님!</color>
- Line tools
+ 노선 도구
- Clear
+ 초기화
- Copy
+ 복사
- Paste
+ 붙여넣기
- Go to maintenance screen
+ 관리화면으로 이동
- Vehicle (activate/deactivate)
+ 차량 (활성화/비활성화)
- Capacity
+ 수용량
Must be short
- Cost/Period
+ 지출/비용
Must be short
- Select the assets allowed to spawn in the line in this window.
-The new selection will be used as reference when spawning new vehicles to the line.
-The vehicles in the line that aren't selected in this list will be sent to depot as soon it:
-- Reach next stop (non-road based transport types only)
-- Get emptied
-- Reach the first stop or any terminal stop (road-based modals only)
+ 해당 창에서 사용할 차량을 선택 할 수 있습니다.
+새 차량이 생성될 때 선택된 항목을 참고합니다.
+선택되어 있지 않은 차량은 해당 사항에 충족되면 차고지로 반환됩니다.
+- 다음 정류장 도달 시(도로 기반이 아닌 교통수단에 한함)
+- 승객 없을 시
+- 첫/마지막 정류장 도달 시(도로 기반이 교통수단에 한함)
-The capacity can be edited here also, the maintenance cost is calculated based in the cost for each 1000 passengers setted up at City Settings window.
+수용량을 편집 할 수 있으며,
+유지 비용은 '도시 설정' 창에서 설정 한 1000명당 비용을 기준으로 책정됩니다
- Line name
+ 노선 이름
- <color=red>Remove stop</color>
+ <color=red>정류장 제거</color>
- Set as first stop
+ 첫 정거장으로 설정
- Set as terminal
+ 터미널로 설정
- Remove terminal
+ 터미널 제거
- Assets settings
+ 에셋 설정
- The assets settings were exported to file:
+ 에셋 설정 저장됨:
- The asset settings were loaded successfully from default settings file.
-You may need to reload all files to see the new values being used
+ 에셋 설정이 기본 설정 파일에 저장되었습니다.
+변경된 값을 확인하려면 다시 불러와야 될 수 있습니다.
- The city settings were exported to file:
+ 도시 설정 저장됨 :
- The city settings were loaded successfully from default settings file.
+ 기본 설정값을 도시 설정에 적용 완료함.
- General settings
+ 일반 설정
- Expert mode
-Shows advanced settings and extra windows for deep setup
-Recomended for experenced players only
+ 전문가 모드
+고급 설정을 위한 추가 창 표시함
+숙련된 사용자만 사용할 것을 권장함
- Export as default
+ 파일 내보내기
- Import from default
+ 파일 가져오기
- General
+ 일반
- Change custom logo
+ 커스텀 로고 변경
- <color=red>Remove custom logo</color>
+ <color=red>커스텀 로고 제거</color>
- Invalid texture!
+ 올바르지 않은 텍스처!
- The texture must have exactly 256x256 pixels as dimensions!
+ 텍스처 크기는 256x256 픽셀 사이즈여야 합니다!
- Get a logo image for line: {0}
+ 노선을 위한 로고 이미지 얻기 : {0}
- There are no lines around here...
+ 이 곳 근처에 다른 노선이 없음...
- Near lines
+ 인근 노선
- Set custom logo
+ 커스텀 로고 설정
- The current stop isn't inside a district. Ensure it belongs to a district to bind its name to it.
+ 현재 정류장이 구역 내에 있지 않습니다. 이름을 지정할 구역 내에 있는지 확인하십시오.
- The current stop isn't inside a special area. Ensure it belongs to a special area to bind its name to it.
+ 현재 정류장이 특수구역 내에 있지 않습니다. 이름을 지정할 특수구역 내에 있는지 확인하십시오.
- Force bind stop name to building (pick)
+ 건물 이름으로 이름 설정 중단 (선택)
- Force bind stop name to district
+ 구역 이름으로 이름 설정 중단
- Force bind stop name to special area
+ 특수구역 이름으로 이름 설정 중단
- Force bind stop name to road (pick)
+ 도로 이름으로 이름 설정 중단 (선택)
- Recalculate all stops names bindings
+ 모든 정류장 이름 재생성
- Recalculate stop name bind
+ 정류장 이름 재생성 중단
- {0} (Circular)
+ {0} (원형)
Template used when a line have a single terminal set
- Auto name all city lines
+ 도시 내 모든 노선 이름 자동 짓기
- Auto name all visible lines
+ 보이는 노선 이름 자동 짓기
- Erase all custom stop names
+ 모든 커스텀 정류장 이름 삭제
- Line depot selection
+ 노선 차고지 선택
- Custom line code (autoname/WE)
+ 커스텀 노선 코드 (자동이름/WE)
- Ignore mandatory stop at terminals (full circular)
-<color=yellow>NOTE:</color> Vehicle unspawns only will be done when the vehicle gets organically empty
+ 터미널에서 필수 정지 무시(완전 순환)
+<color=yellow>참고 :</color>차량이 비어있을때만 차량이 생성되지 않습니다.
