Generally, phpdbg is the server and a client connects to it. The client then will receive a few <intro> tags and then can start sending actual commands.
- indicates the genre of phpdbg system output
- usually one of these values:
- normal
- notice
- error
- text message output related to the xml data (e.g. <intro severity="normal" help="help" msgout="To get help using phpdbg type "help" and press enter" />)
- the request id, if one was passed to the last command (via -r %d, where %d is the id) (and the output is related to that message)
- refers to a filename
- format classname::methodname
- refers to a method
- refers to a function
- either function or method (is method if "::" are present)
- in hexadecimal format
- refers to a specific pointer to a (zend_)op
- refers to an opcode (ZEND_*)
- general attribute for most errors, describes the genre of the error
- appears on startup if -q flag wasn't provided as command line arg
- before any input possibility
- attributes may be spread over multiple tags
- wrapped in <intros> tag
- version: current phpdbg version (as string)
- help: command name for help
- report: URL for bug reporting
- msg tag contains the text prompt
- indicates that a new command may be accepted
- general text message output from phpdbg system
- any output by PHP itself (e.g. <stream type="stdout">test</stream>)
- type: stderr or stdout
- php error output
- msg: the error message
- general errors about commands
- type
- toomanyargs: more arguments than allowed
- noarg: argument missing
- wrongarg: wrong type of argument (e.g. letters instead of integer)
- toofewargs: not enough arguments
- notfound: command (or subcommand) doesn't exist
- ambiguous: command was ambiguous
- invalidcommand: command input is totally invalid
- (nostack: should not happen: is an internal error)
- (emptystack: should not happen: is an internal error)
- command: passed command
- subcommand: passed subcommand (present if the error is related to the subcommand)
- expected: count of expected arguments
- got: type of argument for type "wrongarg"
- num: if possible, information about which parameter had a wrong argument
- by type
- op_array: nothing was yet compiled (probably because no execution context set)
- symbol_table: no symbol table present (not yet initiailized or already destructed)
- noexec: not in execution
- memory_manager: using the native memory manager (malloc, free, realloc) instead of e.g. the Zend MM
- notfound: file not found
- nocontext: execution context was not set (or compilation had failed)
- isrunning: command requires no running script
exports all breakpoints to the specified file (TODO: export to stdout for IDE)
> export /my/breakpoints
<exportbreakpoint />
- <exportbreakpoint />
- errors by type
- openfailure: could not create file
- count: number of exported breakpoints
- General tag for breakpoint creation, deletion and hits is "<breakpoint />"
break execution at line 100 of test.php
> break test.php:100
<breakpoint severity="notice" add="success" id="0" file="test.php" line="100" />
break execution at line 200 of the currently PHP script file
> exec test.php
(The execution context is now test.php, now we can break on a line without filename)
> break 200
<breakpoint severity="notice" add="success" id="0" file="test.php" line="200" />
break execution on entry to \mynamespace\my_function
> break \mynamespace\my_function
<breakpoint severity="notice" add="success" id="0" function="\mynamespace\my_function" />
Break execution on entry to classX::method
> break classX::method
<breakpoint severity="notice" add="success" id="0" method="classX::method" />
Break at the opline at the address 0x7ff68f570e08
> break 0x7ff68f570e08
<breakpoint severity="notice" add="success" id="0" opline="0x7ff68f570e08" />
Break at the opline #14 of the function my_function
> break my_function#14
<breakpoint severity="notice" id="0" function="my_function" num="14" />
Break at the opline #2 of the method \my\class::method
> break \my\class::method#2
<breakpoint severity="notice" id="0" method="\my\class::method" num="2" />
Break at opline #3 in test.php
> break test.php:#3
<breakpoint severity="notice" id="0" file="test.php" num="3" />
Break when the condition ($cnt > 10) evaluates to true
> break if $cnt > 10
<breakpoint severity="notice" id="0" expression="$cnt > 10" ptr="0x100969a58" />
Break at any opcode in phpdbg::isGreat when the condition ($opt == 'S') is true
> break at phpdbg::isGreat if $opt == 'S'
<breakpoint severity="notice" id="0" expression="$opt == 'S'" ptr="0x10096d0f8" />
Break at every opcode on line 20 of test.php when the condition evaluates to true
prompt> break at test.php:20 if !isset($x)
<breakpoint severity="notice" id="0" expression="!isset($x)" ptr="0x1009fd0c8" />
Break on any occurrence of the opcode ZEND_ADD
> break ZEND_ADD
<breakpoint severity="notice" id="5" opcode="ZEND_ADD" />
Remove breakpoint 2
> break del 2
<breakpoint severity="notice" deleted="success" id="2" />
When hitting breakpoint (example file with function f being defined on line 2)
> break f
> run
<breakpoint severity="notice" id="0" function="f" file="/path/to/my/file.php" line="2" hits="1" />
(is followed by implicit "list 3" command output)
