v0.13.0-rc.0 (2019-08-22)
Merged pull requests:
- Change package path to kubedb.dev/cli #449 (tamalsaha)
- Add license header to Makefiles #448 (tamalsaha)
- Add make install, uninstall, purge commands #446 (tamalsaha)
- Add Makefile #445 (tamalsaha)
- Move chart and deploy script to github.com/kubedb/installer #444 (tamalsaha)
- Move docs to kubedb/docs repo #443 (tamalsaha)
- Add mising </div> #442 (tamalsaha)
- Remove duplicate paragraph #441 (tamalsaha)
- Update issue-certificate.md. Minor correction in name of generated CA certificate #440 (prakashmishra1598)
0.12.0 (2019-05-15)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix --install-catalog flag in deployment script #439 (tamalsaha)
- Update to k8s 1.14.0 client libraries using go.mod #438 (tamalsaha)
- Fix installer doc for --install-catalog=false #437 (tamalsaha)
- Prepare 0.12.0 release #436 (tamalsaha)
- Fix build #435 (tamalsaha)
- [DOC] Updates for Archiving front page #433 (iamrz1)
- DB-name updates for kubedb-catalog #432 (iamrz1)
- Update documentation for MySQL Group Replication #431 (shudipta)
- MongoDB Sharding document #430 (the-redback)
- Docs for wal-g support for local storage #429 (iamrz1)
- Docs for MinIO support in wal-g #428 (iamrz1)
- Revendor dependencies #427 (tamalsaha)
- Update catalog for mysql group replication #426 (shudipta)
- Update MongoDBVersion in Catalog #425 (the-redback)
- Modify mutator and validator names for all DBs #423 (iamrz1)
- use default values for postgres leaderelection and termination #422 (bodewig)
- Postgres Quickstart DormantDatabase docs #421 (alistairjmcintyre)
0.11.0 (2019-03-23)
Merged pull requests:
- Update Hugo frontmatter for WAL-G docs #420 (tamalsaha)
- Updated postgres catalog #419 (the-redback)
- Deprecate redisversion crd for redis version 5.0 and 5.0.3 #418 (shudipta)
- Update postgres docs with correct podTemplate and serviceTemplate spe… #417 (harbesc)
- Add missing Redis version crd info in docs #416 (shudipta)
- PSP related docs #415 (iamrz1)
- Updated WAL-G related docs #414 (iamrz1)
- Prepare docs for 0.11.0 release #413 (tamalsaha)
- PSP for kubedb operator #411 (iamrz1)
- psp source path update #410 (iamrz1)
- Add MySQL upgrade docs #409 (dennisameling)
- Update catalog for Redis 5 #408 (shudipta)
- Global PSP support #407 (iamrz1)
- docs: Update clustering note to state that it is supported #406 (josegonzalez)
- Support for init container #405 (iamrz1)
- Add missing ClusterRole to list StatefulSets #404 (shudipta)
- Update Kubernetes client libraries to 1.13.0 #403 (tamalsaha)
- Update name of 'Postgres upgrade manual' doc #402 (the-redback)
- Update dep list to Kubernetes 1.13 release #401 (tamalsaha)
0.10.0 (2019-02-21)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare docs for 0.10.0 release #400 (tamalsaha)
- Redis cluster doc #399 (shudipta)
- Concept doc updated for Postgres replicaservicetemplate and LeaderElection #398 (the-redback)
- Update KubeDB catalog for Redis #397 (shudipta)
- Use onessl 0.10.0 #396 (tamalsaha)
- Fixed the case for deploying using MINGW64 for windows #395 (tamalsaha)
- Don't use priority class when operator namespace is not kube-system #394 (tamalsaha)
- Upgrade postgres-tools tag to v3 #393 (the-redback)
- Use kmodules.xyz pkg paths directly #392 (tamalsaha)
- Docs updated #391 (the-redback)
- Fix link in operator monitoring doc #389 (hossainemruz)
- Update postgres Catalog #388 (the-redback)
- Catalog Added for MongoDB 4.x #387 (the-redback)
- update documentation: fix typo #386 (abhishekjiitr)