- Require new vehicles to start line by a terminal stop
+ 새 차량이 터미널에서 출발하도록 설정
- Go to
+ 해당 역 위치로 이동
- Using budget group {0}. Click to reset.
+ {0} 그룹 유형 사용중. 초기화 하려면 클릭.
- Timetable resume
+ 시간당 예산
- Setting type
+ 설정 유형
- The default group is edited in the line details window and don't support special budget rules. Select a group to use budget by hour or hour and day of week.
+ 기본 그룹은 노선 세부 정보창에서 수정이 가능하며 특수 예산 규칙을 지원하지 않습니다.
+시간 또는 요일 별로 예산을 사용하려면 그룹을 선택하세요.
- Default game budget settings
+ 기본값 게임 예산 설정
- Budget group {0}
+ 예산 그룹 {0}
{0} will be a number (1-32)
- Group budgets' subgroups
+ 예산 유형 하위 그룹
- Group budget subgroups per hour
+ 시간 당 예산 유형
- Budget groups are budgets shared between multiple lines. ITM supports up to 26 groups per transport type.
-The budget groups can have 3 different settings:
-<color=yellow>- Fixed:</color> A fixed budget;
-<color=yellow>- Per hour:</color> A budget based on time of the day/night cycle or RealTime timer;
-<color=yellow>- Per hour and day of week:</color> A budget based on time of the day/night cycle or RealTime timer, but can have special tables for some days of week. Makes sense to use only with RealTime.
+ 예산 그룹은 여러 노선에 공유되는 예산입니다. ITM는 26개의 그룹을 지원합니다.
+3종류의 설정을 할 수 있습니다:
+<color=yellow>- 고정 :</color> 고정된 예산;
+<color=yellow>- 매 시간 :</color> 주야간 혹은 RealTime 모드를 위한 예산;
+<color=yellow>- 매 시간 및 요일 :</color> 주야간 혹은 RealTime에 맞춘 예산, 특정 요일에 대한 특별 설정이 가능합니다. RealTime 모드에서만 사용하는것이 좋습니다.
- Lines using same group: {0}
+ 같은 그룹 사용중인 노선들 : {0}
Will be on a button that will show all lines when clicked; {0} is the lines count
@@ -665,21 +669,21 @@ The budget groups can have 3 different settings:
Used in timetable view to show the period of transition between budgets ({0} is the previous, {1} is the next budget)
- Fixed
+ 고정
- Per hour
+ 시간 당
- Per hour and weekday
+ 매 시간 및 요일
- Budget advanced settings (Expert)
+ 예산 고급 설정 (전문가)
- Lines using same budget group ({0})
+ 같은 예산 그룹 사용중인 노선들 ({0})
- An extra vehicle is added each <color=yellow>{0:P1}</color> of budget.
+ 차량이 각 <color=yellow>{0:P1}</color> 예산에 따라 추가 됩니다.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.pt.resx b/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.pt.resx
index 2ec39c1..5bb9603 100644
--- a/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.pt.resx
+++ b/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.pt.resx
@@ -283,381 +283,381 @@
Mapa de paradas da linha
- Vehicle data to show
+ Dados do veículo a serem exibidos
- <color=#{3}>Residents: {0:N0}; Tourists: {1:N0}; {2:N0}% Bored</color>
+ <color=#{3}>Residentes: {0:N0}; Turistas: {1:N0}; {2:N0}% Entediados</color>
- N/A
+ N/D
- Vehicles models for line selection
+ Modelos de veículos para seleção de linha
- Current line exclusive
+ Exclusivo para linha atual
- City settings
+ Configurações da cidade
- When enabling the express lines, the buses won't unbunch in the regular stops anymore once it would be done only in terminal stops.
-You can disable the unbunching also in terminal stops to get a more fluid line dynamic.
