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66 lines (50 loc) · 3.03 KB

File metadata and controls

66 lines (50 loc) · 3.03 KB


Oh My Zsh (or probably any zsh but YMMV) plugin for BOSH autocompletion.

See the know issues below for what doesn't work.


Drop the bosh directory into your $ZSH/custom/plugins/ (usually ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins) directory. Then add bosh to the plugins line of your .zshrc file. For example here's my .zshrc plugin lines

# Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*)
# Custom plugins may be added to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/
# Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse)
# Add wisely, as too many plugins slow down shell startup.
plugins=(git docker jsontools tmux vagrant bosh)


Type bosh <tab> and watch the magic happen

Last login: Thu Dec 11 16:42:19 on ttys002
➜  ~  bosh ......                                                                  
add                    generate               ssh
alias                  get                    start
aliases                help                   status
backup                 import                 stemcells
blobs                  init                   stop
cancel                 locks                  sync
cleanup                login                  take
cloudcheck             logout                 target
complete               logs                   targets
create                 properties             task
delete                 public                 tasks
deploy                 recreate               unset
deployment             releases               upload
deployments            rename                 validate
destination_directory  reset                  verify
diff                   restart                version
download               run                    vm
edit                   scp                    vms
errands                set
export                 snapshots

➜  ~  bosh de<tab>                                                            
delete                 deployment             destination_directory
deploy                 deployments

➜  ~  bosh delete <tab>
deployment  release     snapshot    snapshots   stemcell    user

➜  ~  bosh delete s<tab>
snapshot   snapshots  stemcell

#Known Issues It's crazy slow with the AWS plugin installed. This is a BOSH thing, on my laptop it takes ~9s to output the help. Thankfully we cache it once per terminal session. If you were to upgrade the gem and the usage changed this will cause a problem. Restart your shell and you'll be good to go.

destination_directory shows up when it shouldn't because of the way the CLI for run_errand wraps the help for the command. Not sure if this is a bug in the CLI or if I should workaround it.

run errand [<errand_name>] [--download-logs] [--logs-dir
destination_directory] [--keep-alive]``

#Problems? Open an issue or submit a PR please!