id: the breakpoint id (if the leave command was executed, the id has the value "leave")
num: the nth opline of a function/method/file
add: has value "success"/"fail": a brekpoint was successfully added or not
pending: the breakpoint is waiting for resolving (e.g. a line number or a file/method/function opline number on a not yet loaded file)
deleted: has value "success"/"fail": a breakpoint was successfully deleted or not
eval: the condition on conditional breakpoints
listing breakpoints always in a container element "<breakpoints>"
Child nodes:
name: name of the symbol (function/method/file/opcode)
disabled: empty value if enabled, non-empty if enabled
errors (by type)
exists: the breakpoint already exists
maxoplines: tries to break at an opline (usedoplinenum) higher than the number of present oplines (in maxoplinenum)
nomethod: method doesn't exist
internalfunction: one cannot break on an opline of an internal function
notregular: tries to set a breakpoint in not a regular file
(invalidparameter: should not happen: is an internal error)
- General tag for frames is "<frame>"
- always has id attribute; if it only has id attribute, it just indicates current frame number, no other elements follow
- may contain other elements (of type <arg>) when contained in <backtrace> tag
- <arg> always contains a <stream> element, the value of the variable
We execute this code to illustrate:
function f($a, $b = 1) {
return $a + $b;
print call_user_func("f", 2);
> break f
> run
(see under break section for xml answers)
> back
<frame id="0" file="/Users/Bob/phpdbg/t.php" line="2" symbol="f">
<arg variadic="" name="a">
<int refstatus="" value="2" />
<frame id="1" internal="internal" symbol="call_user_func">
<arg variadic="" name="function_name">
<string refstatus="" length="1" value="f" />
<arg variadic="variadic" name="parameters">
<int refstatus="" value="2" />
<frame severity="normal" id="1" symbol="{main}" file="/Users/Bob/phpdbg/t.php" line="5" />
id: the frame id, current frame has id 0 (frames with internal function calls have the same id than their called frame)
symbol ("{main}" is root frame)
internal: has value "internal" when being an internal function call (one cannot inspect that frame)
being an error: (by type)
maxnum: tried to access a frame with a number heigher than existing (or < 0)
- variadic: has a non-empty value if the argument is variadic
- name: variable name of parameter
- See above ("break / info break")
### files ###
- lists included files
- <includedfileinfo num="" /> with num having an integer value, indicating the number of included files
- <includedfile name=""/>: one per file, with name being the file path of the included file
- gets last error
- <lasterror error="" (file="" line="") />
- error attribute contains the last error as a string, is empty if there's no last error
- <constantinfo num="" /> with num having an integer value, indicating the number of (local or superglobal) variables
- if info vars was used it'll have also one of these attributes:
- method
- function
- file
- opline
- for each variable there is a <constant> element
- <constant address="" refcount="" type="" name="" />
- address: pointer to zval (hexadecimal)
- refcount: refcount of zval
- type: the variable type (long, string, ...). If the value is "unknown", the other attributes are meaningless
- name: the name of the variable
- value: the value of primitive types (scalars) => string/int/bool/double
- length: if string, then the length of that string
- <variableinfo num="" /> with num having an integer value, indicating the number of (local or superglobal) variables
- if info vars was used it'll have also one of these attributes:
- method
- function
- file
- opline
- for each variable there is a <variable> element
- <variable address="" refcount="" type="" name="" />
- address: pointer to zval (hexadecimal)
- refcount: refcount of zval
- type: the variable type (long, string, ...). If the value is "unknown", the other attributes are meaningless
- name: the name of the variable
- refstatus: empty if the zval is not a reference
- class: the class the object in the zval is an instance of
- resource: the type of the resource in the zval
- value: the value of primitive types (scalars) => string/int/bool/double
- length: if string, then the length of that string
- <literalinfo num="" /> with num having an integer value, indicating the number of literals, optional arguments are:
- method
- function
- file
- opline
- for each literal there is a <literal> followed by a <stream type="stdout"> which prints the value of the literal
- <literal id="" />: where id is the internal identifier of the literal
<meminfo /> <current /> <used mem="" /> <real mem="" /> <peak /> <used mem="" /> <real mem="" />
mem is an attribute whose value is a float. The memory is given in kilobytes (1 kB == 1024 bytes)
- <classinfo num="" /> with num having an integer value, indicating the number of loaded user-defined classes
- Each class is enumerated with first a <class>, then an optional <parents> container and then a <classsource> element
- The <parents> container contains the <class> elements of the parent of the last <class> element.