+ Ao ativar as linhas expressas, os ônibus não vão mais se separar nos pontos normais, uma vez que isso seria feito apenas nos terminais.
+Você pode desativar a separação também nos pontos do terminal para obter uma dinâmica de linha mais fluída.
- Disable unbunching also in terminal stops
+ Desativar separação também em paradas de terminal
- Express buses
+ Ônibus expresso
- Express trams
+ Bondes expresso
- Express trolleybuses
+ Ônibus elétricos expresso
- Express lines
+ Linhas expressas
- Clear filters
+ Limpar filtros
- <color=#FF00FF>--TRANSPORT LINE--</color>
+ <color=#FF00FF>--LINHA DE TRANSPORTE--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- <color=yellow>--ALL STOPS--</color>
+ <color=yellow>--TODAS AS PARADAS--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- <color=yellow>--ALL VEHICLES--</color>
+ <color=yellow>--TODOS OS VEÍCULOS--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- Reload lines
+ Recarregar linhas
- Select line
+ Selecionar linha
- Stop
+ Ponto
- All vehicles and stops
+ Todos os veículos e pontos
- Statistics @ Stop {0}
+ Estatísticas @ Ponto {0}
- Statistics @ Vehicle {0}
+ Estatísticas @ Veículo {0}
- Statistics
+ Estatísticas
- Vehicle
+ Veículo
- Since {0}
+ Desde {0}
- Period
+ Período
- This data is not available in current selected filter
+ Estes dados não estão disponíveis no filtro selecionado atual
- Balance
+ Saldo
- Expense
+ Gastos
- Income
+ Receita
- Financial report
+ Relatório financeiro
- Total last 16 weeks
+ Total das últimas 16 semanas
- Total last 24h
+ Total das últimas 24h
- Adults
+ Adultos
- Children
+ Crianças
- Seniors
+ Idosos
- Teens
+ Adolescentes
- Passenger age report
+ Relatório de idade dos passageiros
- Youngs
+ Jovens
- Females
+ Mulheres
- Males
+ Homens
- Gender Report
+ Relatório de Gênero
- Students
+ Estudantes
- Students & Tourists
+ Estudantes e Turistas
- Tourists
+ Turistas
- High Wealth
+ Alta Riqueza
- Low Wealth
+ Baixa Riqueza
- Medium Wealth
+ Riqueza Média
- Wealth Report
+ Relatório de Riqueza
- <color=yellow>{0}</color> (Default: {1:N0}¢/kpax)
+ <color=yellow>{0}</color> (Padrão: {1:N0}¢/kpax)
{0} will be the transport type name
{1} will be the default cost per 1000 passengers
- The maintenance cost is based in a cost in cents per passenger ratio. Higher capacities means higher costs!
-Left it at "0" to use the default cost.
+ O custo da manutenção é baseado num custo em centavos por cada passageiro. Capacidades maiores significam custos maiores!
+Deixe em "0" para usar o custo padrão.
- Maintenance costs
+ Custos de manutenção
- All line infos that (possibly) can create a line tool are available below. Use by your own risk to create special lines in these modals.
-<color=red>IT MAY BE NOT STABLE! BEWARE!</color>
+ Todas as informações de linha que (possivelmente) podem criar uma ferramenta de linha estão disponíveis abaixo. Use por sua conta e risco para criar linhas especiais nestes modelos.
+<color=red>PODE NÃO SER ESTÁVEL! CUIDADO!</color>
- Line tools
+ Ferramentas de linha
- Clear
+ Limpar
- Copy
+ Copiar
- Paste
+ Colar
- Go to maintenance screen
+ Ir para a página de manutenção
- Vehicle (activate/deactivate)
+ Veículo (ativar/desativar)
- Capacity
+ Capacidade
Must be short
- Cost/Period
+ Custo/Período
Must be short
- Select the assets allowed to spawn in the line in this window.
-The new selection will be used as reference when spawning new vehicles to the line.
-The vehicles in the line that aren't selected in this list will be sent to depot as soon it:
-- Reach next stop (non-road based transport types only)
-- Get emptied
-- Reach the first stop or any terminal stop (road-based modals only)
+ Selecione os veículos permitidos na linha nesta janela.
+A nova seleção será usada como referência ao gerar novos veículos para a linha.
+Os veículos na linha que não estiverem selecionados nesta lista serão enviados para o depósito assim que eles:
+- Cheguem no próximo ponto (somente tipos de transporte não-rodoviários)
+- Sejam esvaziados
+- Cheguem ao primeiro ponto ou a qualquer terminal (apenas modelos rodoviários)
-The capacity can be edited here also, the maintenance cost is calculated based in the cost for each 1000 passengers setted up at City Settings window.