- Pass Annotations to Operator PodTemplate #385 (the-redback)
- Mysql 8.0.14 Catalog Added #384 (the-redback)
- Fix: Missing rbac role for 'authorization.kubedb.com' api group #382 (the-redback)
- Update Snapshot docs to include
#381 (hossainemruz) - Postgres: Add Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR) doc #380 (hossainemruz)
- Update Monitoring doc #379 (hossainemruz)
- Prepare release 0.10.0 #378 (tamalsaha)
- Prepare 0.10.0 release #377 (tamalsaha)
- chart: Mongodb catalog updated #376 (the-redback)
- MongoDB Catalog updated #375 (the-redback)
- Support KubeDB operator monitoring #374 (hossainemruz)
- Rename --analytics flag to --enable-analytics #373 (tamalsaha)
- Add go ini pkg to forced dep list #372 (tamalsaha)
- Redis 5.0.3, 5.0 Catalog added #371 (the-redback)
- user -> username in the mysql secret and references to it #370 (mauritsvdvijgh)
- Catalog for postgres 10.6 and 11.1 #369 (the-redback)
- Use reasonable storage size (1Gi) in User Guide #368 (the-redback)
- Kubedb operator upgrade manual for postgres #367 (the-redback)
- Update catalog to support Elasticsearch 6.5.3 #366 (hossainemruz)
- Docs typo fix #365 (mauritsvdvijgh)
0.9.0 (2018-12-17)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare docs for 0.9.0 release #364 (tamalsaha)
- Use git reset in release script. #363 (tamalsaha)
- Prepare 0.9.0 release #362 (tamalsaha)
- Revendor dependencies #361 (tamalsaha)
- Add delete list for revendor.py #360 (tamalsaha)
- Upgraded DB-Tools versions #359 (the-redback)
0.9.0-rc.2 (2018-12-06)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare docs for 0.9.0-rc.2 release #358 (tamalsaha)
- Prepase for 0.9.0-rc.2 release #357 (tamalsaha)
- Prepare docs for 0.9.0 release #356 (tamalsaha)
- Use kutil/tool/cli to send analytics #355 (tamalsaha)
- Added appbinding in CRD list of deploy script #354 (the-redback)
0.9.0-rc.1 (2018-12-04)
Merged pull requests:
- Updated postgres catalogs #353 (the-redback)
- Prepare 0.9.0-rc.1 release #352 (tamalsaha)
- Prepare docs for 0.9.0-rc.1 release #351 (tamalsaha)
- Update dep list in hack/revendor.py #350 (tamalsaha)
- Add
prefix in connection url #349 (shudipta) - Details doc about label selector for monitoring #348 (the-redback)
- Removed leftover gitrepo from documentation #347 (the-redback)
- Fix metric paths in documentation #346 (the-redback)
- Fixed various doc issues #345 (the-redback)
- Fixed postgres docs spec.standbyMode references #344 (endrec)
- Fix table formatting #343 (tamalsaha)
- Elasticsearch: Remove -v1 suffix from exporter image #342 (hossainemruz)
- Use prometheus-operator v0.25.0 #341 (tamalsaha)
- Rename roadmap.md to status.md #340 (tamalsaha)
- Fix frontmatter #339 (tamalsaha)
0.9.0-rc.0 (2018-10-15)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix chart template #338 (tamalsaha)
- Prepare docs for 0.9.0-rc.0 release #337 (tamalsaha)
- Cleanup postgres and elasticsearch docs #336 (tamalsaha)
- Update chart and installer for webhook xray #335 (tamalsaha)
- Update kubernetes client libraries to 1.12.0 #334 (tamalsaha)
- Update dependencies to kubernetes 1.12.0 #333 (tamalsaha)
- Fix addition expression on installer script #332 (the-redback)
- Updated Snapshot concept for 0.9.0 #331 (the-redback)
- Updated Memcached docs for 0.9.0 #330 (the-redback)
- Add appdatalog to forced dep list #329 (tamalsaha)
- Add Support for Elasticsearch 6.4 #328 (hossainemruz)
- Add RBAC permission for appcatalog #327 (tamalsaha)
- Add validation webhook for Namespace deletion #326 (tamalsaha)
- Support LogLevel in chart #325 (tamalsaha)