- <class type="" flags="" name="" methodcount="" />
- type: either "User" or "Internal"
- flags: either "Interface", "Class" or "Abstract Class"
- <classsource /> where the class was defined, if there are no attributes, location is unknown, usually defined by
- file
- line
- <functioninfo num="" /> with num having an integer value, indicating the number of loaded user-defined functions
- Each class is enumerated with first a <function> and then a <functionsource> element
- <function name="" />
- <functionsource /> where the function was defined, if there are no attributes, location is unknown, usually defined by
- file
- line
- consists of <line> elements wrapped in a <list> container
- <list file=""> is the container element with file being the filename
- <line line="" code="" /> with value of code being the whole line of code in the line specified in the line attribute
- current: this attribute is set to "current" if that line is the line where the executor currently is
- <print> elements are wrapped in a <printinfo> element
- there may be a variable number of <print> elements with a variable count of args inside the <printinfo> element
- possible args are:
- readline: yes/no - readline enabled or disabled
- libedit: yes/no - libedit enabled or disabled
- context: current executing context
- compiled: yes/no - are there actual compiled ops?
- stepping: @@ TODO (meaningless for now) @@
- quiet: on/off - should it always print the opline being currently executed?
- oplog: on/off - are oplines logged in a file?
- ops: number of opcodes in current executing context
- vars: number of compiled variables (CV)
- executing: yes/no - in executor?
- vmret: the return value of the last executed opcode
- default: continue
- 1: return from vm
- 2: enter stack frame
- 3: leave stack frame
- classes: number of classes
- functions: number of functions
- constants: number of constants
- includes: number of included files
- introduced by <printinfo num="" /> (except for print opline) with num being the number of opcodes and one of these args:
- file
- method
- function
- class (then also type and flags attributes, see info classes command for their meanings)
- symbol (also type and flags attributes; here the value of flags is either "Method" or "Function")
- if there is a class method, the methods are all wrapped in a <printmethods> container
- then comes a <printoplineinfo type="" /> where type is either "User" or "Internal"
- the <printoplineinfo> has either a method or a function attribute
- if the type is "Internal"
- there are no oplines, it's an internal method or function
- if the type is "User"
- it has these attributes
- startline: the first line of code where the method or function is defined
- endline: the lastt line of code where the method or function is defined
- file: the file of code where the method or function is defined
- is followed by the oplines of that method or function (<print> elements)
- <print line="%u" opline="%p" opcode="%s" op="%s" />
- in case of print opline it emits a single <opline line="" opline="" opcode="" op="" file="" />
- command executing and compiling a given file
- <exec type="unset" context="" />: indicates unsetting of the old context
- <exec type="unsetops" />: indicates unsetting of the old compiled opcodes
- <exec type="unchanged" />: same execution context choosen again
- <exec type="set" context="" />: indicates setting of the new context
- errors by tag
- <compile>
- openfailure: couldn't open file
- compilefailure: The file indicated in context couldn't be compiled
- <exec>
- invalid: given context (attribute) is not matching a valid file or symlink
- notfound: given context (attribute) does not exist
- runs the script (set via exec command)
- <stop type="end" />: script execution ended normally
- (error) <stop type="bailout" /> the VM bailed out (usually because there was some error)
- compile failures see under exec, errors, <compile>
- steps by one line or opcode (as defined via set stepping) default is one line
- returns back to the executor
- returns back to the executor
- temporarily disables all the breakpoints on that line until that line was left once
- returns back to the executor
- temporarily disables all the breakpoints until the end of the current frame
- returns back to the executor
- temporarily disables all the breakpoints past the end of the current frame and then stops