+A capacidade também pode ser editada aqui. O custo de manutenção é calculado com base no custo de cada 1000 passageiros (configurado em Configurações da Cidade).
- Line name
+ Nome da linha
- <color=red>Remove stop</color>
+ <color=red>Remover ponto</color>
- Set as first stop
+ Definir como primeiro ponto
- Set as terminal
+ Definir como terminal
- Remove terminal
+ Remover terminal
- Assets settings
+ Configurações do veículo
- The assets settings were exported to file:
+ As configurações do veículo foram exportadas para o arquivo:
- The asset settings were loaded successfully from default settings file.
-You may need to reload all files to see the new values being used
+ O arquivo de configurações padrão carregou com sucesso as configurações de veículo.
+Talvez você precise recarregar todos os arquivos para ver os novos valores sendo utilisados
- The city settings were exported to file:
+ As configurações da cidade foram exportadas para o arquivo:
- The city settings were loaded successfully from default settings file.
+ O arquivo de configurações padrão carregou com sucesso as configurações da cidade.
- General settings
+ Configurações gerais
- Expert mode
-Shows advanced settings and extra windows for deep setup
-Recomended for experenced players only
+ Modo Avançado
+Mostra configurações avançadas e janelas extras para configuração mais detalhada
+Recomendado apenas para jogadores experientes
- Export as default
+ Exportar como padrão
- Import from default
+ Importar do padrão
- General
+ Geral
- Change custom logo
+ Alterar logotipo personalizado
- <color=red>Remove custom logo</color>
+ <color=red>Remover logotipo personalizado</color>
- Invalid texture!
+ Textura inválida!
- The texture must have exactly 256x256 pixels as dimensions!
+ A textura deve ter exatamente 256x256 pixels como dimensões!
- Get a logo image for line: {0}
+ Obter uma imagem de logotipo para linha: {0}
- There are no lines around here...
+ Não há linhas por aqui...
- Near lines
+ Linhas próximas
- Set custom logo
+ Definir logotipo personalizado
- The current stop isn't inside a district. Ensure it belongs to a district to bind its name to it.
+ O ponto atual não está dentro de um distrito. Certifique-se de que o ponto pertence a um distrito para vincular seu nome a ele.
- The current stop isn't inside a special area. Ensure it belongs to a special area to bind its name to it.
+ O ponto atual não está dentro de uma área especial. Certifique-se de que o ponto pertence a uma área especial para vincular seu nome a ela.
- Force bind stop name to building (pick)
+ Forçar vincular o nome do ponto ao prédio (selecionar)
- Force bind stop name to district
+ Forçar vincular o nome do ponto ao distrito
- Force bind stop name to special area
+ Forçar vincular o nome do ponto a área especial
- Force bind stop name to road (pick)
+ Forçar vincular o nome do ponto à rua (selecionar)
- Recalculate all stops names bindings
+ Recalcular todos os nomes vinculados de pontos
- Recalculate stop name bind
+ Recalcular o nome vinculado do ponto
{0} (Circular)
Template used when a line have a single terminal set
- Auto name all city lines
+ Auto nomear todas as linhas da cidade
- Auto name all visible lines
+ Auto nomear todas as linhas visíveis
- Erase all custom stop names
+ Apagar todos os nomes de pontos personalizados
- Line depot selection
+ Selecionar garagem da linha
- Custom line code (autoname/WE)
+ Código de linha personalizado (nome automático/WE)
- Ignore mandatory stop at terminals (full circular)
-<color=yellow>NOTE:</color> Vehicle unspawns only will be done when the vehicle gets organically empty
+ Ignorar pontos obrigatórios em terminais (circular completa)
+<color=yellow>NOTA:</color> Veículos desaparecerão somente quando o veículo ficar vazio organicamente
- Require new vehicles to start line by a terminal stop
+ Requer que novos veículos comecem a linha no terminal
- Go to
+ Ir para
- Using budget group {0}. Click to reset.
+ Usando o grupo de orçamento {0}. Clique para redefinir.
- Timetable resume
+ Resumo de horários
- Setting type
+ Tipo de configuração
- The default group is edited in the line details window and don't support special budget rules. Select a group to use budget by hour or hour and day of week.