- Added missing chart of mysql:8-v1 catalog #324 (the-redback)
- Update dep list #323 (tamalsaha)
- Fix small typo in docs/README.md #322 (CemalUnal)
- Updated Redis doc for 0.9.0 #321 (the-redback)
- Format user roles #320 (tamalsaha)
- Always use json syntax for verbs in installers #319 (tamalsaha)
- Start next dev cycle #317 (tamalsaha)
- Updated MySQL doc for 0.9.0 #310 (the-redback)
- MongoDB docs updated for 0.9.0 #304 (the-redback)
- Update docs for release 0.9.0 (Elasticsearch) #303 (hossainemruz)
- Update docs for release 0.9.0 (Postgres) #280 (hossainemruz)
0.9.0-beta.1 (2018-09-30)
Merged pull requests:
- Update kubedb-catalog chart installation instructions #318 (tamalsaha)
- Prepare docs for 0.9.0-beta.1 release #316 (tamalsaha)
- Revendor api #315 (tamalsaha)
- Prepare release script for 0.9.0-beta.1 #314 (tamalsaha)
- Enable webhooks by default in chart #313 (tamalsaha)
- Add
kubedb api-resources
command #312 (tamalsaha) - Fix purging of DBVersions #311 (the-redback)
- Simplify operator cluster role #309 (tamalsaha)
- Add rbac permissions for catalog.kubedb.com #308 (the-redback)
- Update installer for catalog apigroup #307 (tamalsaha)
- Add values for cleaner image in chart #306 (tamalsaha)
- Revendor api for catalog apigroup #305 (tamalsaha)
- Update changelog #302 (tamalsaha)
- Update onessl version #301 (tamalsaha)
- Update helm installer instructions #300 (tamalsaha)
- Update helm installer steps #299 (tamalsaha)
- Update installer docs #298 (tamalsaha)
0.9.0-beta.0 (2018-09-20)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix error when nothing is patched #294 (tamalsaha)
- Only waity for pods in operator namespace during purging #293 (tamalsaha)
- Fixed variable expression of 'KUBEDB_CATALOG' #260 (the-redback)
- Set namespace only for DB crds in --purge #258 (the-redback)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare docs for 0.9.0-beta.0 release #297 (tamalsaha)
- Updated database versions of example CRDs to non-deprecated #296 (the-redback)
- Release 0.9.0-beta.0 #295 (tamalsaha)
- Add clusterrole for 'pod/exec' #292 (shudipta)
- Use suffix for updated DBImage #291 (the-redback)
- Revendor k8s.io/kubernetes #290 (tamalsaha)
- Update vendor list #289 (tamalsaha)
- Revendor kubernetes-1.11.3 #288 (tamalsaha)
- Automate updating dependency to kubernetes-1.11.3 #287 (tamalsaha)
- Support pod annotations in chart #286 (tamalsaha)
- Set serviceAccount for clearner job #285 (tamalsaha)
- Fixed typos #284 (endrec)
- Revendor api #283 (tamalsaha)
- Cleanup webhooks when chart is deleted #282 (tamalsaha)
- Use IntHash as status.observedGeneration #281 (tamalsaha)
- Added etcd catalog installation line on kubedb.sh #279 (the-redback)
- use officially suggested exporter image #278 (the-redback)
- Use pgadmin4:latest #277 (tamalsaha)
- Update kubedb-catalog for Elasticsearch & Postgres #276 (hossainemruz)
- Support separate image instead operator for mongodb exporter #275 (the-redback)
- Add
describe etcd
command #274 (tamalsaha) - Print StorageType #273 (tamalsaha)
- Print labels and annotations in describe commands #272 (tamalsaha)
- Rename kubedb_describer file #271 (tamalsaha)
- Updated memcached catalog for exporter #270 (the-redback)
- Updated mysql catalog for exporter #269 (the-redback)
- Added Spec.version field on DBVersion CRDs #268 (the-redback)
- Etcd catalog file added #267 (sanjid133)
- Improve Helm chart options #266 (tamalsaha)
- Add documentation explaining how to use Kibana and x-pack monitoring with KubeDB Elasticsearch #265 (hossainemruz)