- returns back to the executor
- prints backtrace
- see frame command
- eval()uates some code
- output wrapped in <eval> tags
- output is here first a dump of xml tags (see "Variable Dump" section), then a dump wrapped in tags
- if there's an error, the tag will be , instead of the usual tag
- executes shell command
- still pipes to stdout ... without wrapping <stream> !!! (@@ TODO @@)
- executes a file in .phpdbginit format
- errors by type
- notfound: file not found
- registers a function to be used like a command
- <register function="" />: successfully registered function
- errors by type
- notfound: no such function
- inuse: function already registered
- quits phpdbg
- if successful connection will be closed...
- cleans environment (basically a shutdown + new startup)
- <clean> tags wrapped in a <cleaninfo> container
- possible attributes of <clean> tag
- classes: number of classes
- functions: number of functions
- constants: number of constants
- includes: number of included files
- removes all breakpoints
- <clear> tags wrapped in a <clearinfo> container
- possible attributes of <clear> tag (value is always the number of defined breakpoints of that type)
- files
- functions
- methods
- oplines
- fileoplines
- functionoplines
- methodoplines
- eval
- watchpoints generally are identified by a variable (one may need to switch frames first...)
- <watch variable="" />, <watchrecursive variable="" /> and <watcharray variable="" /> (normal, array, recursive)
- <watch> if error, by type:
- undefined: tried to set a watchpoint on a not (yet) defined variable
- notiterable: element which is tried to be accessed as an object or array is nor array nor object
- invalidinput: generally malformed input
- <watchdelete variable="" />: when "watch delete" was used on a watchpoint
- (error) <watchdelete type="nowatch" />: that watchpoint doesn't exist, so couldn't be deleted
- for hit watchpoints etc., see Other tags, <watch*>
- when using watch list, <watchvariable> elements are wrapped in a <watchlist> container
- <watchvariable variable="" on="" type="" />
- variable: watched variable (may be a variable of another scope!)
- on: values are array or variable, depending on what is watched
- type: values are recursive or simple, depending on whether the watchpoint is checked recursively or not
- a general error is type="wrongargs" where a wrong argument was passed to a subcommand; tag is then <set*>
- without other args, a <setpromt str="" /> tag is emitted where the value of the str attribue is the value of the prompt
- when there is another arg, the prompt is changed to that arg, no further xml answer
- enables / disables a given breakpoint silently with no further xml answer
- if the boolean switch is omitted, it emits current state in a <setbreak id="" active="" /> where active is on or off
- error with type="nobreak", when no breakpoint with the given id exists
- generally enables / disables breakpoint functionality silently with no futher xml answer
- if the boolean switch is omitted, it emits current state in a <setbreaks active="" /> where active is on or off
- sets the color on prompt, error or notices
- <setcolor type="" color="" code="" />: code is the color code of color, type is either:
- prompt
- error
- notice
- errors by type:
- nocolor: color doesn't exist
- invalidtype: type wasn't one of the three allowed types
- generally enables / disables colors silently with no further xml answer
- if the boolean switch is omitted, it emits current state in a <setcolors active="" /> where active is on or off
- sets oplog
- (error) <setoplog type="openfailure" file="" /> when it couldn't open the passed file path
- <setoplog type="closingold" /> is emitted when there was a previous open oplog (and a file is passed)
- if no further argument is passed, it emits current state in a <setoplog active="" /> where active is on or off
- generally enables / disables quietness silently with no further xml answer
- if the boolean switch is omitted, it emits current state in a <setquiet active="" /> where active is on or off
- sets stepping to either opcode or line (so a step command will either advance one op or one line)
- if no further argument is passed, it emits current state in a <setoplog type="" /> where active is opcode or line