+ O grupo padrão é editado na janela de detalhes da linha e não suporta regras especiais de orçamento. Selecione um grupo para usar o orçamento por hora ou hora e dia da semana.
- Default game budget settings
+ Configurações padrão de orçamento do jogo
- Budget group {0}
+ Grupo de orçamento {0}
{0} will be a number (1-32)
- Group budgets' subgroups
+ Agrupar subgrupos de orçamentos
- Group budget subgroups per hour
+ Agrupar subgrupos de orçamento por hora
- Budget groups are budgets shared between multiple lines. ITM supports up to 26 groups per transport type.
-The budget groups can have 3 different settings:
-<color=yellow>- Fixed:</color> A fixed budget;
-<color=yellow>- Per hour:</color> A budget based on time of the day/night cycle or RealTime timer;
-<color=yellow>- Per hour and day of week:</color> A budget based on time of the day/night cycle or RealTime timer, but can have special tables for some days of week. Makes sense to use only with RealTime.
+ Os grupos de orçamento são orçamentos compartilhados entre várias linhas. ITM suporta até 26 grupos por tipo de transporte.
+Os grupos de orçamento podem ter 3 configurações diferentes:
+<color=yellow>- Fixo:</color> Um orçamento fixo;
+<color=yellow>- Por hora:</color> Um orçamento baseado na hora do dia/noite ou tempo real;
+<color=yellow>- Por hora e dia da semana:</color> Um orçamento baseado na hora do dia/noite ou tempo real, mas pode ter tabelas especiais durante alguns dias da semana. Faz sentido apenas quando usar tempo real.
- Lines using same group: {0}
+ Linhas usando o mesmo grupo: {0}
Will be on a button that will show all lines when clicked; {0} is the lines count
@@ -665,21 +665,21 @@ The budget groups can have 3 different settings:
Used in timetable view to show the period of transition between budgets ({0} is the previous, {1} is the next budget)
- Fixed
+ Fixo
- Per hour
+ Por hora
- Per hour and weekday
+ Por hora e dia da semana
- Budget advanced settings (Expert)
+ Configurações avançadas de orçamento (Modo Avançado)
- Lines using same budget group ({0})
+ Linhas usando o mesmo grupo de orçamento ({0})
- An extra vehicle is added each <color=yellow>{0:P1}</color> of budget.
+ Um novo veículo é adicionado a cada <color=yellow>{0:P1}</color> do orçamento.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.ru.resx b/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.ru.resx
index 54f0e47..00e2aed 100644
--- a/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.ru.resx
+++ b/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.ru.resx
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
- Бюджет
+ Баланс
Requires to be short
@@ -132,14 +132,14 @@
2 = Total lines created in the city
- Название линии
+ Название маршрута
Requires to be VERY short
- Остановки
+ Остан.
Requires to be VERY short
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
Линии общественного транспорта
- Тр-т
+ ТС
Requires to be VERY short
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
Удалить маршрут
- Активность маршрута
+ Деятельность маршрута
Бюджет маршрута (%)
@@ -168,53 +168,53 @@
Цвет маршрута
- Порядковый № маршрута
+ Внутренний номер маршрута
- Ночью:
+ Ночь:
- Multiplies vehicles skins possibilities
+ Расширяет возможности управления линиями общественного транспорта в Cities: Skylines
- Отменено
+ Отключено
- Днём
+ День
- Ночью
+ Ночь
- Днём и ночью
+ День и ночь
- Днём
+ День
- Ночью
+ Ночь
- Д. и Н.
+ Д и Н
- Активн.
+ Деят.