- Set vendored github.com/json-iterator/go version to 1.1.5 #264 (tamalsaha)
- Support adding new dependencing via revendor.py script #263 (tamalsaha)
- Add revendor script #262 (tamalsaha)
- Fix spelling #261 (tamalsaha)
- Added DBVersions default objects && Removed '--docker-registry' and '--exporter-tag' from operator flags #259 (the-redback)
- Backup and delete DBversions in --purge flag #257 (the-redback)
- Add kubedb catalog #256 (annymsMthd)
- Update pgadmin to official image #254 (tamalsaha)
- Add Mongodb replicaset doc #253 (the-redback)
- Removed
In RBAC \*not\* enabled cluster
section from monitoring docs #252 (the-redback) - Add throughput graph #251 (tamalsaha)
- Don't register mutating webhooks for DELETE op #250 (tamalsaha)
- Add ConfigMap lists in Rbac #249 (the-redback)
- Deploy in kube-system namespace using Helm #248 (tamalsaha)
- Update client-go to v8.0.0 #247 (tamalsaha)
- Enable status subresource for crds #246 (tamalsaha)
- Format shell script #245 (tamalsaha)
- Support custom configuration file #244 (hossainemruz)
- Fix chart admission webhook configuration. #243 (tamalsaha)
- Add etcd webhooks to installer #242 (sanjid133)
- Use liveness probe #241 (the-redback)
- Support ENV variables in CRDs #240 (hossainemruz)
- Upgrade pg admin #239 (LinAnt)
0.8.0 (2018-06-12)
Merged pull requests:
- Update db support info #238 (tamalsaha)
- Updated doc #237 (the-redback)
- Prepare docs for 0.8.0 release #236 (tamalsaha)
- Prepare release script for 0.8.0 release #235 (tamalsaha)
- Add togglable tabs for Installation: Script & Helm #234 (sajibcse68)
- Removed left over documents of deprecated flag '--force' #233 (the-redback)
- Fix chart: Use resource 100m CPU to run operator pod #232 (the-redback)
- Use resource 100m to run operator pod #231 (the-redback)
- Improve installer #230 (tamalsaha)
- Add changelog #229 (tamalsaha)
0.8.0-rc.0 (2018-05-28)
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
- Fix page urls #228 (tamalsaha)
- Fix release script #227 (tamalsaha)
- Fix hugo menu #226 (tamalsaha)
- Prepare 8.0.0-rc.0 #225 (tamalsaha)
- Fix parent identifier of CLI docs #224 (the-redback)
- Improve installer #223 (tamalsaha)
- Clarify that user has to install bpth operator and cli #222 (tamalsaha)
- Set readiness probe timeout to 5 seconds #221 (the-redback)
- Added plugin for Cloud Providers Auth #220 (the-redback)
- Support Custom Operator TAG for db-operators #219 (the-redback)
- add documentation for separated storage #218 (aerokite)
- Update Installer script to support dynamic operator && Skip validation while creating an CRD object #217 (the-redback)
- Updated Docs #216 (the-redback)
- Update client-go to 7.0.0 #215 (tamalsaha)
- Delete kubedb objects after deleting operator. #214 (tamalsaha)
- Fix pluralization #213 (tamalsaha)
- Improve installer #212 (tamalsaha)
- Add RBAC instructions for GKE cluster #210 (tamalsaha)
- Update chart repository location #209 (tamalsaha)
- Support installing from local installer scripts #208 (tamalsaha)
- Fix install script for minikube 0.24.x (Kube 1.8.0) #207 (tamalsaha)
- Skip downloading onessl if already exists #206 (tamalsaha)
- Reorg objects deleted in uninstall command #205 (tamalsaha)
- Add travis yaml #204 (tahsinrahman)
- Add --purge flag #200 (tamalsaha)
- Make it clear that installer is a single command #199 (tamalsaha)
- Fix installer #198 (tamalsaha)
- Update chart to match RBAC best practices for charts #197 (tamalsaha)
- Add checks to installer script #196 (tamalsaha)
- Remove '--force' flag from CLI #195 (the-redback)