- generally enables / disables showing of refcount in watchpoint breaks silently with no further xml answer
- if the boolean switch is omitted, it emits current state in a <setrefcount active="" /> where active is on or off
- internally executes exec, so exec will output first (if binding to socket worked)
- import: has value "success"/"fail"
- missingmodule/missingextension: modules/extensions loaded in the target SAPI, but not in phpdbg
- nosocket: couldn't establish socket
- invaliddata: invalid JSON passed to socket
- loads a module or Zend extension at a given path
- if a relative path is passed, it's relative to the extension_dir ini setting
- extensiontype: "Zend extension" or "module"
- name: the extension name
- path: the path where it was loaded
unsupported: dynamic extension loading is unsupported
relpath: relative path given, but no extension_dir defined
unknown: general error with internal DL_LOAD() (for message see msg attribute)
wrongapi: wrong Zend engine version (apineeded / apiinstalled attributes give information about the API versions)
wrongbuild: unmatched build versions (buildneeded / buildinstalled attributes give information about the build versions)
registerfailure: registering module failed
startupfailure: couldn't startup Zend extension / module
initfailure: couldn't initialize module
nophpso: passed shared object is not a valid Zend extension nor module
errors may have the module or extension attribute when their name is already known at the point of failure
- received caught signal
- type: type of signal (e.g. SIGINT)
- SIGINT: interactive mode is entered...
- generally emitted on hit watchpoint
- <watchdelete variable="" />: when a variable was unset, the watchpoint is removed too
- <watchhit variable="" />: when ever a watched variable is changed, followed by a <watchdata> container
- <watchdata> may contain
- for watchpoints on variables:
- each of these <watch*> tags conatins a type attribute whose value is either "old" or "new")
- <watchvalue type="" inaccessible="inaccessible" />: old value is inaccessible
- <watchvalue type=""> may contain a <stream> element which indicates the old/new (type attribute) value of the variable
- <watchrefcount type="" refcount="" isref="" />: old/new (type attribute) refcount and isref, both numbers
- isref: if the value is 0, it's not a reference, else it is one
- for watchpoints on arrays:
- <watchsize> inspects size variations of an array (the sum):
- removed: number of elements removed
- added: number of elements added
- <watcharrayptr>: if this tag appears, the internal pointer of the array way changed
- generally emitted when data couldn't be fetched (e.g. by accessing inconsistent data); only used in hard interrupt mode
- it might mean that data couldn't be fetched at all, or that only incomplete data was fetched (e.g. when a fixed number of following attributes are fetched, this tag will mark a stop of fetching if none or not all tags were printed)
- all except property and element tags have a refstatus attribute, is set to non-empty if it's a reference
- wrapped in a property tag <property name="" protection="">
- name: name of key
- protection: one of these three values: public / protected / private
- class: only present if protection attribute is set to "private", contains the name of the class to which the property belongs
- if the property tag contains any serverity="error" attribute, there was some crucial error to read it, just skip it
- wrapped in an element tag <property name="" protection="">
- name: name of key
- if the element tag contains any serverity="error" attribute, there was some crucial error to read it, jsut skip it
- <int refstatus="" value="" />
- value is the integer
- <float refstatus="" value="" />
- value is the float
- <bool refstatus="" value="" /> -value: true or false
- <string refstatus="" length="" value="" />
- length: length or string
- value: the string
- <null refstatus="" />
- <array refstatus="" num="">
- num: number of elements
- contains <element> tags
- <object refstatus="" class="" id="" num="">
- class: name of the class the object is an instance of (may be empty if unknown)
- id: id of the object
- num: number of properties
- contains <property> tags
- <resource refstatus="" id="" type="" />
- id: resource id
- type: type of resource
- <recursion />
- if that tag appears, there's a recursive reference inside the value to be printed