Requires to be VERY short
- Взрослых
+ Взрослые
Обзор бюджета
- Детей
+ Дети
- {0:N1}м - {1} Остановок - {2}/{3} ТС - На {4}% умен. поездок
+ {0:N1}м - {1} остановок - {2}/{3} транспортных средств - Уменьшение поездок на {4}%
Обзор маршрутов
@@ -223,16 +223,16 @@
{0:N0} Жителей / {1:N0} Туристов
- Пожилых
+ Пожилые
- Подростков
+ Подростки
- <color=yellow>{0} of {1} остановок этого маршрута не взимают плату в соответствии с политикой района. Маршрут может не иметь дохода!</color>
+ <color=yellow>{0} из {1} остановок на этом маршруте не взимают плату в соответствии с районными внутренними политическими курсами. Маршрут может не приносить прибыли!</color>
- <color=red>Этот маршрут нерабочий!</color>
+ <color=red>Этот маршрут неисправен!</color>
Цена билета (в центах)
@@ -241,10 +241,10 @@
Еженедельный отчёт
- Молодых
+ Молодые
- Пассажировместимость
+ Пассажирская вместимость
@@ -280,384 +280,384 @@
ППП - Прибыль за последний период
- Карта остановок маршрута
+ Карта маршрутов
- Vehicle data to show
+ Характеристики транспорта
- <color=#{3}>Residents: {0:N0}; Tourists: {1:N0}; {2:N0}% Bored</color>
+ Недовольных</color> <color=#{3}>Жителей: {0:N0}; Туристов: {1:N0}; {2:N0}%
- N/A
+ Н/Д
- Vehicles models for line selection
+ Выбор транспортного средства для маршрута
- Current line exclusive
+ Только для этого маршрута
- City settings
+ Настройки города
- When enabling the express lines, the buses won't unbunch in the regular stops anymore once it would be done only in terminal stops.
-You can disable the unbunching also in terminal stops to get a more fluid line dynamic.
+ При включении экспресс-линий, городской транспорт будет высаживать пассажиров только на конечных, не высаживая их на обычных остановках.
+Вы также можете отключить высадку на конечных остановках для достижения большей постоянности на линии.
- Disable unbunching also in terminal stops
+ Также отключить высадку на конечных остановках
- Express buses
+ Экспресс-автобусы
- Express trams
+ Экспресс-трамваи
- Express trolleybuses
+ Экспресс-троллейбусы
- Express lines
+ Экспресс-маршруты
- Clear filters
+ Сбросить фильтры
- <color=#FF00FF>--TRANSPORT LINE--</color>
+ <color=#FF00FF>--МАРШРУТ--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- <color=yellow>--ALL STOPS--</color>
+ <color=yellow>--ВСЕ ОСТАНОВКИ--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- <color=yellow>--ALL VEHICLES--</color>
+ <color=yellow>--ВЕСЬ ТРАНСПОРТ--</color>
Default selection on statistics window. Please maintain the write style (when applicable)
- Reload lines
+ Перезагрузить маршруты
- Select line
+ Выбрать маршрут
- Stop
+ Остановка
- All vehicles and stops
+ Весь транспорт и все остановки
- Statistics @ Stop {0}
+ Статистика @ Остановка {0}
- Statistics @ Vehicle {0}
+ Статистика @ Транспортное средство {0}
- Statistics
+ Статистика
- Vehicle
+ Транспортное средство
- Since {0}
+ С {0}
- Period
+ Период
- This data is not available in current selected filter
+ Эти данные недоступны при применении текущего фильтра
- Balance
+ Баланс
- Expense
+ Расход
- Income
+ Доход
- Financial report
+ Финансовый отчёт
- Total last 16 weeks
+ Всего за последние 16 недель
- Total last 24h
+ Всего за последние 24 часа
- Adults
+ Взрослые
- Children
+ Дети
- Seniors
+ Пожилые
- Teens
+ Подростки
- Passenger age report
+ Отчёт о возрасте пассажиров
- Total
+ Всего
- Youngs
+ Молодые
- Females
+ Женщины
- Males
+ Мужчины
- Gender Report
+ Отчёт по половой идентичности
- Total
+ Всего
- Students
+ Студенты
- Students & Tourists
+ Студенты и туристы
- Total
+ Всего
- Tourists
+ Туристы
- High Wealth
+ C высоким достатком
- Low Wealth
+ С низким достатком
- Среднего достатка
+ Со средним достатом
- Wealth Report
+ Отчёт по достатку
- Total
+ Всего
- <color=yellow>{0}</color> (Default: {1:N0}¢/kpax)
+ <color=yellow>{0}</color> (По умолчанию: {1:N0}¢/kpax)
{0} will be the transport type name
{1} will be the default cost per 1000 passengers
- The maintenance cost is based in a cost in cents per passenger ratio. Higher capacities means higher costs!
-Left it at "0" to use the default cost.
+ Стоимость технического обслуживания основана на соотношении затрат в центах на одного пассажира. Более высокая производительность ведёт к более высоким затратам!
+Оставьте значение "0", чтобы использовать стоимость по умолчанию.
- Maintenance costs
+ Расходы на техобслуживание
- All line infos that (possibly) can create a line tool are available below. Use by your own risk to create special lines in these modals.