- Added separate CLI docs for Each Individual DBs #194 (the-redback)
- Cleanup list #193 (aerokite)
- Fixed certificate Secret description #192 (aerokite)
- Elasticsearch doesn't initialize from script #191 (aerokite)
0.8.0-beta.2 (2018-02-28)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix admission webhook flag #190 (tamalsaha)
- Fix chart #189 (tamalsaha)
- Fix supported version #188 (aerokite)
- Fix monitor links #187 (tamalsaha)
- Fix next step links #186 (tamalsaha)
- Fix doc links #185 (tamalsaha)
- Fix installer scripts #184 (tamalsaha)
- Prepare docs for 0.8.0-beta.2 #183 (tamalsaha)
- Prepare release version 0.8.0-beta.2 #182 (tamalsaha)
- Add OWNERS file to charts #181 (tamalsaha)
- Various fixes #180 (tamalsaha)
- List of external tools dependency #179 (aerokite)
- Remove InitFlags #178 (tamalsaha)
- update validation call #177 (aerokite)
- Change service documentation #176 (aerokite)
- Use updated apiserver info #175 (tamalsaha)
- Fix pointer and validation #174 (aerokite)
- Added rbac configuration in installer doc #173 (the-redback)
- Update Elasticsearch documentation #172 (aerokite)
- Simplify user role definitions #171 (tamalsaha)
- Create user facing aggregate role #170 (tamalsaha)
- Use official code generator scripts #169 (tamalsaha)
- Fix pluralization of Elasticsearch #168 (tamalsaha)
- Fix Monitoring Port in kubedb describer #167 (the-redback)
- Use separate urls for each type of KubeDB resource #166 (tamalsaha)
- Add installer script #165 (tamalsaha)
- Improve KubeDB Memcached Documentation #164 (the-redback)
- Improve redis docs #162 (the-redback)
- Improve Mysql docs #161 (the-redback)
- Update Postgres documentation #160 (aerokite)
- Improve structure of MongoDB User Guide #159 (the-redback)
- Added show-secret in Describer for mysql and mongodb #158 (the-redback)
- Update RBAC for Job watcher #157 (aerokite)
0.8.0-beta.1 (2018-01-29)
Merged pull requests:
- Compress binaries #156 (tamalsaha)
- Update release script for 0.8.0-beta.1 #155 (tamalsaha)
- Update dependencies to client-go 6.0.0 #154 (aerokite)
- Modify RBAC Role for kubedb-operator #152 (aerokite)
0.8.0-beta.0 (2018-01-07)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix docs #150 (tamalsaha)
- Use release script in cli #149 (tamalsaha)
- Fix release script #148 (tamalsaha)
- Reorganize files & write front matter #147 (sajibcse68)
- Mount imagePullSecret in operator #146 (aerokite)
- Add --all flag for deletes in cli #145 (the-redback)
- remove operator image registry from name #144 (aerokite)
- Add --force delete flag to delete kubedb CRD objects #143 (the-redback)
- Revendor individual operators #142 (tamalsaha)
- Revert back 0.7.1 in readme file #141 (tamalsaha)
- Update docs for 0.8.0 version #140 (aerokite)
- Revendor #139 (tamalsaha)
- Fix RBAC for CRD and analytics #138 (tamalsaha)
- Set ClientID for analytics #137 (tamalsaha)
- Added more details #136 (aerokite)
- Add New DB documents #135 (the-redback)
- Update pkg paths to kubedb org #133 (tamalsaha)
- Add kubedb/memcached to CLI #132 (the-redback)
- Fix aliases, modify menu-name, change left_name -> menu_name #130 (sajibcse68)
- Add kubedb/mongodb to cli #129 (the-redback)
- Add kubedb/mysql to cli #128 (the-redback)
- Add front matter for docs v0.7.1 #127 (sajibcse68)
- Add front matter for cli #125 (tamalsaha)
- Use prometheus tools from appscode/kutil #124 (tamalsaha)
- Add quotes to jsonpath in elasticsearch tutorial #123 (mynameiswhm)
- Add missing
apiVersion: v1
for service definition #122 (tamalsaha) - Use client-go 5.x #121 (tamalsaha)
