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Cities:Skylines Mods for Epic users

Some mod developer publish GitHub Repo but don't have any GitHub Releases. Now that Steam Workshop Downloader is dead, you have to build by yourself which is not very easy.

So this repo have some compiled results. They are basically latest version as of 7 Jan 2024, and has not been updated since then. Version 1.18.1-f3, which was released on 24 Oct 2024, is likely to be the final version of Cities: Skylines 1 and all Mods builder seems to have moved to CS:2. Therefore, even though the compiled results have not been updated since then, it is highly likely that they will still work without any issues even today.

I don't play Cities:Skylines often, so I don't maintain this repository much.

Other docs

Mods Directory: %LocalAppData%\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Mods


Mod of Cities:Skylines is basically just a .NET library. There's no sandbox (I think) and they have various risks. I do believe that these repositories published on GitHub contain no malicious code, but you have to use them at your own risk. And I don't know about binaries in other repositories.

Anyway, I guarantee I've not done anything malicious. I just got it, edited it to get the build to pass, built it and pulished it here. Also, all Mods listed below have been tried by me at least once.


Mods with compiled binaries by original developers

Name Repo Where Note
Fine Road Anarchy GitHub FineRoadAnarchy/_requiredDLLs Use Network Anarchy instead.
Hide it, Bobby! GitHub Releases Broken. Use "Hide it!" instead.
Yet Another Toolbar GitHub Releases
UnifiedUI GitHub Releases
Upgrade Untouchable: Convert stations GitHub _requiredDLLs Folder does not exist in latest commit.
Intersection Marking Tool GitHub Releases
Network Multitool GitHub Releases
Node Controller Renewal GitHub Releases
Fine Road Tool GitHub libs Use Network Anarchy instead.
Harmony GitHub Releases You need it to run the others!
TM:PE GitHub Releases
Building Spawn Points GitHub Releases
Automatic Pedestrian Bridge Builder GitHub Releases
Hide TMPE crosswalks GitHub Releases
Picker GitHub Releases
Move It GitHub Releases
Transport Lines Manager GitHub _requiredDLLs 1 Archived.
Network Anarchy GitHub Releases

Mods with compiled binaries here

I compiled so you don't have to. Do it yourself if the date isn't close. "Build note" is not actively maintained now.

Name Repo License Build note Binary Binary version
Improved Public Transport 22 GitHub Not specified 3456789 Release v6.0.0-preview5 (d3476d0) on 17 Feb 2022
Zoning Adjuster GitHub MIT 3456101112 Release v1.6.2 (923fc0f) on May 23, 2023
Extra Landscaping Tools2 GitHub 13 GPL-3.0 345789 Release 91ad84a on 25 Jan 2022
Daylight Classic GitHub GPL-3.0 34579 Release v1.12.2 (775042d) on 8 May 2021
81 Tiles2 GitHub 14 GPL-3.0 3456 Release cbc08e8 on 26 Jan 2022
City Vitals Watch GitHub BSD-3-Clause 345 Release a059a13 on 1 Nov 2015
Precision Engineering GitHub MIT? 3 Release 7d75828 on 20 Oct 2021
Network Extensions 2 GitHub 15 Not specified 34161718 Release 71a11b2 on 16 Sep 2022
81 Tiles 2 GitHub MIT 3511 Release v1.0.3 (139a1e0) on Nov 14, 2023
Loading Screen Mod Revisited GitHub Not specified 319 Release v1.1.10 (113d72c) on Dec 15, 2024
Airport Roads GitHub GPL-2.0 345 Release b2fca31 on 29 May 2018
Improved Transport Manager GitHub Not specified - Release 4419774 on 4 Feb 2023
Move It GitHub MIT Temporary20 Release v2.10.1(0f4724f) on 18 March 2023
RON, the network replacer GitHub MIT Release v1.1.1 (7d5c721) on Sep 21, 2023
Font Selector? GitHub Apache License 2.0 2122 Release 4cd8c58 on 24 July 2017
Empty It! GitHub MIT Release v1.6 (a2fbb71) on May 23, 2023

Mods with compiled binaries by someone else

Binaries compiled by someone other than the original developer like this here. Currently there's nothing. I'll add link when it is mentioned in Issues or Pull Requests.

Name Original Repo License Compiled by Link Note
- - - - -


  1. Dlls are managed by Git LFS. You can't download as ZIP.

  2. Incompatible with v1.15.0-f7? See Compatibility Issues of 1.15.0-f7. 2 3

  3. You have to add references. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

  4. You should delete PostBuildEvent (and sometimes PreBuildEvent) to build successfully. Or update it to match your environment, in that case theres no need for 91112. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  5. Do not copy files that overlap with "CitiesSkylines/Cities_Data/Managed" folder. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  6. You should not copy "CitiesHarmony.Harmony.dll" and "CitiesHarmony.Harmony.xml" but do copy "CitiesHarmony.API.dll". You also have to add CitiesHarmony mod if you haven't. 2 3

  7. This repo use OptionsFramework with Git submodule. If you download a zip file, you also have to download OptionsFramework and put it in the directory (in the way directory name matches). 2 3

  8. This repo use RedirectionFramework with Git submodule. If you download a zip file, you also have to download RedirectionFramework and put it in the directory. 2

  9. You have to copy "Locale" folder manually. 2 3 4

  10. This mod can be used with other mod named "UnifiedUI (UUI)".

  11. You have to copy "Translations" folder manually. 2 3

  12. You have to copy "Resources" folder manually. 2

  13. Name of the mod is "Extra Landscaping Tools" but project name is "NaturalResourcesBrush". Never mind.

  14. Name of the mod is "81 Tiles" but repo name is "cities-skylines-unlimiter-1", and "EightyOne.csproj". I will not repeat this further.

  15. Files in "CitiesSkylines/Cities_Data/Managed" folder like ICities.dll and ColossalManaged.dll are in the repository. No comment.

  16. Move all *.crp in sub directories to the mod directory (NetworkExtensions2). forfiles /P "bin/Release" /S /M *.CRP /C "cmd /c move @file \"bin/Release\""

  17. Mod folder must be "NetworkExtensions2" and nothing else. Maybe it should be in %LOCALAPPDATA%/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines/Addons/Mods not in %programfiles%\Epic Games\CitiesSkylines\Files\Mods. Read this.

  18. The size of the repository is big. Don't forget to delete the directory and zip files after the build if it matters.

  19. The compiled binaries are in your mods folder under AppData/Local.

  20. Latest release was not yet in GitHub Release as of March 23, 2023. Download from the original repository if there's latest one. Now March 23, 2023 there's latest release.

  21. The link to GitHub is not in Steam page and the name of the author is different. I don't think they are same.

  22. 81 Tiles 2 is incompatible with this mod. (source)