-<color=red>IT MAY BE NOT STABLE! BEWARE!</color>
+ Вся информация о маршруте, которая (возможно) может создать инструмент для маршрута, доступна ниже. Используйте на свой страх и риск для создания специальных строк в этих модальных окнах.
- Line tools
+ Инструменты маршрута
- Clear
+ Очистить
- Copy
+ Копировать
- Paste
+ Вставить
- Go to maintenance screen
+ Перейти на страницу обслуживания
- Vehicle (activate/deactivate)
+ Транспортное средство (включение/отключение)
- Capacity
+ Вместимость
Must be short
- Cost/Period
+ Стоимость/Период
Must be short
- Select the assets allowed to spawn in the line in this window.
-The new selection will be used as reference when spawning new vehicles to the line.
-The vehicles in the line that aren't selected in this list will be sent to depot as soon it:
-- Reach next stop (non-road based transport types only)
-- Get emptied
-- Reach the first stop or any terminal stop (road-based modals only)
+ Выберите в этом окне транспортные средства, которым разрешено появляться на маршруте.
+Новый выбор будет использоваться в качестве эталона при появлении новых транспортных средств на маршруте.
+Уже находящиеся на маршруте и не выбранные в этом списке транспортные средства будут отправлены в депо, как только они:
+ - Доберутся до следующей остановки (только для неавтомобильного транспорта)
+ - Полностью высадят пассажиров
+ - Доберутся до первой остановки или до любой конечной остановки (только для неавтомобильного транспорта).
-The capacity can be edited here also, the maintenance cost is calculated based in the cost for each 1000 passengers setted up at City Settings window.
+Здесь же можно отредактировать вместимость; стоимость техобслуживания рассчитывается исходя из стоимости на каждых 1000 пассажиров, настроенной в окне "Настройки города".
- Line name
+ Название маршрута
- <color=red>Remove stop</color>
+ <color=red>Удалить остановку</color>
- Set as first stop
+ Установить как первую остановку
- Set as terminal
+ Установить как конечную
- Remove terminal
+ Удалить конечную
- Assets settings
+ Настройки объектов
- The assets settings were exported to file:
+ Настройки объектов были экспортированы в файл:
- The asset settings were loaded successfully from default settings file.
-You may need to reload all files to see the new values being used
+ Настройки объекта успешно загружены из файла настроек по умолчанию.
+Возможно, вам придется перезагрузить все файлы, чтобы увидеть используемые новые значения.
- The city settings were exported to file:
+ Настройки города были экспортированы в файл:
- The city settings were loaded successfully from default settings file.
+ Настройки города были успешно загружены из файла настроек по умолчанию.
- General settings
+ Основные настройки
- Expert mode
-Shows advanced settings and extra windows for deep setup
-Recomended for experenced players only
+ Экспертный режим
+Показывает расширенные настройки и дополнительные окна для глубокой настройки
+Рекомендуется только для опытных игроков
- Export as default
+ Экспортировать как файл по умолчанию
- Import from default
+ Импортировать из файла по умолчанию
- General
+ Основные
- Change custom logo
+ Изменить пользовательский логотип
- <color=red>Remove custom logo</color>
+ <color=red>Удалить пользовательский логотип</color>
- Invalid texture!
+ Неисправная текстура!
- The texture must have exactly 256x256 pixels as dimensions!
+ Текстура должна иметь размер ровно 256x256 пикселей!
- Get a logo image for line: {0}
+ Логотип для маршрута: {0}
- There are no lines around here...
+ Поблизости нет маршрутов…
- Near lines
+ Ближайшие маршруты
- Set custom logo
+ Установить пользовательский логотип
- The current stop isn't inside a district. Ensure it belongs to a district to bind its name to it.
+ Эта остановка размещена вне района. Убедитесь, что она находится в границах района, чтобы связать с ним её название.
- The current stop isn't inside a special area. Ensure it belongs to a special area to bind its name to it.
+ Эта остановка размещена вне специальной области. Убедитесь, что она находится в границах специальной области, чтобы привязать к ней её название.