- Modify switch case to sync with apiVersion #115 (aerokite)
0.7.1 (2017-10-04)
0.7.0 (2017-09-26)
Merged pull requests:
- Update TPR tp CRD in docs #116 (tamalsaha)
- Support CRD #114 (aerokite)
- Remove <invalid> option #112 (aerokite)
- Add DCO #111 (tamalsaha)
- Highlight pgadmin username & password #110 (tamalsaha)
0.6.0 (2017-07-24)
Merged pull requests:
0.5.0 (2017-07-19)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix concept docs. #105 (tamalsaha)
- fix jsonpath typo #104 (diptadas)
- Cross link docs #102 (tamalsaha)
- Reorganize user guide #98 (tamalsaha)
- Add tutorials #88 (tamalsaha)
0.4.0 (2017-07-18)
Merged pull requests:
- Print messages for RBAC objects created / updated #92 (tamalsaha)
- Apply app=kubedb labels to RBAC objects #97 (tamalsaha)
- Add storageclasses GET permission for kubedb-operator #96 (tamalsaha)
- Fix RBAC roles for kubedb-operator #95 (tamalsaha)
- Add validation for delete command #94 (aerokite)
- Prepare docs for 0.4.0 release. #93 (tamalsaha)
0.3.1 (2017-07-17)
0.3.0 (2017-07-08)
Merged pull requests:
- Add ./hack/release.py script #86 (tamalsaha)
- Use VerbAll for KubeDB tprs #85 (tamalsaha)
- Revendor apimachinery #84 (tamalsaha)
- Document how to use swift #82 (tamalsaha)
- Fix build #81 (tamalsaha)
- Part 3 - User Guide #80 (tamalsaha)
- Part 2 - User Guide #79 (tamalsaha)
- Change KubeDB labels #78 (tamalsaha)
- Fixed a typo in monitor docs #73 (farcaller)
- Part 1 - User Guide #77 (tamalsaha)
- Create RBAC roles during installation #76 (tamalsaha)
- Update tag line #75 (tamalsaha)
- Support non-default service account to install operator #72 (tamalsaha)
0.2.0 (2017-06-23)
Merged pull requests:
- Add validation #69 (aerokite)
- Regenrate cli docs #68 (tamalsaha)
- Various changes to summary report commands. #66 (tamalsaha)
- Generate summary report & compare #65 (aerokite)
- use correct ObjectReference #62 (aerokite)
- Change operator namespace to kube-system #63 (tamalsaha)
- Use client-go #61 (tamalsaha)
0.1.0 (2017-06-14)
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
- Change api versionto v1alpha1 #60 (tamalsaha)
- Show Kind & DB name in snapshot list #58 (aerokite)
- Add User Guide #53 (aerokite)
- Use built-in exporter #52 (tamalsaha)
- Check conditional Precondition #51 (aerokite)
- Add analytics for cli #49 (tamalsaha)
- init command creates kubedb-operator service #48 (aerokite)
- Integrate prometheus monitoring #46 (aerokite)
- Use group name with thirdpartyresource #42 (aerokite)
- Move main file to root folder #40 (tamalsaha)
- Show snapshot list in dormantdatabase description #33 (aerokite)
- Fix go report card issues #32 (tamalsaha)
- Rename DeletedDatabase to DormantDatabase #31 (tamalsaha)
- Use ResourceCode #23 (aerokite)
- Remove describing DatabaseSecret #20 (aerokite)
- Delete Docker files #19 (tamalsaha)
- Delete elastic discovery #18 (tamalsaha)
- Implement "kubedb describe" #17 (aerokite)
- Implement "kubedb delete" #15 (aerokite)
- Implement "kubedb create" #13 (aerokite)
- Implement "kubedb get" #12 (aerokite)
- Add elastic_discovery #6 (tamalsaha)
- Release database docker files. #5 (tamalsaha)
- Release database docker files. #4 (tamalsaha)
- Add ./hack/gendocs/make.sh command generate docs. #57 (tamalsaha)
- Support passing namespace with kubedb commands #45 (aerokite)
- Implement "kubedb init" #35 (aerokite)
- Implement "kubedb edit" #34 (aerokite)
- Fix nil pointer panic #26 (aerokite)
- Remove delete --all option #25 (aerokite)
- Rename DatabaseSnapshot to Snapshot #24 (tamalsaha)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator