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Porting scripts to KVIrc 4

wodim edited this page Apr 10, 2018 · 2 revisions

Porting scripts to Kvirc4

This is a quick list of things you should take care of when porting kvs scripts from kvirc3 to kvirc4:

List of function names that have changed:

Old Name New Name Applies to
$setCaption $setWindowTitle widget class
$setIcon $setwindowIcon widget class
$setColStretch $setColumnStretch layout class
$setDisplayStr $displayStr lcd class
$setDisplayInt $displayInt lcd class
$setDisplayDouble $displayDouble lcd class
$setLayoutOrientation $setOrientation groupbox class
$base64ToText $base64ToAscii

Other important changes

  • The widget class does not need anymore the "Customize" flag in $setWFlags()

  • The $time() function has been removed in favour of $date: echo $date("F T",$unixtime)

  • objects.bitBlt has been removed. If you want to paint on a widget, you must do it in its paintEvent using a painter.

  • in $str.replace the order of the 2nd and 3rd parameter has been inverted: old format: $str.replace(text, replace, search) new format: $str.replace(text, search, replace)

    This can create some bad problem with old scripts trying to trim a string using: `echo $str.replace(" the string ", "", " "); In the worst case, this will create an endless loop.

  • Functions with nocase() in the end have been removed. Check their counterpart removing nocase part. Eg: $str.containsnocase("string","test") will be $str.contains("string","test",true)