- Force bind stop name to building (pick)
+ Принудительно привязать название остановки к зданию (выбрать)
- Force bind stop name to district
+ Принудительно привязать название остановки к району
- Force bind stop name to special area
+ Принудительно привязать название остановки к специальной области
- Force bind stop name to road (pick)
+ Принудительно привязать название остановки к дороге (выбрать)
- Recalculate all stops names bindings
+ Пересчитать все привязки названий остановок
- Recalculate stop name bind
+ Изменить привязку названия остановки
- {0} (Circular)
+ {0} (Кольцевой)
Template used when a line have a single terminal set
- Auto name all city lines
+ Давать автоматическое название всем маршрутам города
- Auto name all visible lines
+ Давать автоматическое название всем видимым маршрутам
- Erase all custom stop names
+ Удалить все пользовательские названия остановок
- Line depot selection
+ Выбор депо маршрута
- Custom line code (autoname/WE)
+ Пользовательский код маршрута (автоматическое название/WE)
- Ignore mandatory stop at terminals (full circular)
-<color=yellow>NOTE:</color> Vehicle unspawns only will be done when the vehicle gets organically empty
+ Игнорировать принудительную остановку на конечных (кольцо)
+<color=yellow>ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ:</color> Транспортное средство исчезнет только тогда, когда там больше не будет пассажиров
- Require new vehicles to start line by a terminal stop
+ Требовать, чтобы новые транспортные средства начинали работать с конечной остановки
- Go to
+ Перейти к
- Using budget group {0}. Click to reset.
+ Используя бюджетную группу {0}. Нажмите, чтобы сбросить.
- Timetable resume
+ Сводка расписания
- Setting type
+ Тип настройки
- The default group is edited in the line details window and don't support special budget rules. Select a group to use budget by hour or hour and day of week.
+ Группа по умолчанию редактируется в окне сведений о маршруте и не поддерживает специальные бюджетные правила. Выберите группу для использования бюджета по часам или часам и дням недели.
- Default game budget settings
+ Настройки бюджета как в игре по умолчанию
- Budget group {0}
+ Группа бюджета {0}
{0} will be a number (1-32)
- Group budgets' subgroups
+ Подгруппы групп бюджета
- Group budget subgroups per hour
+ Подгруппы групп бюджета в час
- Budget groups are budgets shared between multiple lines. ITM supports up to 26 groups per transport type.
-The budget groups can have 3 different settings:
-<color=yellow>- Fixed:</color> A fixed budget;
-<color=yellow>- Per hour:</color> A budget based on time of the day/night cycle or RealTime timer;
-<color=yellow>- Per hour and day of week:</color> A budget based on time of the day/night cycle or RealTime timer, but can have special tables for some days of week. Makes sense to use only with RealTime.
+ Бюджетные группы — это бюджеты, разделённые между несколькими маршрутами. ITM поддерживает до 26 групп на один вид транспорта.
+Группы бюджета могут быть 3 типов:
+<color=yellow>- Фиксированные:</color> Фиксированный бюджет;
+<color=yellow>- Почасовые:</color> Бюджет, основанный на цикле дня и ночи или цикле RealTime;
+<color=yellow>- По часам и дням недели:</color> Бюджет, основанный на цикле дня и ночи или цикле RealTime, но с возможностью иметь специальные таблицы для некоторых дней недели. Имеет смысл использовать только с RealTime.
- Lines using same group: {0}
+ Маршруты, использующие одну группу: {0}
Will be on a button that will show all lines when clicked; {0} is the lines count
@@ -665,21 +665,21 @@ The budget groups can have 3 different settings:
Used in timetable view to show the period of transition between budgets ({0} is the previous, {1} is the next budget)
- Fixed
+ Исправленный
- Per hour
+ В час
- Per hour and weekday
+ В час и день недели
- Budget advanced settings (Expert)
+ Расширенные настройки бюджета (Эксперт)
- Lines using same budget group ({0})
+ Маршруты, использующие одну и ту же группу бюджета ({0})
- An extra vehicle is added each <color=yellow>{0:P1}</color> of budget.
+ Дополнительное транспортное средство добавляется каждые <color=yellow>{0:P1}</color> бюджета.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.zh-cn.resx b/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.zh-cn.resx
index 5b724ff..bfaaf07 100644
--- a/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.zh-cn.resx
+++ b/ImprovedTransportManager/Localization/Str.zh-cn.resx
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
Requires to be VERY short
- 路线类型 <color=yellow>{0}</color> 的数量: {1:N0} - 公交路线设置总数: {2:N0}
+ <color=yellow>{0}</color> 线路的数量: {1:N0} - 公共交通路线总数: {2:N0}
0 = Transport Type Name
1 = quantity of lines in current view
2 = Total lines created in the city
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
Requires to be VERY short
- 这个城市中没有任何路线!
+ 这座城市中没有任何线路!
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
Requires to be VERY short
- 日间:
+ 日间: